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- <br /> ��� <br /> ���E� �.�C��� N�. � 1 <br />� <br /> 18128—The Auguetine Co., County 6uppHea, (3rand Island, Nebr. <br /> which report was dtzly examined by said Court, and said Cour'� being satisfied therewith, confirmed <br /> the same, and thereupon made an order and eaused the same to be entered, directing me a.s Referee <br /> to sell said premises on the following tern�, to-wit: At public sale as upon execution at the lyor�h <br /> and main door of the Caurt House in the City of Grand Tsland, Hall County, N�braska, the terms of <br /> sale to be fifteen percen'� cash and the balance upon confirmation. <br /> And in pursuance of said order T cau5ed a notice to be publish�d in �he Grand Island Zndependent, <br /> a legal newspaper printed, published and in general circulz�tion in Hall County, Nebragka, tha� I <br /> would offer said lands for sale at the North and main door of the Court House in tne city of <br /> Grand Island, Hall County, �iebraska, on the 11th day of June, 19�-1, at 2 0 � clock P.M, of said day,' <br /> and that at the tirne and place stated in said notice, and after said notice had b�en published <br /> for more than thirty days, I offered said lands, to-wit : The Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Seetion <br /> Three �3) in Township Eleven �11) North,Range Eleven (11) , Hall Gounty, Nebraska, for sale a� <br /> public auction and sold the same to Robert S.Wenger for the sum of ��j, 36o.�J�, he be�ng the <br /> highest bidder therefor. And a�'terwards, on the 15th day of July, 19�f�1, said Cour� approved and <br /> confirmed �aid sa.le, and by an order directed me as said Referee to execute to said Robert S. <br /> �enger, a deed conveying said lands to him in fee sirnple. <br /> Now, therefore, I, H.B. VanDecar, Re�eree, in consideration of the premises and the sum of' F'ive ' <br /> `�housand, Three Hundred Sixty Dollars ��5, 360.00) so �bid and p�id by said Robert S.Wenger, and <br /> by virtue of t�ie powers vested in me by law, do by these presents grant, sell and eonvey un�o the <br /> said Robert S.Wenger and to his heirs and assigns, the real estats deacribed as follows, to-wit: <br /> Northeast Quarter (NE�) of �ection '�hree �3) in '�ownship El�ven (Il) �orth, Range �leven �11� , <br /> west of' the bth P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> with all tne appurtenances thereunto belongin�, to h��ve and to holds ame unto him, the said <br /> Robert S.Wenger, ar.d to his heirs and assigns forever, reserving possession and the rights to the <br /> income and profits arising from tne use of said lands unto me, the said Referee, until February <br /> 2�, 19�-2 . <br /> IN WSTNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this 15th d�.y oP Suly, 1941. <br /> In Presence of: ( .05 I.R. Stamps H. B.VanDecar Re�'�ree <br /> Ign.Klima Jr. ( Cancelled ) <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA } On this l�jth da.y of July, 1941, before the undersigned, Notary Publie, <br /> ss. <br /> �IALLEY COUNTY ) of Valley County, Nebraska, personally appeared H. B. V�nDecar, Referee <br /> ` in tne case referred to in the Pore�oing deed, to m� personally known to be the identical person <br /> whose :name is subscribed to the fore�oing deed as grantor, and acknowledged the execution therenP <br /> to be his voluntary ac� and deed as said Refere� for the purposes �herein expressed. <br /> Witness my hand and official seal the day and yea.r last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Clyde L.Baker ' <br /> Notary Public, Valley �'ounty,, <br /> My commission expires Apr`�1 l , 1947 N�braska. <br /> Filed for record tnis 19th day of July, 1941, at 11 :30 o ' clock A.M. . �j <br /> ��J . <br /> egister oP eeds <br /> . <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fJ-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-ii-'J-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-C)- <br /> ;�WARAANTY DEED-��ESTTNG ENTIRF TITLE IN 8IIRVIVOR <br /> K NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE:3ENT3,That Othman A.Abbott,Jr. ,also of record ae O.A.Abbott,J"r.v�idower, <br /> in consideration oP One and 00/I00 and other valuable consideration DOLLARS in hand paid, do hereby <br /> g rant,bargain, aelZ, convey and conPirm unto Lorenzo G.and IVlarie Mentzer as JOINT TENAP1TS,and not <br /> a,s tenante in common; the Pollowing ciescribed real Pstate, aituate in the Caunty oP Hall and State <br /> o f Nebraska, to-wi�: Fractiona.7. Lot Eight (�) in Block Twenty-flve ( 25) oY Charles Wasmer 's Addition <br /> to the City of Grand Isl�nd,rlebraska,and in Wasmer 's Annex to lat Addition,and Fractiona.l Lot <br /> Eight (�) in Bloc� T�uenty-five ( 25) oP Wi.ese '8 Additian to the City of Grand Ieland,Nebraska, <br /> together with all the tenements,hereditaments,and appurtenances to the same belonging,and aZl <br /> the estate, title, do�ver,righ� oP homestead, claim or demand whatsoever oP the said grantor,oP, in <br /> � <br />