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��� <br /> �ID��� ]E�.�C��$� �T�. � � <br /> 18128—The Auguatine Co., County Suppliea, C}rand Island, Nebr. <br /> public auction �0 4UY L,HARRISON for the aurn of (�97.21) NINETY-9EVEN & 21/1�0 Dollars he being <br /> the highest and best bidder therePor, for the sums set Porth in the report made �o said Court of <br /> the sale and in the order of confirrnation;and WHEREAS, the owners of said premises failed to redeem <br /> said premises within �he two yea�s allowed by law, and said sale was �hereupon confirmed by �he <br /> cou�'� on the 5th day oP July, l941 and I, �he said Daniel Sanders,as Sheriff of said County,was <br /> ordered to execute a deed to said premises �o said aUY L.HARRISON. <br /> �TOW, THEREFORE, I, �he said Daniel �anders, as Sheriff of Ha11 County, lVebraska, in pursuance oP the <br /> order of said Court, as aforesaid, in eoneid�ration of the premises,and by virtue of the powers in <br /> me v�sted by law, do hereby give, grant, and convey unto the said QUY L.�ARRI3�N and assigne, 'Ghe <br /> premiaes sold as aforesaid, tv-wit: <br /> Lo� Two Hundred Eighteen (21�) Helmont Addition to G�and Island, Nebra9ka <br /> Lot Two Hundr�ed Nineteen (219) Belmont Addition '�o t�rand Ialand, Nebraska <br /> Lot Two Hundred �'wen�y (220) Belmont Addition to arand Island, Nebraska <br /> vaitY� a11 and eingular the appurtenanees thereunto belonging, to have and to hold under the said <br /> GUY L.HARA�SON, and to �is heirs Por�ver. <br /> IN' WITNESS �RTHEREOF, I have,as such SheriPf of Hall County, Nebraska,hereunto set m�r hand this 7th <br /> d�.y of July, 1941. ' <br /> Execu�ed and Delivered in Presence oP: (�. �5 I.R. �tamps ) Daniel 5anders <br /> ( �ancelled ) Sheriff of Hall County <br /> Margaret Vick <br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss On '�his 7th day of July, 1941, before m�, D.O.B�clsmann, Clerk ot' the <br /> Hall Co�nty ) <br /> District Court, duly elected and qualified Por said Gounty,person- <br /> ally appeared Daniel 9anders, 5herif'f of said County, to me known to be the identical p�rson described <br /> in and who executed the foregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowledg�d said instrument to be hi� <br /> voluntary act and deed as such SherifP. <br /> IN WITNE�S WHERE�F, I have hereunto set my hand and oPficial sea.l at f�rand Island, Nebraska, in said <br /> County, the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) D.�.B�±ckmann <br /> Clerk o�' the Distriet Court. <br /> Filed for record this 12 day of July, 1.941, at 11:40 0 � clock A.M. �j���� �j? � <br /> U� �J�-��' <br /> e�gi`s�ter of �eed� <br /> -O-O-�-�-O-b-O-O-O-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�0-0-0-0-�-0-0-���-O-O-�-O-O-O-O-�-O-O-�- . <br /> �, <br /> ��;'WAR�iANTY DEED : <br /> KNOW ALL �IEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ' <br /> THAT we, Mr. Virgil R��ck�rd and Nettie Rickard, his wife, of Merrick County, Nebraska, Mr. James ` <br /> Ashton and Mavis Ash'Gon, his wife, of Buffalo County, N�braska, Mr. Lloyd Ricka.rd and �iellie Rick- <br /> ard, his wife, of Hall Cour�ty, ��ebraska, Mr. Clifford Powers and (�ladye Powers, his wiPe, oY Ha.11 <br /> County, Nebraska, Mr. Clyde Rickard, single, of Hall County, �i�braska, and Miss Vera Rickard, <br /> single, of Davenport, Iowa, in consideration of ONE HUNDRLD DQLLARS, (�100.00) in hand paid, do <br /> hereby grant, bargains, convey, sell and confirm unto Herman Brester the following deseribed <br /> _ <br /> realestat�, situate .in Hall County, and State of Nebraska, TO WIT: <br /> Lot Eight (�) , in Block Nineteen (19) , in the �owr� af Alda, Nebraaka. <br /> This aaid property being at present sub,ject to a Pirst mortgage in the amount of 900.00 and <br /> interest and taxes in favor of H�rman Hrester which said mortgage and taxes the Grantee assumes <br /> and agrees to pay. It is understood hereby that this deed is absolute in fact as well as in Porm <br />, and the consideration is the complete and entire release from any claim whatsoever by the Grantee <br /> upon the Gran�ors herein. <br /> To Have and To Hold the �remises a.bove de$cribed, together with all tenement�, hereditaments, and <br /> appurtenar�ces to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, dower, right of hor�estead, claim <br /> or demand whatsoever of the Grantors, of ir� or to the same, or any part thereof; sub,ject to all <br /> encumbrances of reeord and sub,ject to all unpa,id taxea and any other liens which may be on said <br /> �� <br />