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�.�� <br />,. <br /> ��E�E� �]EC��� 1��. � � <br />�. _ _ _. <br /> 18129—The Augustine Co., County Buppliea, (}rand Island, Nebr. . , . _ <br /> said premises are free and clear from all liens and er�cumbrances whatsoever, and they covenant <br /> to warrant and defend the said premises against any acts of said parties of �ne Pirst part.And � ' <br /> the said Carl Hitchler, Richard Boldt, Ella Todsen, Kasina Todsen, Sadie Todsen and Velma Todsen <br /> hereby relinquish �.11 right, title and interest whatsoever in and to the above described premises.! <br /> Signed this 31st day of July, 1930. <br /> In the Presence of: <br /> A.J.Luebs Hannah Hi�chler <br /> (For all signers ) Carl Hitchler <br /> Helene Boldt <br /> Richard Boldt <br /> Fred Todsen <br /> Ella Todsen <br /> Henry Todsen <br /> Kasina Todsen <br /> George Todsen <br /> Sadie Todsen <br /> Peter Todsen Jr. ' <br /> Velma Todsen <br /> S�ate of Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On this 31st day of July, 1930,before me, the undersigned,A.J.Luebs, a <br /> , County of Ha11 ) <br /> Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in sai�. <br /> county,personally came Hannah Hi�ehler and Car7_ Hitchler, husband and wife, Helene Boldt and Richar,d <br /> ; Boldt, husband and wife, Fred Todsen and Ella Toc�sen,husband and wiPe, Henry Todsen and Kasina <br /> Todsen,husband and wife, George Todsen and Sadie Todsen,husband and wife and Peter Todsen, Jr. , <br />� <br /> � and Velma Todsen,huspand and wife, to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed <br /> to tne foregoing conveyance as grantors and acknowledged the execution of the same to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> ! Witnesa my hand and Notarial Seal this day and year last above written. <br /> ( �E.�,) A.J.Luebs <br /> My commission expires the 6th day of July, l933. Notary Public <br /> Filed for record t:nis 19 day of June, l9�-1, at 2 o ' clock P.M. <br /> ;��-�� O <br /> � <br /> egister of Deed <br /> -o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> ;,;/' ,�� <br /> ; WARRANTY DEED � <br /> � KNOW ALL PdEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Edward A.Miner, of Custer County, Nebra.ska� for and in consid- <br />' . <br /> : eration of �he sum of Twenty-three hundred fifty# Dollars, and other value, in hand paid do hereby , <br /> ; �rant,bargain, sell, conv�y and confirm unto Sena Miner,wife of said grantor, the following describ-i <br /> ed r�al estate situated in Hall County and State of Ne�raska to-wit: <br /> , <br /> The 9outherly sixty-five feet, nine inches of lot five ( �), in block eight ( �), in Rollins ' Addition <br /> ' to the City ,of � Grand Island, Nebraska, as surveyed, pla�ted and recorded, and more particularly <br /> ; described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said 1ot fi�te (5) and r�hnning thence '. <br /> northerly, along the east 11ne of said lot five ( 5) , feet and nine inches; thence westerly, <br /> i paralel with the northerly line of said lot five ( 5) to the westerly line of said lot five (5 ) ; <br /> thence southerl.y,along the westerly line of said lot five ( 5) , to the southwesterly corner oF said1 <br /> lot five (5) ; thence easterly, along the sout:!�erly line of said lo'� five { 5) , to the place of begin-; <br /> , ning, <br /> � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premis�s above aescribed, tog�ther with all the tenements, hereditaments <br /> � and appurtenances thereur�to belonging, unto the said Sena Miner, and to her heirs and assigns for- ! <br /> ever.And I do hereby covemant witn the grantee and with her heirs and assigns, that I lawfully <br /> i <br /> ; seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance, that I have good right and lawful <br /> authority to sell the same;and I do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the title to said prem- <br /> ises against the lawful claims of ^�.11 persons whomsoever. <br /> Signed this 20th day of Augu�t, A.D.1932. ; <br /> Edward A.Miner <br /> " In presence of: <br /> I Ethel Williams ( ��. 7F I.R. Stamps ) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> 1 State o�' Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss : On �his 29�h day of August, l932, before me the undersigned P.G.Rich- '; <br /> �� Cust�r Gounty ) � i <br /> ardson a Notary Publie, duly commissioned and qualified for and resid�. <br /> ing in said county,personally appeared, Edward A.Miner,known to me to be the identical person whos� <br />_ ; _ _ _ i <br /> ` Ii - --- <br />