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��� <br /> ��E�� ]E��C��$� N�. � 1 <br />� ', <br /> _ � <br />. <br /> 18129—The Auguetine Co., County 3uppHea, (3rand Island, Nebr. . � <br /> � DEED. � <br /> KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT": ; <br /> ' That the County of Ha11, Stat� oP Nebraska, by (�len 3wan, Ghairman, Hall County Board of �uper- <br /> visors, and Richard A.�dum, D�puty County Clerk, in eonsideration of the sum oP Fifty-Pive <br /> ( ��5.�0) and no/�00 DOLLARS, in hand paid by Hans Jessen and Edna Jessen, or survivor of either, '. <br /> oP Hall County, State of Nebraska, do hereby sell and convey unto the said Hana Jessen and �dna <br /> �essen, or survivor of either, the f'ollowing described premise�, situated in Hal1 county, State <br />' of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> Lot Eleven �11) , Block Two (2) , Hoggs & Hill Addition to the �ity of <br /> Grand Island. � <br /> � togeth�r with all appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and �he said County of Hall, State oP Nebraska, <br />� hereby covenants that the sa�.d pren�ises are Pree and clear from all liens �.nd encumbranc�s, �.nd <br /> N ' <br /> ; the said County of Hall, State of ebraska, covenants to warr. ant and defend the said premises <br /> , <br /> aga.inst any acts of said party of the first part. And the said County of Hall, State of Nebraska, <br />� hereby relinquishes all right, title and interest in and to the above described premises. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF: The said �ounty of Hall, State of Nebraska, has caused thes� presents to be <br /> � <br /> signed by the Chairman of the County Board of �upervisors, atteated by its Coun�y C1erk and its <br /> corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, this 9" day of July, 1941, pursuant to a resolution <br /> ' adopted by the Board of �upervisors in and for the County of Hall, State oP Nebraska. ' <br /> i <br /> (CORP) COUNTY OF HALL, STATE OF NEHRASKA <br /> ' �:��p�,) By Glen E. Bwan , <br /> Chairman, Board of upervisors <br /> ATTEST: Richard A.�dum <br /> eputy, ount� lerk <br /> sTATE OF NEHRA�KA ) On this 9p day oP July, �. D. 19�-1, before me, the undersigned, a Notary� <br /> ) ss. <br /> CC)UNTY OF HALL Publ�.c d��l cammissioned and ualified for and residin in said �ount <br /> q 3� <br /> � , Y g , <br /> ! personally G1en Swan, Chairman, County Board of �upervisors in and for Ha11 �ounty, Nebraska,; <br /> ' and Riehard A.Odum, Deputy County Clerk, Ha.11 County, Nebraska, to me known to be the identical <br /> �; persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as gran�ors, and acknowledged the <br /> � <br /> � execu�ion of the same to be their voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act of the County oP <br /> i <br /> ! Hall, State of Nebraska. <br /> : Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> � <br /> (SEAL) Herma�otaryuPublic <br /> My commission expires the l6" day of �pril,l94�+. <br /> Filed for record this llth day of July, 1941, at 1:�I-5 0 ' clock P.M. ���_��O�.�L U� � <br /> � <br /> egister o�' e ds i <br /> 0-0-0-C-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0_�-0-0-0-0,0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- , <br /> ! SHERIFF 'B �EED � i� �� <br /> ; <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTB: <br /> ' THAT,WHEREAS, in an action in, the Distric� Court of the Eleven�h Judicial District of Nebraska, <br /> within and for Ha11 County,wherein C�UNTY OF HALL was plaintiff, and KATIE E.HROWN and o'Gh�r�s werei <br /> dePendan�s, it was evnsidered, ad,judged and dec�eed by said Court, �hat the County of Hall had a <br />� <br /> ; lien or� each of the following described premises for unpaid taxes,and that in default ot the pay- <br /> ; ment oP said unpaid taxes,with interes� and costs,within twentq days allowed by law, the premiaes ; <br /> ahould be Yoreclosed and sold;ar�d WHEREAS, the defendants in said action having made default in <br /> , <br /> ; 'Che payment� of the amount� so found due, I, Dani�!I Sanders, as 3herifP of said County, under and b� , <br /> virtue oP the order o� said Court to me directed, did on the 17th day of Apri1, 1939, at the North <br /> ' f'ron� door of the Court House in �he City of Grand Island, in the Coun�y of Hall ( the same being <br />� the place wherein the Di� Cour�'C was last he].d in said County) ,hav3ng first given due and <br /> : le�al notic� oP the time and place oP said sale, for no� less '�han thirty days prior th�reto, in ; <br /> : a legal newspaper print�d and in general circulation in said County oP Hall, sell said premi�ea at� <br /> ; <br /> � i <br /> . I <br />