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' ���' <br /> ���� ��(:��� ��. � � <br /> 18LE8—The Auguatine Co., County BuppHea, 6ran8 Island, Nebr. ` ` ' <br /> of said Coun�y, taas ordered to execute a deed of' said premises to t�r�ie said Harold A. Prince, <br /> NOW, THENEFORE, I, the said Daniel Sanders, as �heriff of Hall County, i�ebraska, in pursuance <br /> of tne order of' said Court, a.s aforesaid, in ecnsideration of the premises, a.nd by virtue of the <br /> powers in me vested by law, do her?by give, grant, a.nd convey unto tne said Harold A.Prince, and <br /> assigns, the premises sold as aforesaid, to-wit: <br /> All of South Half of Southeast Quarter (S� SE4) and East Half of Southeast Quarter af Southwest <br /> Quarter (�uSE4S��J�) of Section Twenty-t'r�ree (23) , and <br /> The North Half of Northwest Quarter (N?;NW4)of Section Twenty-six (26) , all in Township Eleven (11)�, <br /> Nortn, Range nine (9) , West 6th P.M. , containing 1�0 acres, more or less. <br /> with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belongin�, to have and to hold unto him the sa3.d <br /> Harold A.Prince and h.i.s heirs and assigns forever. <br /> IN WI'�IVES� WHEREOF, 2 have, as such Sherif f of Hall County, 1�lebraska, hereunto set my hand this <br /> 16th day of June, A. D. , 1941. �j.85 I.—R, b�amps <br /> ( Cancelled ) Daniel S�nders <br /> Executed and De,livered in Presence of . Sneriff of Hall County. <br /> M�rgaret Vick <br /> TriE ST'ATE OF NEBi?ASKA ) On this 16th day of June A. D. , 19�1, before me, D.0.Beckmann, a <br /> ) ss. <br /> HALL COUN`TY ) Clerk of trie District Court duly elected and qualified for said County, <br /> t�erson�lly apr�eared Aaniel �anders, Sheriff of said County, to me known to be tne identical persorl <br /> described in and who executed trie foregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowledged said instrument <br /> to be his voluntary act and deed as such Sneriff'. <br /> IN WIT1�1�S� WHEREOr, S have hereanto se� my nand and of�icial seal at Grand �sland, Nebraska, in <br /> said County, t:�e ctay ancz year last above written. D.O. Beckr�ann <br /> ( SE�L) Clerk of the 1?istrict Court <br /> �'iled. for record t:�is lb day oi Juns 19i+1, at lt j0 o ' clock P.M. , � � <br /> Register o� <br /> O-O-U-�-O-�-C--J--0--0-�0�-0--J-J--J-t�,'-.1-v_U-O-p_{J..,�-,�-�..Q_Q_�)_;�...�-��-�..J_v_;�_�J._v._�_�._�_�_q-O-C-�,_0-0_O-�� <br /> �VYARRANTY DEED Corporation <br /> THIS Ir1DENTURE,Made this I.3th day aP Ja�nuary A.D. ,19�1,between The Equitable Building d�-,:Lo�tn= �� <br /> Association of Grand IsZand,Nebraska, a corporatian arganized and exieting under and by virtue <br /> of the la�s af the 5tate oP Nebra�ka party oP the firat part,and 01.�a 9tenberg,of the County oP <br /> Hall,and State o�' Nebraska,party oP the second part,WITNE55ETH.That the said party oP the Pirst <br /> part for and in considera'Glon of the aum oY One Dollax and other good and valuable considerationa <br /> DOLLARS in hand paid,receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,has eold and by these present� does <br /> grant, canvey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, the Pollowing described premises, <br /> situated in" Ha1I County,and State of Nebra�ka, to-wit: All oP -- <br /> Lot Six ( 6� , in Block 5eventy (7�) ,0�' the Original Town,now City of Grand Ieland,Nebraska,as <br /> surveyed,platted and recorded. <br /> TO HA�rE AND TO HOLD the �remiaee abovP described, together with aIl the Tenemente,Heredltaments <br /> and Appurtenances thereunta belonging unto the eaid Stenberg. And the said The Equita,ble <br /> Huilding & Loan AsQociation for itself or its succesaors, do hereby covenant and agree to and with <br /> the said party of the aecond pQrt and her heirs and assigns, that at the time of the execution and. <br /> del.ivery of these preaents it is seized of said premi$es;th$t it ha,s good right and law-' <br /> ful authority ta convey the sar�e;that they are Pree fr�m encumbrance and does hereby covenant to <br /> �varrant and d�fend the said premises a�ainst tYie 1awffinl claima oP a21. persons whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, the said The Equitable Huilding & Loan Association ha� hereunto caused its <br /> th r s nts to be ai ned b ite resident the <br /> a o b aY ixed and ese e e P d and a�r <br /> corporate se 1. t e P p � Y ay ye <br /> IQSt above written. <br /> THE EQUITaBLE BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION <br /> Si�ned, sealed and delivered in presence oP OF GRAND ISLAND,NEBRASKA, <br /> Flarence V.Myers ( CORP) By Guy L.Harrison President <br /> ( . 0 I.R.Stam a � "��L) Attest:By C.E.Grundy, 3ecretary <br /> 5S p <br /> 1 <br /> ancel ed <br /> ( C � <br /> State of Nebraska ) <br /> )ss. On thia 13th day o�' January 1941,before me,the underslgned,a Notary Public <br /> Hall County ) <br /> in and Por said County,personally came Guy L.Harri�on,president oP the <br />