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�Lr� <br /> ���� ��C:��� ��. � � <br /> -_ _ , <br /> 18129—The Augustine Co., County Suppliea, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of June A. D. 19�1. <br /> In pre�ence of ( I. 5 . . tamps John Todsen <br /> Roy Albright ( Cancelled ) <br /> STATE 0�' IDAHO ) �n this twenty-fifth (25th) day of June, A. D. 1941, before me, a <br /> ) s�. <br /> COUNTY OF TWZN FALLS ) Notary Publie in ar�d for said County, personally came the above <br /> named John Todsen, a single man, who f's personally known to me to be the identical person whose name <br /> is aPfixed to the above instrument as grantor, and a.cknowledged instrument to be his voluntary <br /> act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. <br /> H. E.Powers <br /> (SEAL) Notary Publie <br /> N!y carnm3ssion expires on the 2/7/��2. <br /> Filed for record this 2 day of July, 19�+1, a� 9:40 o ' clock A.M. . �����-� <br /> Register of eeds <br /> ��0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-Q-C-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-C-O-C-C-0-0- <br /> WARRANTY DEED -VES`PING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIV�R <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESF PRESEN�'S, That Robert Muirhead and Helen Muirhead, each in their own right, d. y_ <br /> and as Husband and W3fe, of HalZ County, Nebraska, in consideration of One Dollar and other. valua.ble <br /> eonsiderations -- �OLLARS, in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bargain, sell, eonv�y and conPirm unto <br /> William�b�.g ancl Lillian Qerbig, o�' Ha11 �ounty, Nebraska, as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenan'�s <br /> in common, the following described rea.1 estate, situate in the Cour�ty oP Hall and 8tate of Nebraska <br /> to-wit : <br /> All of Lot 8even ( 7) , in B1ock `�wo (2) , in Evans ' Addition to the City of C�ra,nd Island, <br /> Nebraska, as the same is surveyed, platted and recorded. � � <br /> �ogether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and a11 <br /> the estate, titl�, dower, right of hom�stead, claim or demand whatsoever oP the said grantors, of,' <br /> r <br /> ' <br /> in or to the same, or any part thereof; sub�j eet to <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTI(?N OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT TN TFiE EVENT OF THE DEATH �F EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEEB, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR_ <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the: s�.id grantees . <br /> as JOINT TENAN`�S, and not as tenants in common, and to their asslgns, or to the heirs and assigns � <br /> of the survivc�r of them, forever, and we the grantora named herein for ourselves and our heirs, <br /> executors, and administratora, do covenant with �he grantees named herein and with their assigr�s <br /> and with the heirs and assigns oP the survivor of them, that we are lawfull� seized of said premisea; <br /> that they are free from incumbrance except as stated hsrein, and that we the said grantore have <br /> good right and lawful authority to sell the �ame, and that we will and our heirs, executors and <br /> administratora shall warran� and defend the same unto the gran�ees named herein and unto their <br /> assigns and unto the heira and assigns of' the survivor of them, forever, against the lawful claims <br /> of alI persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptior�s named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto eet our hands this 30 day caf June A.D. 1941. <br /> Tn presence of (55 I.R. tamps Robert Muirhead <br /> C.E.G�rundy ( CanaPlled ) Helen Muirhead <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 30 day of June, A. D.1941, before me, a Notary Public, in and for <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL said County, personally eame the above Robert Mui�head and Hel�n ' <br /> Muirhead, each in their own r�ight, and as husband and wife, of Hall County, Nebra�ka, who are <br /> personally knotan to me to be the identical persons whose namea are affixed to the above instrument <br /> a� grantors, and they acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aPoresaid. C. E.Grundy, <br /> (SEAL) Notary Pualic <br /> My commission expires on the l�th day of June, A.D. 19�4. <br /> Filed for record this 2 day of July, 1941, at 9 t�40 0 ' clock A.M. ��%G� �✓ <br /> Register of eeds <br />