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��� <br /> ��E�E� ]E��C��� I�T�. � 1 <br /> 18129—The Auguatine Co., County�uppliea, C}rand Island, Nebr. , <br /> � <br /> WARRANTY DEED -Corporation <br /> THIS IND�NTURF, Made this 5th da.y of June, A. D. 19�+1, between The Chicago Lumber Company of Omaha, <br /> a corporation organized and existin�� under ana by virtue of tt�ie laws of the State of Nebraska, <br /> party of the first part, and Benedict P. Wassinger and Lola E.Wassinger, nis wife, as ,�oint tenants <br /> and not as tenants in common �ti*ith full rignt for survivorsh.ip, of tne County of Hall, and State of <br /> � Nebraska, n�.rties of the second nart, <br /> WITNESSETH. That the said �arty of the first �a_„t for and in consideration of the sum of One <br /> ' Dollar and Other Valuable Considerations DOLLARS, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby ack- <br /> nowledged, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and confirm unto the said parties of <br /> the second part, tne following described premises, situated in Grand Island, Hall �ounty, and Sta�e <br /> of Nebr�ska, to-wit: <br /> All of Lot Five � 5) , Block Five �5), Gilbert ' s Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska; known as �23 West 16th Street. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all tne Tenements, Hereditaments <br /> ' and Appurtenances tnereunto pelonging, unto tr�e said Benedict P.Wassinger and Lola E.Wassinger, his <br /> w3.fe� as ,joint tenants and not as tenants in common with full rignt for survivorsnip, <br /> i <br /> And the The Chicago Lumber Company of Omana for itself, or its successors, does hereby <br /> covenant and agree to and with tne said parties of tize second part and their heirs and assigns, <br /> �' tnat at the time of' the execution and delivFr of these �resents it is lat.afull seized of said <br /> Y Y <br /> premises; that it nas good right and lawful authority to convey the same; that tney are free from � <br /> encumbrance and The Chicago Lumber Company of Omaha, does hereby covenant to warrant and defend tYle <br /> said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNESS j�IHEP.EOF, the said Tne Chicago Lumber Company of Omaha, has hereunto caused its cor- <br /> porate se�1 to be affixed and these presen�s to be signed by its Vice President the day and year <br /> first above written. ��3' 30 I.R. Sta.mps ) C0� THE CHICAGO LUi�SER C0. <br /> ( ;Cancelled OF OMAHA <br /> signed, sealed and d. _.. ; � � ��L By L.G. Simpson, Vice Pres. <br /> ' R.G. Schreiber, Secretary <br />� STATE OF NEBt�ASKA ) On this 5 day of June, 19�+1, before me, t'rle undersigned, a Notary Public, ' <br /> � ss. <br /> DOUGLAS COUNiY ) in and for said County, personally came L.G. Simpson, Vice-President of tne '� <br /> THE CHICAGO LUMBEF. C0. OF OMAHA, to me personally known to be the Yice�President and the identica� <br /> ' person whose name is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged the execution tnereof to b� . <br /> nis voluntary act �.nd deed a.s such officer and the voluntary act and deed of the said THE CHICAGO <br /> LUP�IBER �0. OF OMAHA, and that the Corporate seal of ti�e said TriE CHICAGO LUMr3ER C0. OF OMAHA, was <br /> � tne-reto affixed by its authority. <br /> �,' <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Omaha, in said coun�y the day an� year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL) N. E.Velander <br /> My Commission exvires thP 1 day of April 1g�+3 Notary Public <br /> Filed for record this 12 day of June, 1914-1, at 4: 30 0 ' clock P. M. (`/(^=��� � <br /> \ <br /> Register of Deeds � <br /> ' 0-0-�J-0-0-0-:)-0-0-0-�:;-0-';-0-0-C-0-� �, �� ,n, ,�_n- � �0 � �:?-0 ., �,_,�,_�;�-,J-��_�_, _,� �, � � � ,�_�.. <br /> �-��-�-�-� '��-0 -•J- -'�-�, ) .�-.�- :�-J-O-O-�-0-0-J- � <br /> SHERIFF 'S DEED ON FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE 1'�. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TH.�SE PRESETuTS: <br /> That Whereas, in an action in the District Court of' the Eleventh Judicial District of Nebraska, � <br /> Tti►ithin and for Hall County, wherein The First Trust Comp�r�y of Lincoln, NebraslLa, a corporation, ' <br /> as trustee is Plaintiff, and John C.McGowan, et al. are Defendants, it was by said Court at the <br /> February Term . tnereof, A. D. , 1940, to-wit, on tne 12th day of July, A. D. , 19�-n, ccnsidered, ad,�ud�ed, <br /> and decreed that in default of trie payment �o tne Clerk of the Di�trict �ourt of the costs of sai�. <br /> action, ar.d to �ne plaintiff the sum of' �1�, 2�9.15 with interest tnereon at the rate of 9� per <br /> annum from the 12th day of July, 1940, within twenty days from tne date of such ,judgment and decrQe, <br />_ that tne equity �f redemption of e�.tch and all of said defendants in and tc the lands and tenement� <br /> � i <br /> � � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> _-- --- <br />