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��� <br /> �)E�� ��aC��� I�T�. � � <br /> 18128—The Auguatine Co., County SuppHea, 6rand Island, Nebr. ' ` "' <br /> _ <br /> here'�nafter described be fereclosed a.nd forever barred, �.nd that the Sheriff of' said Hall �ounty, <br /> cause the lands and ter.ements hereinafter described to be a.dvertised, and sold accordin� to law; <br /> and whereas the said defendants having made default tnerein, Daniel San`ers, as Sheriff of said <br /> County, under and by v��_rtue of the order of said Court to him directed, did, on tne 20th day of <br /> May, A. D. , 19�-1, �t the north door of the Court House in the city of Grand Tsland, T�ebraska, in saic� <br /> County of Hall, ( the same being trie place wherein trie District Court was last held in said County) ; <br /> having first given due and legal notice of the time and place of said sale, for not less than thirty <br /> days prior tn,ereto, in the Grand jsland Daily Independent, a legal newspaper printed and in general <br /> circula.tion in said County of Hall, sell the said premises at pu�lic� auction to '�he First Trust <br /> Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, a co�z�oration, as trustee � it being the highest and best bidder <br /> theref�r) for the sum of Eighteen-thousand triree hundred thirty-two & 3�+/100 DOLLARS, which sale <br /> was afterward.s at the February Term of said Court, A.D. , 194�1, examined a.nd confirmed, and the said <br /> Dar,iel S�nders, as Sheriff of said Count,y, was ordered to execute a deed of said premises to tn.e <br /> said The First Trust Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, a cor�oration, as trustee <br /> :JOW, THEREFORE, I , tne said Daniel Sanders, as sheriff of Hal1 County, Nebraska, in pursuance <br /> of the order of said Ccurt, as aforesaid, in consideration of' the premises, and by virt�::e of' the <br /> pourers in me vested by law, do hereby give, grant, and convey unto the The First Trust Company <br /> of Lincoln, Nebra.ska, a corporation, �.s trustee and assigns, the premises sold as aforesaid, to-wit : <br /> All of The Nort:neast quarter and the east half of trie quarter of Section Three �3) , in <br /> Township Nine (9�� North, Ra..n;e Twelve �12) ,West of the Sixth P. M. , in Hal1 County, 1Vebrask.a. <br /> with all anc sin��alar the apt�urtenances tnereunto pelcn�in�, to nave and to hold unto it the said ' <br /> The First Trust Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, a corporation, as trustee, and its assigns forever. <br /> IN �AITNFSS 1��1HEREOF, 2 have as such Sheriff of nall County, I�ebraska, nereunto set my hand this <br /> 14" day of' June, A.D. 19�1. <br /> ( 20. 3..�' I.R. Stamps ) Daniel Sanders <br /> Executed� and Delivered in Pr:��sence of � Car�c�lled ) Sheriff of Hall �ounty <br /> Margare� Vick . <br /> THE STATE OF' -NEB��ASKA ) On tnis 14" day of June, A. D. , i9�+1, befcre me, D. O. Beckmann, a Clerk; <br /> ) ss. <br /> HALL COUN`i�Y ) of the District Court duly elected and qualified for said County, <br /> personally appeared Daniel Sanders, Sheriff' of said Caunty, to me known to be the identical person <br /> described in and wno executed the fore�oing instrurnent as grantor, and acknowledged said instrument <br /> to be his voluntary act and deed as such Sh�riff, <br /> ..,� <br /> IN WIT�IESS WHErEOF, Z have hereunto set my harid and official sea.l at Grand Island, in said <br /> County, the day and yea.r last a�bove written. D. O. Beckmann <br /> � C rk f th D stri C <br /> ( �EAL) le o e i ct ourt <br /> Filed for rec�rd triis 14 da.y of June, 1941, at 9 : �5 0 ' clock A. M. ����[ v✓ <br /> egister of eeds <br /> v_ � r� f, ;� .� n n �, ,� .� �� � , �, r�, �, � i, �, ,-, � '� 0 C` C-C-C� C1-O.�CL <br /> o_o— c—c—c_.,_.._ �_,,_,,—c—:,—c—..,—c—o—,;_.�_„—�.�_�;—o—o—c—e—o—�_,�—,.,.— ;—o_cJ-+V—�J—r—"_c—o—c—c�—"_ _ ,_ �. <br /> � WARF.ANTY DEED -VESTII�tG Ei'JTIR� TITLE T� �URVIVOfl <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR�SENTS, That Louise F.Knickrehm, Single, of Hall County, State of Nebraska, <br /> in con5ideration of One Doll�.r and other vaZuable c�nsic�e .rati�ns --- DOLLARS, in hand, do <br /> � <br /> hereby grant, bar�ain, sPl1, convey and confirm unto Carl Knickrehm and Frieda Knickrehm, of Hall <br /> Caunty State of Ne'�ras�ia, as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, the following described <br /> , <br /> real estate, situate in tne County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Five (5) , in Block One Hundred Thirty-ei ht (13£�) , and also- Easterly Sixty (60) Feet of Lot <br /> Eight (�) , in Black One xundred Thirty-nine �139) , both in Union Pacific �,ilwa� Company' s Second <br /> Addition to �ity of G~.��and Island, Nebraska; and also - Lots Three and Four (3 & ) in Block Thir'Gy- <br /> one ( 1) in the Ori :inal ToU�n, no?a City of Grand �sland, Nebraska; ���d also - The South Half of <br /> � , � <br /> tne Northeast Quarter ( �-�-NE4) , and the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N�-SE�) of Section <br /> �wen�y-Eight (2�) , in To��rnship T?aelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) , West o� the 6th P.M. , in Hall <br /> County, Nebraska; Al1 being as surveyed, platted and rPCOrded; <br /> tooetner witn a11 the tenem�nts, hereditaments, �nd appurtenances to tne belonging, and �11 <br /> tne estate, title, dower, rignt of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor, of, <br /> in or to the s��me, or any part tnereof; sub�ect to <br />