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��� <br /> ]ID��E� ]E�.����$� �T�. � � ' <br /> 18128—The Auguatine Co., County 9uppliea, Qra.nd Island, Nebr. � - �� � � � � ����- � �� ���� - ��-��� �� ��-� <br /> if a,ny, and to any state of facts �n accurat� survey might show. <br /> TOGETHER with all a.nd singular the tenements , hereditaments and ap�urtenanees thereun�o belong- <br /> ing, or in anywise apper�aining, ar�d the reversions, remainder arid remainders, rents, issues and <br /> prof'i�s trierPef. <br /> TO HAVE A1?D TO HOLD, all and singular the premises above mentioned and described and hereby con- <br /> veyed, or intended so to be toget:ner with the appurtenances unto �ne said parties of the second <br /> part, Clarence L.Sweet and Minnie M. Sweet, his wife, as ,joint tenants arid not as tenar�ts in common <br /> T�rith rignt of survivorship in the surviving �ra.ntee, tneir heirs and assigns forever. <br /> AND the saict THE PRUDENTIAL INSUF.AI�CE C�h1PANY OF AI�7ERICA will warrant and dePend the title of <br /> saia. premises t� tne s�,ic1 Clarenee L. 5weet and �innie M. Sweet, his wife, tneir heirs a.nd assigns <br /> forever, against the lawful claims and demands of alZ persons cla.iming by, from or under i�. <br /> IN Z�'ITNESS WHEREOF', a Vice President of said THE PRUDENTIAL IiVSURANCE COMPANY OF AI�IERICA, has <br /> hereunto signed hi5 name and hereunto affixed the eeal of said Coinpany, attested by an Assistant <br /> SPCret�ry, in Newark, New Jersey, this the day and year first above written. <br /> ATr!'EST : .R. tamps ) ( CORP) THE P1�UDENTIAL IVSURA:VCE COMPANY OF AMERICA <br /> � • <br /> Frederick H.Groel ( Cancelled ) ( SEAL) By J.A.Amerman <br /> Assistant Secretary Vice President <br /> STATE OF NEW JERSEY ) On this 19th day of May, 1941, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> ) ss. <br /> COUNI'Y OF ESBEX ) Public, authorized to take acknowledgments in said County and State, <br /> personally ap�eared J.A.Amerman to me personally known and known to me to be the person who execu- <br /> ted the foregoing instr�.zrnent, wno being by me duly sworn did say that he is a Vice President of <br /> 7'HE PRUDENTIAL INSi,�ANCE COI�IPANY OF ANIERICA, a corporation under the laws of the �tate of �ew <br /> ��rsey, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instr�_�ment, is the corporate seal of said �om- <br /> pany, and tnat said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Company by authority of it� <br /> Board �of Directors and said J.A.Amerman acknowledged said instrument to be tne free act �nd� deed ' <br /> 6f said Company. <br /> IN TESTiMOIVY WHEREJF, I have hereL?nto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in� <br /> the �it of Newark t�e da and ear first abov.e written. Richard E. Hritt n <br /> Y , Y Y o <br /> (SE�L) Notary Public <br /> NIy commission expires June 12, 19��. <br /> Filed for record this 3 day of June, 19�+1, at 2 .20 0 'clock P.M. \Jl-�=��--�� vJ�`�� <br /> egister of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-�-':-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0- <br /> Y,�QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDETJTURE, Made this 3rd day of June, in the year one thouaand nine hundred forty-one <br /> bett.aeen Maud H.�eddes and W�lliam Suhr,- Exeeutrices of tne last will and testament of George A. <br /> Leiser, deceased, of ttiE first pa.rt, and Mabel E. Neumayer, Grace R. Wells, Blanche L. U��,��, and <br /> Maud H.Geddes, of th� second bart. <br /> WI`1`'NESSETH, That the parties of the first p�.rt, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar <br /> to them daly p�id, the reeeipt whereof is hPreby acknowled�;ed, have granted, conveyed, remised, <br /> released and quit-clairned, and by these presents do grant, convey, remise, release, and forever <br /> quit-cl�im unto tne said parties of the second part, share and share alike, a.nd to their heirs <br /> and assigr�s forever, al1 their right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand, both at law and <br /> in equity, of, in and to t:ne following Gescribed real estate, situated in Ha11 County, and State • <br /> of Nebraska, t o-wi t: <br /> �-, <br /> The east one-half oP the southeast quarter of Section Thirty-four �34) in lownship Twelve (12) <br /> North o�' Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. , cor�taining �0 acres, a, little more or less, <br /> complete with equipment for irrigation, consisting �rincipally of we11, pumps,motors and other : <br /> equipment used in ccnnection tnere!aith. <br /> Togetner with all and singul�r the hereditarnents and �.ppurtenances tY�ereunto belong; TO HAVE Ai�D <br /> i'0 HOLD the a.bove described �� emi ses �znto trie a�,id Ma,bel E. Rleumayer, Grace R.Wella, Blanche L. <br /> Un�er, and Maud H.seddes, share and share alike, their heirs and assigns; <br />. IN WIrI'IdESS WriEP.EOF, The said parties of tne fi•°st part hereunto s e� their hands the day <br />, , � <br />