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V�� <br />�� ]I���� ]1��EC��� N�. � � <br /> 18128—The Auguatine Co., County BuppHes, 6rand Island, Nebr. I <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described prernises, w�.th the appurt�nances, unto the said granteejs <br /> as JQTNT TENANTS, and not as '�enants in common, and to 'Gheir assigns, or to the heirs and ass3.gns ! <br /> of the survivor of them, forever, and the grantors named herein for themselvea and their heirs, <br /> executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grant��s named herein and with their assigns <br /> and with the heirs and assigns of the survlvar oP them, �hat they are lawfully sei�ed of said prem:- <br /> ises; that they are f'ree from incumbrance except as stat�d herein, and tna.t the said grantora have <br /> good right and lawPul authority to sell the same, and that they will and their heirs, executore and <br /> administrators sha11 warra.nt and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and untv their ass�.gns <br /> and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, against the lawful claims of a11 <br /> persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHERE�F they have hereunto se� tneir hands this 20th day of June A.D. 1941. <br /> ( 1. 10 I. . Stamps ) Charlea E.�sthofP <br /> ( Cancelled ) Pearl M.Os'Ghoff <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 20th day of June, A. D. 19��, before rne, a Notary Public, in and <br /> ) ss. . <br /> CQUNTY OF HALL ) for said County, personally came the above named Charles E.Osthoff and <br /> Pearl M.�sthoPf, his wife, who are personally known to me to be the identieal persons whose names <br /> are affixed to the abov� instrument as grantors, and they have acknowledged said instrument to be, <br /> their voluntary act and deed. �_ <br /> WITI�ESS my hand and Notarial Seal the da�e las'G aforesaid. � <br /> H.G.Wellensiek <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public , <br /> My commission expires on the 27t�i day of August, A. D. 1g�2 <br /> Filed for record this 2 day of Juiy, 1941, at �t�-5 o 'clock P.M. v(� �J�-�� , <br /> . �f <br /> egister oP eeds <br /> ,�0-0-Q-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0--0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> "�'WARRANTY DEED -VESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR <br /> K�104d ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT�, Tha� Ra.y Lewis and Nellie A. Lewis, Husband and �Tife, in considera� <br /> tion of Other Conaideration and (7ne and No/100 DOLLARS, in ha.nd paid, do hereby grant, bargain, <br /> sell, convey and confirm unto Boyd H.Desc� and Louise K.Desch, � Husband and k�ife, and as J�INT <br /> TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the follouring described rea.l estate, situate in the County <br /> of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wi� : <br /> Lots Fifty-five ( 55) , Fifty-six (56) , Fif'ty-seven (57) and Fifty-eight (5�) Belmont,ion to <br /> the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recarded. <br /> together �aith all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to �he same belonging, and all ' <br /> the estate, title, dower, right of' Yhomestead, elaim or demand whatsoever of the said grantors, of, ' <br /> i , <br /> in or to the same, or any part thereof; sub,ject to <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERET�, THAT IN THE EVENT qF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID ` <br /> GRANTEES, THE EiVTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL �IEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVTNG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the �ppurt�nances, unto the saic� grante�s <br /> as J�INT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the helrs anc� assi�ns <br /> of the survivor of them, forever, and we th� grantors named herein for ourselves and our heirs, <br /> executors, and administrators, do covenant with the gra.ntees named herein and with their assign� <br /> and with the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, that we are I.awPully sei�ed of said prem- <br /> ises; that they are free �rom incumbranee except as stated herein, and tYiat we the said grantors <br /> have good right and law�'ul au�hority to sell the same, and that we wi11 and our heirs, execut'ors � <br /> and administrators shall warrant and defend 'Ghe same unto the grantees named herein and unto their <br /> assi�ns and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, aga.inst tY�e la,wful claim� � <br /> of a11 �ersons whomsoever, excluding the exce�tions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands this 27th da� of May, A.D.1941. <br /> ' In presence of Ra.y Lewis <br /> G.L. Evans ( l.0� I.R. Stamps ) N�llie A. Lewis <br /> : ( �ancelled ) � <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> . <br /> i <br />