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��� <br /> ��E�� ��C�]L�D 1�T�. � 1 <br /> _ _ � <br />_ 18129—The Augustlne Co., County SuppHea, Grand Island, Nebr. � <br /> Quarter of said Section 1F; �hence southerly on the �est line of said West Half oP the Northwest <br /> ,Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 1312.� feet to the southwest corner of said West <br /> 'Half of the Northw�st Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; trr�nce easterly on the �outh line of said <br /> West I�al� of the Northwest Quarter of the Northw�st Quarter a distance of 40.� feet ; �henc� north- <br /> erly on a line !�-0 feet eas'Gerly from and �arallel to said �est line a distance oP 1312. 6 feet to a <br /> point on the North line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter oP the Northwest Quarter; thence <br /> westerly on said North line a distance of �O.�J feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.296 <br /> acres, more or 1ess, whicY� includes 1.000 acre, more or less, previously occupied as a public <br /> highway, the rer�aining 0.?_06 acre, more or less, being the additional aereage secured in this <br /> transaction. <br /> " and hereby covenant with the said THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, that I am lawfully seized of said <br /> premises; that 'they are free from incumbrance, that I have good and lawful authority to se7.l and <br /> convey the same, and I do hereby covenant to wa,rrant and defend tne said premises against the law- <br /> fu1 claims of all persons whomsoever, and the said --------- hereby relinquishes all ---- rights <br /> of every name and kind in and to the premises hereinbefore conveyed. <br /> Signed thi5 lOth day of March, A.D. 1937. <br /> , In presence of�arl R. Culbertson ' <br /> H.F'.Peterson <br /> � THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this lOth day of March A.D. i937, before me, H.F.Peterson, a <br /> ) ss. <br /> ' LANCASTER COUNTY ) notary public in and for Lancaster County, State oP Nebraska, persor�- <br /> ;� a11y appeared Carl R.Culbertson, to me known to be the person named in and who executed the fore- <br /> going instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> ' (SEAL) H. F.1'eterson <br /> My commission expires August 26, 19�-2 Notary Public <br /> F'iled for record this 2�th day of July, 1941, a.t �� 30 0 ' �lock A.M. ���� <br /> ; egister of e ds <br /> 0-0-0-�-�'-0-!�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-�- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-• <br /> ' CERTIFICATE OF �WNERSHIP _� ►�'` <br /> The Grand IeJand City Cemetery <br /> CERTIFICATE OF OVJNERSHIP <br /> � No:�`�04 � <br /> � <br /> The City of Grand �sland,Nebra�ka,a municipal corporation, doea hereby certiPy that EVERETT E.HERNLIQV <br /> OF GRAND IBLAND,NEI3R.ASKA, is the owner of Lot No.75A, in Section SIX,Row ------,ae design.ated on th� <br /> r�ap as sectiona,rows and Iata of the Cemetery of said city,and known as the Grand I81and Cemetery, <br /> for which the eaid E�IERETT E.HERNDON has paid to the City of Gran d �eland the sum of $25.00, the <br /> ' r�ceipt whereof is hereby acknvwledged. <br /> In consideration oP the payment of said aum the said EVERETT E.HERNDON is entitled to,and ia <br /> � hereby granted, the perpetua7. use of �aid Iot or lota for the purpoaes of interriment only, sub,ject <br /> to the lawa of the 5tate of Nebraska,and such ordinances,rules and reguZations of' said city as <br /> ' may be now in force,or hereafter adoptec�relative to the regulation and govermment of said Cemeter�r. <br /> iS�nd �n consider�.tion of the Purther Sum of � VOID, the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowledged, the <br /> ' City of' q�rand Island a�;reea to provide perpetual care Por said lots, said perpetual care to be as <br /> defined by ordinance,rule or regulat3on now 3n Yorce and effect. <br /> ; �� <br /> IN �VITFIESB '�`HEREOF, the City of arand Is1 and,Nebraska,has caused its corporate aeal to be,�affixed, <br /> and this instrumen� eigned by its Mayor,and attested by the City Clerk,thia 19 da.y og July,1941. <br /> �CORP� - <br /> SEA,L Harry Grimmin�er <br /> b7ayor <br /> ' ATTE�T; F.S.V�hite <br /> City Clerk <br /> Filed fbr recard �Ghia 25 day ot' July,19�+1,at I0:30 o'clock A.�4. ��;L�� �� <br />� -�- �G� <br /> t r o <br /> egis e Y Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-�-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a- `- <br /> I <br />