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�� � <br /> ���� ]��C��� I�T�. � 1 <br />_ _ - <br /> _ ' <br /> 18129—The Auguetine Co., County BuppHes, Cirand Island, Nebr. <br /> ' State of Nebraska ) <br /> ! )ss. On this 14th day of June A. D.1941,before me, a Notary Public, in and for ! !� <br /> County of Hall ) ' <br /> said County,personally came the above named Ida J.Grotzky, a single <br /> woman,who is personally known to me to be the ider�tical person wnose name is affixed to the above, <br /> ; instrument as grantor, and sh� acknowledged said instrument to b� her voluntary act and deed. <br /> ; �nTITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the d�te last afo,resaid. <br /> � My commission expires on the 1� day of June A. D.19�-�+. <br /> ' ( SEAL) C. E. Grundy <br />, � Notary Public <br /> ; Filed for record this 25 day of June, lg41, at 9t�4-0 o � clock A.M. <br /> i �'`'`�-,-� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> , —�_.��'��.�-��.��'�������-������•�����-0��-+�"�—��������-�--��-�����_Q'_�����'.�'.�r�—�-»�—�—�—�--�—�—�—O�-Q—Q—Q—d�' <br /> � ��'ARRAIITY D�ED-VES`lI�:G EiJTIRE TITLE I1V SURVIVOR ✓� <br /> KNOW ALL ME�1 BY THESE Pr�E�E1�2�S, Tnat V.M.Johnson and Clara E.Johnson, each in their own right, and <br /> as husband and wife,Hall County, Nebraska, in consideration of One Dollar �nd other valuable _ <br /> i <br /> , considerations DOLLARS in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and conY�rm unto Wilber <br /> J. Bachman and Viola Helen Ba.chman of Ha11 Gounty, Nebraska, as JOIN'r iENAN`I'S,and not as tenants in <br /> ; common, tne following described real estate, situate in the County of Ha11 and State of Ne�braska, <br /> : <br /> to-wit: Lot Five ( 5) , in B1ock Fourteen (14) , in Cnarles Wasmer ' s Addition to the City of Grand <br /> , Island, Nebraska, as the sarne is surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> ' together with all the tene�nents, heredi'�aments, and appurtenances to the same belcnging, and �.11 the <br /> ' estate, title, dower, right of homestead, clairn or dernand whatsoever of tne said grantors, of, in or to <br /> � the same, or any part thereof; subject to <br /> � IT BEIldG THE I1vTE:�TIO�t OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, T"rIAT Iiv TriE EVEiJT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> � GRANTEES THE EidTIRE FEE BI�fPLE TITLE T Tri R AL E ^1AT '^ ' 1T <br /> 0 E E S E DES�RIBED HEREIN SriA..., V ST <br /> , � E IN THE <br /> s ? � <br /> ( <br /> SURTIVZNG GRA:�TEE. <br /> , TO HAETE AND TO HOLD tr.e above described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees <br /> � as JOINT 7ENAi�vTS, and not as tenants ir. common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of <br /> ; <br /> ithe survivor of them, forever, a,nd we the grantors named herein for ourselves and our heirs, executor�, <br /> '� and administrators, do covenan� with tne grantees namea herein and .with their assigns and with the <br /> ; heirs and assigns of t:le sur�rivor of tnem, tr�,r, we are lawfully seized of said prer��ises; that they <br /> � <br /> are free from incumbrance except as stated hereir., and that we the said grantors have good right <br /> and lawful authority to se11 the same, and that we will and our r.eirs executors and administrators <br /> � <br /> shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto <br /> the heirs and assigns of tne gurvivor of them, forever, the lawful clai�ns of all persons <br /> i <br /> , whor�soever, excludin� the exceptions named herein. <br /> i IN WITPvTESS wHEREOF We have hereunto set our hands this �t'r� dag� of June, A. D.19�+1. <br /> , <br /> In presence of (--__-----�_____---_ V.M.Johnson <br /> �9. 35 I.R. Stamps ) <br /> C. E.Grundy ( Cancelled ) Clara E.Johnson <br /> Erwin J.Kokrda <br /> State of Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On this 9th day of June A.D.lg�l, befare me, a i�Totary Publi.c, in and far <br /> County of Hall ) <br /> said County, �ersona�Iy carne the above named V.M.Johnson and Clara E. <br /> 'Johnson, each in their own right,and as husbar.d and wife, who are personally known to me to be the ' <br /> 'identical persons whose names are affixed to tne above instrument as grar�tors, and they acknowledge� <br /> said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> �WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date 1a,st aforesaid. ; <br /> ( SEAL) C.E.Grundy <br /> !My commission expires on tne l�th day of June A.D. 194�. Ivotar y Public <br /> jFiled for recorc� this 26 day of June, 1941, �.t 2 0 'clock P.M. � , �� <br /> �gister of Deeds <br /> i-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--c-o-o-o-c-o--c-o-c-c-o-c-o-c-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-c-c-o-o-o-o-o-c-c-c-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-a� <br /> ; <br /> � � <br />_ <br /> __ _ _ , _ <br /> iI <br /> � � <br />