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��� <br /> �]E��ID �$.�EC�g$� I��. � � <br /> 18128—The Auguetine Co., County 9uppliee, (3rand Island, Nebr. <br /> And the said THE �EDERAL LAND BANK OF OI�ZAHA hereby covenants with the said Leo J.DeBacker,his <br /> heirs and �,ssigna, that it ia lawfully seized oP said premises and that it hQe good right and Iaw- <br /> fuI authority to sell and convey the ear.►e. <br /> In i'VitnPSS WhereoP THE FEDERAL LADID BANK OF OI4'IAHA has cauaed these resents to b <br /> , p e executed by ite <br /> Vi¢e President and its corporate eeal to be a�fixed hereto this 2nd day oP JuIy,19�}1. <br /> Witne$s : ( CORP) THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA <br /> a�arie A.Antri� ( SEAL) By Frank O.Osborn <br /> Vice President <br /> 13.20 I.R.Stamps Attest Wayne E.9mith <br /> ( Cr�,ncelled ) Assistant 9eeretary <br /> Sta,te oP Plebraska ) <br /> �ss. On this 2nd day of JuIy,I.g�+l,before me,Marie A.Antrim,a Notary public <br /> County of Douglas ) <br /> in and for pouglas County,Nebraska,personally appeared Frank O.Osborn, <br /> to r,ze perBOnally known to be the pereon �vho executed the Poregoing inetrument,who br�ing by me <br /> duly sworn did say that he ig Vice Pre�ident of The Federal Land Bank of Omaha;that the s�a1 <br /> afPixed ta said instrument is thH corporate seal of The Federal Land Bank of Omaha;that said <br /> instrument was si�ned and sealed in behal�' of The Federal Land Bank of Omaha by authority oP ita <br /> Board oP Directora, and the said Frank O.Osborn acknowledged said inetrumont to be the free and <br /> voluntary act and dePd of said corporation by* it voluntariZy executed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEF?EOF,I have herPUnto set my hand and affixed my notaria�l seal the day and year last <br /> above written. <br /> (SEAL� NIarie A.Antrim <br /> My Commission Expires August 23,194�+. Notary Public in and �'or <br /> Douglaa County,Nebraera. <br /> F11ed f'or record this 2I day of July,1941,at � o'aloek P.M. <br /> ��e%G��� <br /> R�gister of Deede <br /> �,�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> �DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE P�ESENTS: <br /> That the County of Hall, State of Nebr��s'��a, by Glen �wan, Chairm�.n, Hall County Board of Super- <br /> visors, arld Richard A. Odum, Deputy C�unty Clerk, in consideration of t'r�e sum of Four hundred and <br /> seventy (��70.00) and no/100 DOLLARS, in hanc� �aid py the City of Grand Island, of Hall County, <br /> State of �ebraska, do nereby sell and convey unto the said City of Grand Island, the following <br /> described premises, situat�d in Hall County, State of l�ebraska, to-witt <br /> Lots seven (7) and nine (9) , Block Eleven (11) , Baker' s Adc�ition to tne City of Grand Island, <br /> together with al1 appurtenances thereunto belonging, a.nd the said Cou�ty of Hall, S�ate of Nebraska, <br /> hereby covenants that the said premises are free and clear fram all liens and encumbranees, and �he <br /> said County of Hall, State of Nebraska, covenants to warrant and defend the said premises agains'� <br /> any acts of said party of the f irst part. And t;he said County of H�.l�., �ta.te of Nebraska, hereby <br /> relinquishes a11 ri�ht, title and interest in and to the above described premises. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said County of Hall, State of Nebraska, has caused these presents to be <br /> Deputy <br /> signed by the Chairman oP the County Board of Supervisors, attested by its �ounty Clerk and its <br /> corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, this �" day of July, '19�1-1, pursuant to a resolution adopted <br /> '�y the Board of Supervisors in and for the County of Ha11, State of Nebraska. ' <br />„ � � COUNTY OF HALL, STATE OF' NEBRASKA <br /> (CORP) : ���� E, Swan <br /> ( SEAL) Chairman Board of upervisors <br /> A�Gtest: Richard �,:pdum <br /> e�puty Lounty lerk ' <br /> State af Nebr��ka ) <br /> ) ss. On this 9" day of July,A. D. �9�-1,bePore me, the undersigned, a P�ota.ry <br /> County of Hall ) <br />�' Publ.ic, duly commis�ioned a.nd qualified for and residing in said County, <br /> personally came Glen �wan, Chairman, County Board of Supervisors in and for Hall County, Nebr�a, : <br /> and Richard A.�dum, Deputy Coun�y C1erk,Hall Coun'�y, Nebraska, �Q me known to be. the identical persot�s <br />� <br /> � � <br />