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i, ��� <br /> �ID��E� ]E�)EC��� I��. � � <br /> 18129—The Augustine Co., County Suppliea, Cirand Island, Nebr. <br /> � ,t�A�t�iAidTY DEED-SPECIAL <br /> Know All Men by Tnese Preser,ts : <br />' Triat Arthur C.i�iayer ar.d Elizabeth M.Mayer, husband and wife, of Hall County and State of Nebraska, <br /> in consideration of the sum of' One & No/1.00 DOLLARS, in hand paid by Fred W.Ashton, of Hall Coun'�y, ' <br /> � <br /> State of l�ebraska, do nereby se1.l and conv�y unto the said Fred �J.Ashton the following described , <br /> premises, situated in t'rle County of Hall State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> All of Fractional Block Twenty Eight (2�) of Baker ' s Addition to the City of Grand I�land, as <br /> shown by the recorded plat tnereof. ' <br /> together with a11 appurtenances tnereunto belonging, and Arthur C.Mayer and Elizabeth M.Mayer, <br /> riere�y covenant that premises are free and c1e�r fr�m all liens and incumbrances and they <br /> covenant to ti�rarrant ar.d �efend the said premises a� a.ny acts of said parties of �he �'irst <br /> part. <br /> And tne sa,id Elizabeth M.Mayer nereby relinquishes all her right, title and interest in and to the <br /> above described premises. <br /> Signed the 2" day of Apri1, 1�20. Arthur C.Mayer <br /> In presence of Elizabeth M.Mayer <br /> Louise Kerne <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> ) ss. On tnis 5" day of Apri1, 1920 before me, Wm Suhr a Notary Public <br /> Hall County ) <br /> duly commissioned and qualified for a.nd residin� �n said County, <br /> personally came Arthur C.Mayer and Elizabeth M.Mayer, husband and wife, to me known to be the <br /> i�entical persons described in and who executed the fore�oing instrument as �rantors and they <br /> acknowiedged said instrument to be tneir volun�ary act and deed. � <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial seal at Grand Island in said County, the day and year last above <br /> written. ( SEAL) Wm Suhr <br /> Notary Public <br /> My Commission expires the 25 day of October 1920. � <br /> Filed for record tnis 27 day of June, 19�+1, at 11: ;5 0 ' clock A.M. <br /> ��� � <br /> e�gis-ter oP ee�ds ' <br /> 0-0-0-O-O-C-O-C-O-O-C-C-O-C-G-O-G-C-O-O-O�-O-0-0-0-O-G-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- <br /> �U�T CLAIM DEED <br /> Know All Men By These Presents: <br /> THAT Fred Z�.Asnton and Carrie R.Ashton, husband and wife of tne County of Hal1 and State of Nebraska <br /> Por t'rle consideration of One and no�100 DOLLARS, hereby Quit Claim and convey unto George Cowton <br /> of' the Gounty of Hal.l and Sta.te af Svebraska, all of our rign.t, title and interest of whatsoever <br /> nature, 3.n and to tne following described Real Estate, situated in tne County of Ha11 and State of <br /> Ne'praska, to--wit : A11 of Fractional Block Twenty-eight (2�) of Ba.ker � s Addition to the City of <br /> Grand Island as shown by the recorded plat trereof. <br /> ITv �rJITNESS WHE�EOF,we nave hereunto �et our hands this 3" day of May 1923. <br /> ti�litness: Fred W.Ashton <br /> Eclward F.Hanr.on <br /> -Giarrie R.Ashton � <br /> State of Nepraska ) <br /> ) ss. On this 3" day of May A.D. , 1923 before me, tne undersigned, a Notary <br /> Hall County ) <br /> Public in ar�d for said county,personally Fred W.Ashton and Carrie <br /> R.fishton,husband and w�fe wno are personally known to me to be tn.e icten�ical persons whose names <br /> are affixed to the above instrument as grantors and they acknowledged the said instrurnent to be <br /> their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hanc? and iJotarial Seal, the date aforesaid. <br /> (SEAL} Edward F.Hannon <br /> Notary Public <br /> My Commission ex?�ires Sept.14, 1927 <br /> Filed for record this 27 day of Jt�ne, l��l, at 11 : J5 0 ' elock A. M. � - <br /> egister of Deeds <br />�I : ✓ _ _ <br />