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6�� <br /> �ID��� ��EC��� N�. � 1 <br /> 18129—The Augustlna Co., County Buppliea, Grand Island, Nebr. . : <br /> state of Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On this 20th day of June A. D.1941,before me, a Notary Public, in and ' <br /> County of Hall ) <br /> ' for aaid County, personally came the above named Leola Nielsen, a <br /> single person, who is personally known to me to be tne iden�ical person whose name is affixed to <br /> tne above instrument as grantor, and she acknowledged said instrument to be her voluntary act a nd <br /> � ! de ed. ' <br /> WITNESS my n.and and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. <br /> Harry Grimminger <br /> . ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> ; My commission expires on the 22nd day of July A. D.19�5 <br /> Filed for record this 20 day of June, i941, at 1: 30 o 'clock P.M. <br /> � ��� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -O-�-0-0-0-0-O-O-fl-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-fl-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> �'4`� <br /> WARRANTY DEED - VESTIiVG EPuTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR <br /> , KNOW ALL MEid �Y T'r�ESE PRESENT�, That Mat�lda M. Strasser, Trustee, in cons3.deratlon oP One Dollar and <br /> other valuable considerations, in hand paid, does hereby grant,bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br /> George A.Miller and Robert B.Miller, as JOI�iT TEiJAiJTS, ar�d not as tenants in common; the following <br /> described real estate, situat� in th� County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: The Center <br /> one-third (1�3) of Lot One (1) , Block Sixty-seven (67) , Original Town, now City of Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska, the same being twenty-two (22) feet in width frontin� upon Third street by one hundred <br /> tnirty-two (132) feet to the alley in said block, except a strip of land neretofore reserved eight <br /> (�) inches wide along the west line of said parcel of real estate, beginning at the street front <br /> and extending along the wall of the brick building to tne west,known as tne Scarff B1ock,as far <br /> as the south line of said wal � id <br /> l, sa stri oP land to ether with the art wall th r on h v <br /> p � p y e e a ing <br /> been at one time sold to Wm.McAllister;and sub,ject to the right of ingress and egress to stair- <br /> ways leading to tize second and third floors of the Scarff' Block aforesaid. <br /> '�ogether with all tne tenements,heredita�ents, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and a11 the <br /> eatate, title, dower, rig'r�t o�' homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor, of, in or to <br /> - <br /> � the same, or any part thereof; sub,ject to -- <br />� i IT BEING TriE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HEttETO, THA`i' ITd THE EVEiJT OF ThE DEATH OF EITHER OF BAID <br /> GRAVTEEB THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPL � <br /> , E TITLE TO THE REAL ES'IATE DESCRIBED HEr�EIN 3HALL VEST IN THE <br /> SURVIVING G_RANTEE. <br /> , TO HAVE Ai�D TO HOLD tne above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto tne said grantees <br /> � <br /> I ' <br /> as JGINT TENA�?TS,and not as tenants in common, and to tneir assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of . <br /> ' the survivor of them, forever, and the grantor named herein for herself and her heirs, executors, and � <br /> iadministratora, does covenar.t with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and with the <br /> � heirs and assigns of' the survivor of them, that she is lawfully seized of said premises; that they <br /> are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, and that the said grantor has good right and <br /> lawful authority to 5e11 the same, and that she will and her heirs, executors and administrators <br /> ' shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named here�n and unto tneir assigns and unto <br /> the heirs and assigns of tn.e survivor of them, forver, agains� the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoe�rer, excl.uding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF she nas hereunto set her �.and this l�th day of September,A.D.19�+0. j <br /> In presence of 3. 50 .R. tamps } i�tatilda M. Strasser Trustee <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> `: F.E. Slusser <br /> State of Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On this l�th day o� �eptember,A.D.19�-0, before me, a No�ary Publlc, in ' <br /> ; County of Hall ) <br /> and for said County, peraonally came the above named Matilda M. Strassler, <br /> � <br /> Trustee, who is personally known to me to be t'rle identical person whose name is affixed to the <br /> above ins'�rument as grantor, and that she acknowledged said inatrument to be her voluntary act and , <br /> , , <br /> de ed. ' <br /> WSTNESS my hand and Notarial 5eal the date last aforesaid. <br /> H.CT.Well ensi ek <br /> (�EAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires on the 27th day of August A.D.1942. <br /> Filed for record this 20 day oP June, 19�+1, at 3 0 ' clock P.M. �iG��� � <br /> Register of Dee� ; <br /> , _ <br /> � � <br /> I _- � -1- ---� <br />