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. <br /> ��� <br /> ]ID�E�E� �.�EC��� �T�. � � <br /> 15128—The Augustine Co., County SuppHes, Grand Island, Nebr. ' ` <br /> _. .._ , <br /> cutars and administrators, remise, release and �orever quit_claim and convey unto the said part- <br /> oP the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, al1 their right, title, interest, estate <br /> claim and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to aIl - <br /> Beginning at the North East �ox�ner of the South East Quarter of Section l, �'ownship 11 North oP <br /> Range 12 West of the 6th P.M. and extending 92 rvds Wsat, thence South 92 rods, thence East 92 <br /> rods, thenc� 92 rods to the place of beginning, said last described proper�y in Hall Count�, <br /> Nebraska, being sub�ject �o a mortgage of record. <br /> mogether with all and singular the hereditaments th�reunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HOLD the above described premises unto the said Horaee H. Corey an� his heir�s and <br /> and Margaret M. Corey <br /> assigns; so that neither Orvi11� D. Corey,,the said grantors, or any person in their name and b�half, <br /> shall or will hereafter claim or demand �.ny right or title to the said prernises or any part thereoP, <br /> but they and every one of them shall by '�he�e presents be excluded and Porever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the Pirst part have hereuntc� set their hand the day <br /> and year above writt�n. . tamps 'Orville D. Corey <br /> 2.?0 . <br /> signed, sealed and del�.vered in presence oP ( Caneelled ) Margar�t M. Corey <br /> C.Q. Miles <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 7th day of July A.D. 19�+1, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> ) ss. <br /> LAN�ASTER COUNTY � Public, duly commisaioned and qualiPied for and residing in said county, <br /> personally eame Orville D. Corey and �argaret M. Corey, husband and wife, to me known to be the iden- <br /> tical persons whose name- are affixed to the foregoing instrumsnt as grantors and acknowledged the <br /> same to be their voluntary act and deed. , <br /> wi�ness rny hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> Clarenee G.Miles <br /> (SEAL� Notary Publie <br /> My Cammiasion expires the 10 day of February 1946 <br /> Filed for record this 14th day of July, 1941, at �:30 o � clock A.M. �-���-d � <br /> egister of eeds <br /> ,0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-J-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-�- <br /> �ti <br /> �UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this �th d�.y of Jul�, in 'Ghe year one thousand nine hundred and Forty-One, <br /> between Horaee H. Corey, a widower, of the first part, and Margaret M.Corey, of the second par�, <br /> W2TNESSETH, that the said party of the Pirst part, in eonsideration oP the surn of One Dollar and <br /> love and afPec�lon ---DOLLARS, to him duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has <br /> remised, released, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does for himself, his heirs, execu�ors <br /> and �.dministrators, remise, release and forever quit-elaim and convey unto the said party of the <br /> second part, and to he� heirs and assigns forever, all his rign,t, title, interest, estate claim and <br /> demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to all <br /> The South East b�uarter of Section l, Township 11 I�orth of Range 12 West of the 6th P.M. in Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, subJect to a mortgage oP reeord thereon, reserving unto himselP, however, a liPe <br /> estate therein, this conveyance to inelude all interest in said Quarter Section, which he acquir�d. <br /> from his wife Hannah H. Corey, under the lawg of descent of the State oP Nebraska, and a11 interest <br /> which he acquired by a conveyanee from Qrville D.Cor�y and wife, and alI title which is vested ln ' <br /> him of record. <br /> , <br /> Together witl� �.11 and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premises unto the said Margaret M. Corey and her heirs <br /> and assigns; so that neither Horace H. Corey �he said grantor, or any person in his name and behalP, <br /> shall, or will hereaPter elaim or dernand any right or title to the said premise8 or any part thereot', <br /> but they and every one o�' thera shall by these presents be excluded and Porever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand the day 'and year <br /> abov� written. Hor�,ce H. Corey <br /> �i�gned, sealed and delivered in presence oP - <br /> C.G.Miles <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) �n this �th day of July A. D. 19�-1, before me, the undersigned, <br /> ) ss, <br /> LANCASTER COUNTY ) Clarenee a. Miles, a Notary Publie, duly e�mmissioned and qualified for <br /> and residing ir� said county, personally c ame Horace H. Corey, to me known to be the identical persoh <br /> whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowledged the same to be his <br />