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lJ� I�. <br /> ��E�E� �]�C��� I�T�. � � <br /> 18129-The Auguetine Co., County 3uppHea, C}tand Ialand, Nebr. <br /> Public, duly commigsioned and qualified for, and residing in said county, personally came <br /> Walter A.Knicely, known to me to be �he duly appoin�ed, qualified and acting executor of the <br /> last will and testament of Samuel L.Rife, deceased, and acknowleaged the aigning of the foregoing <br /> deed to be his voluntary act and deed, and his voluntary act and deed as such executor. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Sea1 the day and year last above written. <br /> ; - . F.L..Youngblood <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Publie <br /> My commission expires Dec. 11 i946 � <br /> Filed f'or record this 2� day of July, 1941, at 9:00 o ' clock A.M. �/����-�C <br /> Regi'ster of ee s <br /> 0-0-p_0-0-fl-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_p_0-0-0-0-0-:,-t�-0-�"�-0-0-0_0_0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> � <br /> DEED � <br /> KIVOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> WHE��EAS, Samuel L.Rife, departed this lif'e on tYle lOth day of July, 193�, a resident of Adams <br /> ' County, Nebraska; that said deceased left an instrument which was afterward.s probated as his <br /> lagt will and testament; that on the 25th day of August, 193�, the undersigned, Walter A.Knieely, <br /> � was appointed executor of said will and estate, ana has been acting in that capacity since; that <br /> at trie tirne of his death said deceased was possessed of a note dated September l, 1930, due <br /> � September l, 19�0, with interes� at Pive percent per annum, signed by William P.�ullen, and <br /> secured by a mortgage or� the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E�NE4) of SectioM 10, and the <br /> �orthwest Quarter of the Northwest Quaxter (NW�NW�) and the North 40 Acrea of Lot 1, on Mainland <br /> of Section 11, Township 9, North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall County, �ebraska; tha.t <br /> af'�erwards this court made and entered an order accept3n� a deed from said William P.Mullen and <br /> others - interested in said property in the extinguishment and satisfaetion of said debt, and there- <br /> upon said Willia.m P.Mullen deed�d said land to the undersigned executor, and the same is r�ow oP <br /> record in his name; that on the 9th day of July, 19�-1, this court mad� and entered an order author- <br /> iZing the undersi�ned, as executor, to sell and con�Jey the same to A. S. Illingwort'ri, for the sum qP <br /> � �4000.00. <br /> N�W, THEREFORE, I, the executor of the will and estate of Samuel L.Aife, deceased, in conside�±- <br /> ation of the premises and the sum of �4,000.00 to me in hand paid k�y A.S.Illingworth, the reeeipt <br /> whereof is hereby confessed and acknoialedged, and by virtue of and in execution of the powers and <br /> authority to me given, I hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said A. S. Illingworth all <br /> of the following tract and pareel of land situat�, lying and being in the County of Hall, State <br /> of Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br /> ' The East Ha,lf of the Northeast Qr�arte� {E�NE4) of 8ection 10, and the Northwest Quarter <br /> of the Northwest Quarter (NW� NW�) and the North 40 Aeres oP Lot I on Mainland, of Sec�ion <br /> 11, Township 9, North, Ra.nge 1�, West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> TO HAVE AND �'0 HOLD the same with all the appurtenances and hereditamen�s thereunto belonging, <br /> unto the said A. S.Zllingworth, and to his heirs and assign5 forever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the sa�ic� "�alter A.Knicely, a�s executor of the will and estate of <br /> Samuel L.Rife, deceased, have set my ha.nd this lOth da.y of July, 19�-1. <br /> Walter A.Knicely <br /> ( . 0 . . tamps ) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this l0th day of July, 19�+1, before me, the undersigned, a <br /> � <br /> ) ss. <br /> ADAMS COUNTY ) Notary Public,, duly commissioned a.nd Quali$�ed for, and residing in <br /> said county, personally came Walter A.Knicely, known to me to be the duly appointed, qualified at�d <br /> acting executor of the last will �nd testament of Samuel L.P.ife, deceased, and acknowledged the ' <br /> signing of the foregoing deed to be his voluntary act and deed, and his voluntary act and deed <br /> as such executor. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. ' <br /> - F. L.Youngblood , <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires : Dec. 11-1946 �]} ', <br /> � ��=�.�d v� _ _ <br /> Filed for record this 2�th d�y oP Ju1y, 19��-1, at 9:Q0 o 'elock A.M. -�-�-� ; <br /> Register of Dee .�s ,� <br /> � <br /> : <br /> � __ _ � <br />