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':��� ' <br /> ���� �➢�C��� �T�. � 1 <br /> � <br />� 18188—The Auguatine Co., County BuppHea, (3rand Island, Nebr. <br /> and year first above written. <br /> Maude H.Geddes � <br /> Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of William Suhr <br /> Bern�ce E.Matthews ExecutricPS of the last will and <br /> testament of George A,Leiser, <br /> deceased. <br /> �TATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 3 day of June, A.D. 19�1, before me, a Notary Public, �.uly com- <br /> ) ss. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) missioned and aualified f'or arld residing in sAid county and state, per- <br /> sonally came the above na med Maud H.Geddes and William Suhr, Executrices of the last will and tes- <br /> tament of George A.Leiser, deceased, who are ,�ersonally known to me to be the identical persons <br />� described in and wnose names are affixed to tne foregoing Deed as grantors and to be such execu- <br /> trices, and tney severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and de�d <br /> f'or tne ��urposes therein stated. <br /> WITPJESS my hand and. Official Sea1 at Grand Zsland, Nebraska, in said county, on the date last <br /> above mentioned. ( SEAL) <br /> Clinton E. Cronin <br /> Commission expires May 27, z9�+3 Notary Public <br /> Riled for record this 3 d�y of June, 19�+1, at 3:00 o ' clock P.M. �./���-�� �-�`� <br /> Register of eeds <br /> p_�_�_�_�_�_�_p_�_�_�_�_q_�_�_!�_0_0-0-0-0_0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0=0-0-0-0-0 �, <br /> WARRAN'�Y DEED -�TESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR � <br /> KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE PRE�ENTS, That Jack Bowen and Louise Bowen, each in their own right, and <br /> nd nd wi f e o f <br /> Hall Count ldebraska in considerati,on of Seven Hundred Fifty and No�100 <br /> as husba a , Y, � <br /> DOLLARS, in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Ray Lewis and <br /> Nellie A.Lewis, of Hall County, State of Nebraska, as JOIPIT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> the following described real estate, situate in the County of Hall and State of �i�braska, to-wit : <br /> Lot Six (6) , in Block `�hirty (30) , of P.acker & Barr' s Second Addition to the City oP Grand Island, <br /> k , as tne same is surve ed latted and recorded. <br /> Nebras a <br /> Y , P <br />� , <br /> together wi�h all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to tne same belonging, and al1 <br /> the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim ar d�mand whatsoever of the said grantors, o�, <br /> in or to �he same, or any part thereof; sub,j ect to <br /> . IT HEIIVG THE INTENTION OF ALL PAR'rIES iIERETO, ^1HAT IV THE EVEiVT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAI1� <br /> GRANTEES, THE Ei1TIRE FEE STMPLE TITLE TO THE R�'AL ESTATE DESCRII3ED HERELN SHALL VEST IN T HE SUR- <br /> VIVING GRAi�mEE. ' <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, witn the appurtenances, unto the said grant�es <br /> as JOINT TE!�ANTS, and not as tenants in comrnon, and to their assigns, or to tne heirs and assign� <br /> rviv r of' them forever and we the rantors named herein for ourselves and our heirs, <br /> of the su o g <br /> , , <br /> executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns <br /> and with the heirs and assigns of tne survivor of them, that we are lawfully seized of said premises; <br /> that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, and that we the said grantors have <br /> good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and that we wi11 and our heirs, executors and <br /> administrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their <br /> assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of tnem, forever, against the lawful claims <br /> of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNES� WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands this 3rd day of June, A.D. 19�+1. <br /> In presence of 1.10 I. . tamps ) <br /> Jack Bowen <br /> C. E.arundy ( Cancelled ) Louise Bowen <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � On this 3rd day of June, A.D. 19�+1, before me, a Notary Pu'plic, in and <br /> . }ss. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ; ) for said County, personally came the �bove named Jack Bowen and Louise <br /> Bowen, each in their own right, and as husband and wife, wno ar� personally known to me to be the <br /> identical persons whose names are �ffixed to the above instrument as grantors ar.d they acknowledged , <br /> I said instrumPnt to be their voluntary act and deed. . <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. <br /> ( SEAL) �. E.Grundy <br /> My commission expires on the l� day of June, A. D. 194�. Notary Public <br /> Filed for record this 4 day of June, 1941, at 2t�0 o 'clock P.M. (��.�� i <br /> Register og �e �, -- <br />, , --- --- I <br />