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��� <br /> ]ID�)E� ��EC��.$� �T�. � 1 <br /> : <br /> 18128—The Auguetine Co., County Bupplies, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of , , <br /> Elizabeth B.Meyer ' <br /> Herraan F.Buckow Robert A.Meyer <br /> Catnerine Meyer <br /> Ernest J.Meyer <br /> Mae D.Meyer � <br /> State of i�ebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On this 12" day of Jane A.D. 1941, bef'ore me, the undersigned Herman F. <br /> Hall County ) <br /> Buckow a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and resid- <br /> in� in said county, personally came Elizabeth B.Meyer, a widow, Robert A.M�yer and Catherine Meyer, <br /> hus'aand and wife, and Ernest J.Meyer and Mae D.Meyer,husband and wife to me known to be the ident- ' <br /> ical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrur�ent as grantors and acknowledged the <br /> same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Sea1 the day and year last abo�e written. <br /> (SEAL) Herman F,Buckow <br /> My commission expires the 16" day of A�ril, l9�-�+. Notary Publie <br /> Filed for record this 2� day of June, l941, at l� o ' clock A.M. �j � <br /> [ U/ <br /> egister of De ds <br /> � o-a-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> -�.}r1TARRANTY DEED-VESTIPJG ENTIRE TITLE IiV SURVIVOR <br /> KNOW ALL MEIv' BY THESE PRE�ENrI'S, That Ida J.G�ro�zky, a sin�;le woman, of County o� Ha11, and State of <br /> Nebraska, ir. cor�sideration of One Dollar and other valuable ecnsiderations DOLLARS in hand paid, do <br /> here�by grant, bar�ain, sell, convey and conf�rm unto Riehard A.Cdum and Jennie Odum, of County of Ha11;, <br /> and State of Nebraska, as JOINT TEIrtAI�TS, and not as tenants in comrnon, tne following described real <br /> estate, situate in trie County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> A rectar.gular piece of land having a �'rontage of abou'G Sixty-one (61) Feet on Division Street and � r <br /> One Hundred Thirty-two (132 ) Feet in depth on the Soutnerly Line of the alley between Division <br /> and First Streets, and more particularly described as follows, to-wits- Commencin� at a point on the <br /> Soutrlerly line of Lot "B" , in Elem Place Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, said point <br /> being Twenty (20) feet Westerly of' t:ne Southeasterly Corner of said Lot "�", running tn.ence West- <br /> erly Fifty-Two ( J2) feet,para11e1 with a.nd in tr�e Northerly line of Division Street to a point, <br /> the real place of beginning, �hence running Northwesterly and parallel with the Easterly line of <br /> said Lot "E" , a distance of One Hundred Thirty-two (132) feet to the alley aforesaia, thence turning <br /> a ri nt angle and running Southwesterly alor,g tne Soutnerly line of said alley, a distance of Si�ty- <br /> one �61) Feet, more or less, to the Northwesterly corner of Fractional Lot Seven ( 7) in Block Twenty- <br /> Orle (21) of Palmer ' s Subdivision of Lot Seven ( 7) of tne Ccunty Sub-divisio� of th� Southeast <br /> Quarter of the SoutlrlUleSti Quarter of Section Sixteen (16) , Township Eleven ( 11) , Range Nine ( 9) ,West <br /> of the 6th P.M. , thence turr�ing at right angles and runnin� in a Southeasterly direction and <br /> uarallel. with the Westerly line of said Block Twenty-one 21) a distance of' One Hundred Tnirty-two <br /> (132) feet to �he Northerly Line of Division S�reet; and thence at right angles North�asterly along <br /> s�id Northerly line of Division Street, a'distance of Six'ty-one (61} feet, more or less, to the real <br /> place of be?�inning, and being all of Lot Seven ( 7) , Block Twenty-one (21) , Palmer �s Subdivision abov� <br /> described and a part of Lot �ight (�) of the County Sub-divisionof tne Southeast Quarter of the <br /> South�►est Quarter of Section Sixteen (16) , Township Eleven ( 11) , F,ange Nine (9) , West of the 6�h P.M. <br /> together witn all t'rle tene:ner�ts,hereditaments, and appurtenances to tne same belonging, and all the <br /> estate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor, of, in or to ' <br /> tne same, or any part t'r�ereof; sub�ject to taxes for tne year 19�Q <br /> IT BEING THE IN`z�ENr!'ION OF ALL PARTIES HF.�ETO, ThA�� IN ThE EVEP�T OF THE DEAiH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRAI�'TEES, THE �'1ti�I'IRE FEE SIp�PLE TITLE TO THE REAL ES'i'ATE DESCRI�ED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> SURVIVING GR�NTEE. <br /> TO HAVE A�vD TO HOLD the �.bove described premises, with tne appurtenarces, unto the said grantees as <br /> JOINrr TEivAivTS, a,nd not as terants in common, and to tneir assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of th� <br /> survivor of tnem, forever, and I the grantor named herein for myself and my heirs, executors, and <br /> administrators, do covenant with the grar.tees named herein and with their assigns and with the heirs <br /> and assigns of tr�e su-rvivor of trem, trlat Z am lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free <br />, from incumbrance except as stated herein, and that I the said grantor have good right and lawful <br /> authority to sell the sane, and trat I will and my heirs, executors and administrators sha11 warrant <br /> and defend tne same unto the grar.tees named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and ' <br /> assi�ns of the survivor of t'r:em, forever, against the lawful claims of all ?�ersons whomsoever, <br /> the exceptions named herein. <br /> Ii� WITNESS WHEREOF I have nereurito set r�y hand tnis l�+th day of Jun�,A. D.19�1. <br /> In presence of � ; <br /> C. E.Grundy � 3.30 I.R. �tamps Ida J.Grotzky <br /> ( Cancelled ) .__ <br />