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��� <br /> �ID�E)E� ]E�.����� ��. � � <br /> 18128—The Auguatine Co., County 9uppliea, Grand Island, Nebr. � �Y.�:�.::'.��:.�.�.... . <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On th�s 4th day of June, A. D. 19�1, before me, the undersigned, Adolph , <br /> ) ss. ' <br /> HALL COUN'1'Y ) Boehm, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residir�g <br /> in said county, personally came Hans F. Micnelma.nn at�d Florer�ce Michelmann, his wife, to me known to ' <br /> be tne identical persons ��'nose names �re affixed to the fore�oing instrument as gr�ntors and aek- <br /> nowledged tne s�me te be their voluntary act a.nd deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the da;r and year last above written. <br />, Adolph Boehm <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission exnires the 9th day of June, 194�I-. <br /> Filed for recard this 11th d�.y of June, 194�1, at l :�0 0 ' clock P.A4. \lL-����� <br /> Register of Deeds , ` <br /> e o—o—c—c_o—o—c—e— , ;_o—�:;_(:—o—o—o—c—c_o_o—o-o—c—o—c—o_c:�—o—o—c—c�r J_r_c—o—o_o—o—cc—o—ao—c—o—c—c—c—o—o— <br /> ����� WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL ifEi�1 BY TH�SE PRESENTS: <br /> That G1enn W. Hovey, and Florence E. Hovey, his wife, of Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, State of <br /> California; a.nd Leroy D. �ovey, and Lois S. Hovey, his wife, of �Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, and <br /> State of Iowa in consideration of the sum of Eleven nundrPd Sixty-five and No/100 DOLLARS in nand <br /> paic� by Clara Felske of Custer County, and State of 1�e�braska, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto the <br /> said Clara Felske the fal.lowin� described premises situa.ted in Hall County, State of Nebraska: <br /> Lot Number Ten (10) in B?ock Number Forty-five (�5) in Russel Wheeler ' s Addition to th.e �ity of <br /> Grand Island, Nebra.ska, as tne same is platted and recorded. <br /> TO HAVE A'-�ID TO HOLD the ;�remises a.botre described, �1Fith tne ax�purtenances, unto tne said Clara <br /> Felske, and her heirs ar�d assi�ns forever, and tne grantors do hereby covenant with the said <br /> Clara Felske that tney are lawfully seized of said premises; they are f ree from encumbrance ' <br /> that t�iey have �ood rioht ar�d las�uful a.��thorit;y to sell arid convey the same, and tney do nereby <br /> coven�nt to WARRANT Ai�D DEFEND tne title to said real estate and appurtenances tnereto belonging, ' <br /> against the latiaful claims of all persons whomsoever; and Florer�ce E.Hovey, wife of Gl�nn W. Hovey, <br /> and Lois S. Hovey, wife of Leroy D.Hovey, herPby relinquish all tr-�eir rig'rlt o�' dower, and all their <br /> right under trie Homestead Laws of tne State of Nebraska, in and to described premises. <br /> Signed this 9th day of April A. D. 1941. Leroy l�. HQVey Gler�n W. Hovey : <br /> Lois S. Hovey Florence E.Houey <br /> � l. 5 I. R. Stamps <br /> (Cancelled ) <br /> � STATE OF IOWA, County of Bl�ck Hawk, ss. <br /> On this 9th day of Apri1, A. D. 1941, befare me, Reno R.Heeve, a Notary Public in and for the <br /> County of Bl�ck Has�rk, State of Iowa, personally appeared Leroy D.Hovey and Lois S.Hovey,husband <br /> I <br /> and wife , to me known to be the id.entical persons whose names are affixed to the above instrument <br /> I as grantors, and severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be their voluntary ana ' <br /> deed for tne pu�poses t'r�erein expressed. <br /> IN WI'1'i1ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and affixed my Notarial Seal trie day anfl year . <br /> last above written. Reno R.�eeve <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public in and for B1ack Hawk. <br /> County, State of IoUra. <br /> My Commission ex�ires July 4th, �g42 <br /> STATE OF CALIF�RNIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, ss. <br /> On this lOth da.y of May, A.D. 1941, before me, Evelyn Gould a Notary Public in a.nd for Los Angeles <br /> County, State of California, personally came Glenn W.Hovey and Florence E.Hovey, husband and wife, ! <br /> to me ?�ers�nally kno���m to be the identical persons wnose names are a.ffixed to the �bove instrumen� <br /> as grantors, and severally acknowledged tn.e execution of' the same to be their voluntary act and deed <br /> for the t�urposes therein exr�ressed. <br /> IN WITI�?ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subacribed my name and affixed my official seal at Santa <br /> T�Icnica, C��lifornia, cn tne date last a'oove wrltten. Evelyn Gould <br /> Not;�ry Public in a.nd for Los Angeles <br /> ( SEAL) Ccunty, State of Galifornia. , <br /> My Commiss on expir March 6, i943 <br /> Filed fcr record this 11 da�r of June, 1941, a.t 3 : 30 0 'clock P. M. ���,.aC � <br />� Register of ee s _ _ <br />