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��� <br /> ��E)E� �1EC��� �T�. � 1 <br />� 18128—The Aaguatine Co., County Suppliee, 6rand Island, Nebr. , <br /> ;premises. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, th� above described premises with the appurtenancea, unto the said Grantee and <br /> unto his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, and we the Grantors herein do covenant with <br /> ' the said Grantee that we are lawfully siez�d of �h�' said premises and that we have good right and ' <br /> � <br /> lawful autnority to convey the same and that they are Pree from all encumbrance sxcept as stated <br /> herein and that �re wi11 and our heirs, ex�cutors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the <br /> ' same unto the Grant�e named herein a.nd unto his heirs, exeeutors, administratora or assigns, again�t <br /> � the lawful claims of all persons whomaoev�r, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> i2N WITNFSS WHERE�F, we have hereunto placed our hands and seals this lst day of March, i94i. <br /> ; <br /> I ' D.E.Magnuson as to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Virgil Rickard <br /> N <br /> R <br /> witnesa ( ettie ickard <br /> � ( James Ashton <br />� ``L. F.Hau� as to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Mayis Ashton <br /> ' witness Vera Rickard <br /> ( 1.10 I.R. tamps ) Lloyd L.Rlekard <br /> ( Cancelled ) Nellie Rickard <br /> Clifford Powers <br />� Gladys Powere <br /> Clyde Rickard <br /> i , STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this �th day of June, 1941, before me, a Notary Public in and for said <br /> ) ss. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) County, peraonally came the above named L1oyd Riekard and �ellie Rickard, <br />� ; his wife, Clifford Powers and Gladys Powers, his wiPe, and Clyde Rickard, single, wrro are personal�.y <br /> '� known to me to be the identical persons whose names app�ar attachsd to the �bove instrument as <br /> ' Grantors, and acknowledged the said lnstrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> ( SEAL) Max Miner <br /> ; My cammission �xpires Nov. 6, z943 Notaxy Public <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 29 day of March, 1941, bePore rne, a Notary Public in and for <br /> )�ss. <br /> COUNTY OF MERRICK ) the said County, personally came the above named Virgil Riekard and <br /> Nettie Rickar�d, Yai� wife, who are personally known to me to be the iden�ical persons whose names <br /> � appear attached to the above instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be their voluntary� <br /> " act and deed. D. �.Magnuson <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires Oct. 16, �9�+3• <br /> � � <br /> � � sTATE OF IOWA ) On this l9th d�y of March, 19�1, before me, a Notary Publie in a,nd for th� <br /> ) ss. <br /> COUNTY OF SCOTT ) said County, per�onally before me the above named Vera Aickard who i� <br /> � <br /> ; personally known to me to be the identical peraon whose name appears attached to the abone instrum�nt <br /> . as Grantor and acknowledged the instrument �o be her voluntary act and deed. • <br /> (SEAL) Mer1e F.Wel1a <br /> ; My commission expires duly 4 1942 Notary Publie <br /> ! �TATE OF NEBRASKA ) �n this 13 day of March 19�1, bePore me, a Notar� Public, in and for the� <br /> )ss. <br /> � COUNTY OF BUFFALO ) said County, personally came before me the above named James Ashtor� and ; <br /> ; <br /> Mavis Ashton, his wiPe, who are knawn to me per�onally to be the identical peraona whoee names <br /> ; appear attached to the above .instrument as Grantors, and �,eknowledged the :� �o be their volunta�y <br /> act and deed. L. F.Haug ' <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> iMy commission expires May 25, 19�4 <br /> ; <br /> ; Filed for record this 12 day of July, 1941, a� 4:30 0 'clock P.�I. �=��-.� � <br /> egister of ee s <br /> o-o-�-n-a-o-�-o_o-o-c-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-:�-o_o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o_o_o-o-o-o-a o-o-o-p- <br /> ' QUIT CLAIM DEED w' <br /> THIS INDENTURE, �4ade this 7th day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Forty-One <br /> between Orville D. �orey and Margaret �I. �orey, Husband and Wife, oP the first part, and Horace �. <br /> Corey, of the eecond part, <br /> cancellation oP <br /> WITNE�SETH, that the said parties of the first part, in eons�.derat3.on oPAindebtednPSS in the amoun�t <br /> of Two Thousand Dol�are, -DOLLARH, to them duly paid, the receipt wnereof is hereby acknowledged, <br /> have remised, released, and quit-claimed and by thes� presents do Por themselves, tneir heirs, exe±- <br /> ; <br />__ ,_ <br /> , . <br /> i __ _- --�L ___ <br />