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���� <br /> ���E]C� �$�C��$� N�. � 1 <br /> 18129—The Auguatine Co., County Buppliea, Grand Island, Nebr. ' <br /> All of lot sixteen ( 16) , in block ten �10) , in th� original town of Cairo, �s shown by a recorded <br /> plat thereof. <br /> together with all the tenernents, hereditarnents, and ap�urtenances to the same belonging, and all <br /> the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim or dernand whatsoever oP the said grantors, of, <br />' in or to the same, or any part thereof; sub,ject �o a certain mortgage on record in Pavor oY the Home <br /> Owner' � Loan Corporation, Washington, D, C. , which the said Harry H. Schuett and Mayme�:M. Schuett hereby <br /> assume and agree to pay. <br /> IT BEING THE IAtTEPdTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, T�iE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL E5�'ATE DESCRTBED HEREIN SHALL VE$T IN THE SUF� <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE A:VD TO HOLD the above deacribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grant�es <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in eommon, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns <br /> of the survivor of thear, forever, and the grantors named herein for them and their heir�, exeeutors, <br /> and administrators, do covenant with the grant�es named herein and with their assigns, and wi�h the <br /> heirs and assi�ns �f the survivor of them, that they are lawfully seized of s�id premises; that they <br /> are Pree �'rom incumbranc� except as stated h�rein, and that they the said grantors have good right <br /> and lawful authority to sell the same, and that they will and for their heira, executors and admin-. <br /> istrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns <br /> and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, a.gainst the lawPul elaim� of all <br /> persans whomsoever, excluding the exeeptions named herein. � <br /> IN WITNEBS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand this 12th day of July, A.D. 1941. <br /> In presence of Millard �'.Thompson . <br /> W.E. Sorensen Gael M. Thompson <br /> S3'ATE �F NEBRASKA ) On this 12th day of Ju1y, �. D. i9�+1, bef�re rne, a Notary Public in and ' <br /> ) ss. <br /> CC'UNTY �F HALL ) for said County, personally came the above named Millard F.'�hompson and <br /> Gael M. Thompson, who are personally known to me to be �he identical persons whc�se names are affixed <br /> to the above instrument as gr�ntors, and they aeknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary aCt <br /> and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial ��a1 the date last aforesaid. <br /> ( SEAL) �. E. Sorensen <br /> My commission expires on the 20th day of July, A.D. 1943 Notary Public <br />, Filed f'or record this 16 day of July, 19�4-1, at �:20 0 ' clock A, M. � <br />, Re ister of � ds <br /> g ee <br /> o—o—c—o—c—o—o—o_c-c�_o_�—o—o—o—o_o—a.o—o—o_o—o—o—o—o—o_o—o—o—o—a—c_o—o—c—c—o—�—ao—o—c_o—o—c—o—c—o—o— <br /> �� WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL. MEN BY THESE PRESENTSt <br /> , <br /> THAT we, Burtcan A.Harris and Vesta D.Harris, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and <br /> as spouse of the other, of Denver County, and State of Colorado, in eonsideration of the exchange <br /> of properties and One Dollar in hand paid by Helen A. I7ixon,widow, of Denver County, State of <br /> Colorado, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Helen A. Dixon, <br /> widow, the following described premises, situated in the County of Hall and state of Nebraska, <br /> to-wit: <br /> Lot Three �3) in Block Eighty-three ��3) of the �riginal �'own, now City of Grand Island, <br /> sub,ject, however, to a mortgage indebtedness amounting to a balance of �3, �00.00, in favor <br /> of Home Federal Savings & Loan Assoc3.ation of Grand Island, which and the note <br /> secured thereby gra.ntee assumes and agrees to pay. <br /> Together with all the �enements, hereditaments and appurtenancea to the same belonging, and all <br /> the Estate, Right, Title, Inter�est, C7�a�.m or D�mand whatsoever; including Dower, Curtsey and <br /> Homestead Rights of the said Burton A. Harris and Vesta D.H�rris of, in, or to the same, or any <br /> Pt th re f. <br /> ar e o <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Helen <br /> A.Dixon, widow, and to her heirs and assigns forever. <br /> � <br />