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��� <br /> ��E�E�ID ]1��C��.]� �T�. � 1 <br /> 18129—The Auguatine Co., County Suppliea, (3rand Island, Nebr. <br /> �``� SHERIFF ' S DEED ON FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE <br /> t <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESFNTS: <br /> That Whereas, in an action in the Distri�t Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of Nebraska, <br /> within and for Hall County, ,�u�erein David Ci'ty Building and Loan A�sociation, a corporation is <br /> Plaintiff, and Lillian Lad�ig, et al are Defendants, it was by said Court at the september Terrn <br /> thereof, A. D. , 19�0, to-wit, on the 24th day of �eptember, A.D. , 1940, considered, ad,judged, and <br /> decreed that in default of the payment to the Clerk of the District Court of the cos'Gs oP said <br /> actian, and to the plaintiff the sum of �1�4j. ��, plus interest at �� per annum from �uly 30, 194(� <br /> with�n twenty da.ys from the date of such ,judgment and decree, that the equity of redemption oP <br /> each and all of said defend�n�s in and to the 1and.s and tenements hereinafter described be fore- <br /> closed and forever barred, and that the Sheriff of said H�.11 County cause the lands and tenements; <br /> hereinafter described to be advertised, and sold according to law; and whereas the said defendan�� <br /> having made default therein Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff oP sald Gounty, under and by vir�ue of the <br /> order of said Court to him directed, did, on the 7th day of July A. D. , 19�+1, at the north front door <br /> of the Cour'G HQUSe in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, in said County of Hall, ( the sam� being <br /> the plaee wherein the District Gourt was last held ln said �ounty) , having first given due and <br /> legal notice of the time and place of said sale, for not less than thirty days prior thereto, in <br /> the Grand I$land Daily Independent, a legal newspaper printed and in general circulation in said <br /> County of Hall, sell the said prernises at pu'qlic auction tv David �ity Building and Loan Associa- <br /> tion, a corporation, (it bein� the highest and best therefor) for the sum of Nineteen-hun- <br /> dred & 00/100 DOLLARS, whieh sale was afterwards at the F�bruary �'erm . of said Court A. D. 19�1� <br /> examin�d and confirmed, and the said Daniel Sanders, as �heriff of said County, was ordered to <br /> execute a deed of said premises to �he said �avid City Building and Loan Association, a corpora- <br /> tion, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the said Daniel �ander�s, as �heriff of Hall �ounty, Nebraska, in pursuance <br /> of the order of said Court, as aforesaid, in consideratic�n of the premises, and by virtue of the <br /> powers in me vested by law, do hereby give, grant, and convey unto the said David City Building <br /> and Loan Association, a corporation, and assigns, the premises sold as aforesaid, to-wit� <br /> All of The northerly � of lot 5, in block �-4, in Russel Wheelers �ddition to the city of Qrand ' <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> with all and singular the appurtenanees thereunto belongin�;, to have and to hold unto it the said <br /> David City Building and Loan Association, a eorporation, and its assi�ns f'orever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have, as such Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska, hereunto set my hand thiB <br /> lZth day of Ju1y A. D. , 19�1. ( 2.20 I. R. Stamp� <br /> (Gancelled ) Daniel Sanders <br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of Sheriff of Hall goun'Gy � <br /> M�,rgaret Vick <br /> THE �TATE OF NE�3RASKA ) On this llth day of July A. �. , 19�+1, be�cre me, D. 0.Beekmann, a <br /> ) ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) Clerk of the Distric� Court duly elected and qualified for said <br /> County, personally appeared Daniel Sanders, �heriff of said �ounty, to me known to be the identiea�. <br /> person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowledged said <br /> instrument to be his voluntary act and deed as such Sheriff. ' <br /> IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal at arand Island, Nebraska, <br /> in said County, the day and year last above written. D.O. Beckma.nn <br /> ( SEAL) Clerk of the District Cour'� <br /> �'iled for record this 11 day oY July, 1941, at 11:�5 o ' clock� A.M. L.JI-��,�2� <br /> egister oP eeds '! <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-!J-Q-0-0-�-0-Q-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-C7-0- <br /> 1 . _ ' . <br />