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��� <br /> ���� �.����� �. � � <br />:__: _ _. <br /> 18129-The Auguatine Co., County 9uppliee, Grand Ialand, Nebr. <br />` Hall Coun� Nebras_�a ,�w.�o i s erso <br /> a sin�le man <br /> +� , 'r , p na.17_y known to me to be ile �dentical x�erscn wnose name is <br /> , affixed to t:ne above instrument as grar�tor, ar.d he has ackn kTledgea said instrument to be his vol� <br /> untary a.ct and deed. <br /> , WITNESS my hand and Nofi�ri�l Seal tr�e d�,te last aforesaid. <br /> C.E.Grundy <br /> ( SEA1_,) Notary Public <br /> � My commission expires on the l�th day ot June, A. D. 1944. <br /> Filed for record this 2�th day of June, 19�+1, at 4:15 0 ' clo k P.M. ���G��.� �j <br /> �Jd�� <br /> - Register of�eeds � <br /> 0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-C-0-C-C-C-O-�--U-O-C-G-0-C-0-C-0-0-C-0-0-C-0 0-0-0-0-�;;-0-0-C- O-G-G-0-0-G-0-0-0-0_Q-�O-- <br /> WARRAN7Y DEED -VESTING EP��'IRE TITLE IiV SURVIVOR ✓" <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Edith L.Yockey and Har ey W.Yockey, wife and husband, of <br /> Ha.11 County, State of Nebraska, in cor.sidera�ion of One Dc:l ar and other valua.ble considerations <br /> ' DOLLAR�, in hand paid, do hereby grar�t, bargain, sell, conv y and confirm unto Ira W.HunSberger <br /> and Leahdora B.Hungberger, of Hall County, State of Nebrask , as JOINT TERAiJTS, and not as tenanta <br /> in common, tne follo?�aing described real estate, situate in he County of Hall and State of Nebraska, <br /> � � <br /> �' to-iri t t <br /> All of Lot Nine (G) , in Block Three �3� , in Schimmer� s Addi ion to the City of Grand Island, <br /> ; Nebraska, �.s the same is surveyed, pla.tted and recorded. <br /> together with a.11 tne tenements, hereditaments, and a,ppurte ances to t:�.e same belor.ging, and all <br /> tiie estate, �itle, dower, ri.ght of homestead, claim or dema d ti,Jnatsoever of the said grantors, of, <br /> in or to trie same, or any part tnereof; sub,ject to -- f'ree t:d clear. <br /> IT BEING TNE Zi�TEI�iTIOPv OF ALL PARTIES hERETO, THAT IN TH EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID ' <br /> GRANTEES, T.��.E EidTIR.E FEE SIMPLE TI�I'LE TO ThE REAL ESTATE DE CRIBED HEr'tEIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR_ ' <br /> ' VIVING GRAiJ`i�EE. <br /> , TO HAVE Al�v TO HOLD the above d�scribed premises, with t" e appurtenances, unto tne 5 aid granteQs <br /> ' as J�INT TEIdAid1'S, and not as ter�ar.ts in common, - ar.d to tnei assigns, or to t;�ie heirs and assigns � <br /> : of the survivor of th�m, forever, and we the grantors named herein for ourselves and our heirs, <br /> ; executors, and administrators, do covenant iaith the grantee named herein a.nd with tneir assigns <br /> and with ti�e heirs and assigns of the survivor of trlem, tna we are lawfully seized of said premises; <br /> � that tney are free from incumbrance exce�t as stated herein, and triat we the s�.id grantors have <br /> � <br /> � good ri�Ylt and lataful �ut�iority to sell. t�le same, ar.d tnat t e will and our heirs, executors a.nd <br /> administratcrs sn�11 *.�rarrant and defer�d tne same unto tr�e g ��ntees named herein and unto t�eir <br /> assi�ns and unto the heirs and assigns of tne survivor of' t' em, forever, �.gainst tne lawful claims <br /> of all persons w'raomsoever, excludin� t'rie exceptions named h rein. <br /> IP1 ��ITKESS ti^�HEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands triis �th day of June, A. D. 19�-i-1. <br /> In presence of <br /> C.E.Grundy ( 3.�5 I.P�. �.tamps Edith L.Yockey <br /> ( Cancelled ) Harvey W.Yockey <br /> STATE qF NEBRASKA ) On this 1�-th day of June A. D. 1941, efore me, a Notary Pu�lic, in a.nd for <br /> ) ss <br /> ' COUNTY OF HALL ) said County, personally came the abo e named Edith L. Yockey and Harvey W. ' <br /> Yockey, ��rife anc� husband, who are pereonally Known to me to be t'rle ideni.ical persons whose names <br /> ; are affixed to the above instrument as grantors and tney ac nota�ledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last afaresai . <br /> C.E. Grundy <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public ' <br /> My commission expires on the l�th day of June A.D. 191I-�+. <br /> Filed for record tilis 2�th day of June, 1941, at 4: 15 0 � elo k P.M. �-����� � <br /> Register of e�eds ~ <br /> il , r �° �, r� n_(� n n r� r� r, n �, �, r� n � n r. �, '�. n r-, �� n v_r. n � !1 n n r� r, �, r, �, <br /> O�V�„ ,,-�. .,�.J� .-�l'�..,--�;'��J J'�ri�'.J-�J-�J�'.J-���C-�J_�.J....V�O� ��J.�V"'J'�,J�'J , ✓-�.,-�J�`_J�:�_.tJ� ,✓-'�.J� ��`'��-.J .. <br /> C�- -��-.J- J-..�•,,-- <br />_ � <br /> i <br /> j j <br />