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�`�� <br /> �)E�� ]t��EC��� 1��. � 1 <br />� 15128—The Auguatine Co., County Suppliea, (3rand Island, Nebr. ,_ � <br /> �QUTT CLAIM DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN �Y THESE PRE�ENTS: <br /> THAT �tilliam McKinley Boquette, unmarried; Florence Wendt, unmarried; Frances Benton, unmarried; <br /> B�.rdie Bell Roush and David F.Rousn, w�.fe and husban<1; Violet Braun and �. T. Braun, wife and husband, <br /> in consideration of tne s��m of Division of estate between heirs, to me i�n hand paid by� Ishmael <br /> W, Boquette oP Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska, do hereby QUIT CLAIM and convey unto the said <br /> Ishmael W.Boquette the fol�owing descrihed premises, situated in the county of Hall, and State of <br /> N�bras'�a, to-wit: East one-third (E 1/3) of Lot two �2) , Block sixty-eight (6�) , Original Town, <br /> now City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> �igned �his 26th d�.y of March, 19�-1. <br /> WTTNESSES TO SIGNAmURE OF Fl�ANCEB Vio1e� Braun <br /> HENT0�1; VIOLET BRAUN Al�1D S. T.BRAtTN; � �. T.Braun <br /> S�ILLI.AM McKI�1LEY BOQUETTE; Franc�s Henton <br /> Harry K.Aeterson william McKinley Boquette <br /> Raymond a.Peterson Florence �Jendt <br /> WSTi1ESSES TO ALL OT��ER SIGNATURES: � Birdie Bell Roush <br /> Lulu �2ahl David F.Roush <br /> �TATE OF 20WA ) On this 26th day of March, A.D. l��-1, before me, Dorothy Ann <br /> ) ss. <br /> POTIAWATTAMIE COUNTY ) Snethen, a no�ary public in and for Pottawattamie �ounty Iowa, per- <br /> sonally appeared Violet Braun and S.T.Braun, wife and husband, and Frances Benton, unmarried; <br /> William McKinley Hoquette, unmarried, to me known to be the persons named in and who ex�cuted <br /> the foregoin� instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same a,s their voluntary act <br /> and deed. ( SEAL) Dorothy Ann Sneth�n <br /> Notary Public in and for said County. <br /> My commission ex�ires on Jnly �-, 19�2. <br /> STATE OF NE�3RASKA ) On this 2� day of March, A.D. l���l, before me, Lulu Dahl, a notary . <br /> ) ss. <br /> HALL COUIVTY ) public in and for Hall �oun�Gy, Nebraska, persor�ally a��eared F�orence <br /> W�ndt, unmarried; B�.rdie Bell Roush and David F.Roush, wife and husband; to me known to be the <br /> persons named in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tnat they executed <br />� '�he same as their voluntary act and d�ed. <br /> Lu1u Dahl <br /> ( SEAL) l�ot�.ry Public in and for said <br /> , Cour�ty. <br /> My commission expires on August <br /> . 2�, 19�-5. <br /> Fryiled Por record this 25th d.ay of •July, 19�+1, at 3 t 15 0 � clock P. M. 0��� � <br /> e�gister of �eeds � <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-�-0-Q-0-C-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-��-0-�-Q-O-�-C-0-0-'"� <br /> '`�. UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> TNIS INDENTUKE,�dade this 2nd day oP July, in the year on� thoussnd nine hundred and Forty one:�. <br /> between Go7die Stahlnecker and �Ierle Sta�Z�eek+�r,her huaband;Opal 9ta.hlnecker and Devern Stahl- <br /> neeker,her husband;Earl 4rass and Greeta Grose,his wiPe;Ruby P�.akard and Harold Pickard,her hus- <br /> band;Homer Gross and Beasie Groas,his wiPe;Garnet Hroom and Joaeph Broom,hFr hueband. of the first <br /> vart,r�,nd Nettie Gross oP the second part, WITNESSETH, that the �said parties of the first part, in <br /> consideration of the sum oP One Dollar and other izaluable consideration to them duly paid,the <br /> recelpt whereof is hereby acknowledged we remised,released,and quit-claim,and by these presents do <br /> Por ourseZvee and our heirs, executors and adminietratore, remiee,release and Yorever quit-cla�im <br /> and convey unto the eaid party of th-e second �art,and to her heirs and assigns for���r,a,ll our <br /> right, title, intereat, est�,te claim and demand,both at law and in equity,oP, in and to all <br /> Lot Two ( 2) ,Block Nine {9) ,Boggs and Hills �lddition to the City of Grand I�lancl,Nebraska. <br /> To�ether with all and singular the heredi�a�ente thereunto belon�ing. <br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deecribed prPmiBes unto th� said Nettie Groes her heirs and asaigna; <br /> go that neither ourselves the said GrantorS, or any person ln our name and behalf, sha,ll or wiil <br /> hereaftPr claim or demand any right or title to the said premisea or any part thereoP,but they <br />