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��� I <br /> �)E�E� �.�C��� �T�. � � <br />� 18129—The Auguatine Co., County BuppHea, (3rand Island, Nebr. ' <br /> "�'r�ARRAI�T`I'Y DEED -VESTING E��`l�`IRE TI'1'LE IN SURVIVOR ' <br /> KNOW ALL �1EN BY i�riESE PRESENiS, That Josephine Rouinson, single, of Hall County, Nebras�a, in <br /> consideration of One Dollar and Otner �laluable Considerations -- DOLLARS, in hana p�id, do hereby ' <br /> erant, bargain, sell, convey and eonfirm unto August F.i�erman and Mollie �ermar:, husband a.nd wife <br /> of Frontier County, Nebraska, as JOT.�t`�1' T� vAi��'I'S, anc� r�ot as tenants in common, the folloUain� des- <br /> cri��ed real estate, situate in tile Co�.nty of Hall and State of �ebraska, to-uTit: <br /> All of Lat Two t2) , in Block Z'nirteen (13) , in H. C. Clark' s Addition to the City of Grand Island, :.; _ <br /> Nebraska, as the sar�e is surveyea, platted a.nd recorded. ' <br /> to�ether ?��ith a11 tne tenements, nereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all <br /> tre estate, t�tle, do��rer, ri��;ht of homesteaci, claim or demand whatsoever of t'r�e a aid grantor, of <br /> in or to tne same, or any ��art thereof; sub,ject to e�icumbrances of record, ard lif e estate interest <br /> of Fred Herman. <br /> iT B�IiVG THE TN'�EN�ION 6F ALL PA�TIES HErETO, lHAT Irv l'HE E`TE�lT OF T�-iE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRAN1'EES, '.i'nE EN'i'I�E FEE SINiPLE ^lI'rLE TO THE REAL EST'AiE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VES1' IN rI'HE SUR- <br /> VIVI�,�G GRA�VT�EE. <br /> TO HAVE ArvD I'0 H(`LD tLie above described t�remises, with the appurtenances, unto tne said grantees <br /> as JOINT TE.vAi7T a, not as tenants in common, ar�d to their assigns, or to tne heirs and assigns ; <br /> of t'rie sUrvivor of tYlem, forEVer, anci T the grantor named herein for myself and my heifis, executors, <br /> anr�� administra.tor�., do covenar.t T�rith the grantee� named herein and taith tneir assigns and with tne <br /> heirs arc� assi"ns of' tne survivor of tnem, tnat I am lawfully .�ei�ed of said premises; that they <br /> are free from incumbra.nce exce;�t as stated here3.n, and tnat I the said Grantor n�.ve good right a.nd <br /> � <br /> lawiul authority to sell �ne s�!�ie, and that I will and my heirs, executors and administrators <br /> sna.11 warra.nt and defenct ti�e same unto t'rie rantees named herein and unto �rieir as�i ns and unto <br /> g g <br /> I' �ne reirs and assi�ns of' tne survivor of them, forever, ��ainst the lawf'ul c lairns of all persons ' <br /> �frnomsoever, excludin� tne exceptions named herein. <br /> TN t�u'I�iVESS '�driEP�EOF, I r=ave her�unto set my 'rland t'riis 2�th cay of June, A. L'. 15�-1. <br /> In pr�sence of Josephine Robinson <br /> C.E.Grv.ndy <br /> S'l�AI`E 0}�, NEBRA:�KA ) On tnis 2�th d�,.y of Jur.�e, A. D. 1941, before me, a. Notary Public, in and <br /> ) ss. <br /> COlii�iY 0�' �:A7�L ) l or said County, personally came t'rie above named Josephine Robinson, single, <br /> of Hall Co�.zn�y, Ne'araska, trno is personally knouTn to me to oe trie ider�tical person wnose name is ! <br /> affixed to tne a.bove instrumeni, as grantor, and she has acknowledged said instrurnent 'Go be her vo1- <br /> untary a.ct ��nd deed. <br /> WITlVESS my ha.r.d and rdotarial Seal t'�ie date last <br /> C.E.Grundy <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commissic�n expires on t:r e l�tn d<:y of June A. D. 19�. , , <br /> Filec? for record. tilis 2�th day ol Jur1e, 19�?l, a.t 4:15 o ' clock P.M. ������-rJ-�� <br /> ReGister of Deeds <br /> � l` � � f� �� � r� .,, i'1 (1 (1.,,(` � �� r� � r'�� (1 l� '� � <br /> ,,�0_�_ i-�J-�'_0_�l-.,_�.J_0_J_ `�,�� ., _ _��'_ri_� .. _.__ _�.)_� .._C_C_ _,_�_�_0 _C_ �-0-0- .J <br /> _J -"- J -�,- �-u- .�-'�- -U C-C-O-O-C- J-��_p.. <br /> `� WARRANTY DEE17 -Corporation <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 13th d�.y of June, A. D. , 1941, be�ween Nebraska Central Building and Loan <br /> A�sociation, a corporation organiZed and exiating under and by �irtue of th� laws oP the $ta.te of. <br /> Nebraska, party of the first part, and Bernice E.Matthews, of the County of Hall, and State of: <br /> Nebraska, party of the second part, <br /> WITI�ESSETH. `�hat the said party oP the first part for and in consideration of the sum oP Twent�r- <br /> three Hundr�d & No/100 (�2300.J0) - D�LLARS, in hand paid, rPceipt whereoP is hereby acknowledged, <br /> has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and confirm unto �he said party of the second <br /> , <br /> part, the followin; described premises, situated in Grand Island, Hall County, and Sta�e of I�ebra�ska, <br /> to-wit: .. � . <br /> A11 of West Thirty-four (34) feet of Lot Eight (�) Block Sev�n (7) , �riginal '�own o� Grand <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebra�ka. - <br />