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t�'LJ`� <br /> ���� �����.� 1�T�. � 1 <br /> 15129—The Auguatine Co., County 8upplies, C}rand Island, Neba <br /> PLAT & C. <br /> KNOW ALL MFN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, J. F.Abrahamson and Gladys Abrahamson, husband and wif�, <br /> each in tn.eir own right, being the owners of the land shown on this plat, and having caused same <br /> . to be laid out and divided as ABRAHAMSON'$ SUBDIVISION into block and lots of dimensions as shown <br /> do hereby state and make known tha.t said re-subdivision is made witn our free consent and in accord- <br /> ance with our desire to facilitate the dPSCription to be used in the taxation and conveyance of <br /> tr�ct. <br /> Witness m,y riand this 24th day of April 19�+1. <br /> J. F.Abrahamson <br /> ' Witness : Paul R.�illiarns Gladys �brahamson <br /> "`' ' STA'TE GF NEBRASKA ) I hereby certify tnat on April 2, 1941, a survey t^ras made of Abrahamson 's <br /> ) ss. <br /> � ' HALL COUNTY ) Subdivision to trie City of Gr�nd Island, Nebraska, wriich formerly was <br /> Charl e s <br /> ; Block �+2�Wasmer ' s 2nd Adcition. A one-inch iron pipe w<:?_s driven into tne ground a� each corner <br /> of the block, and at tne corr�ers of e�cn lot. The dimensions of the block, lots and atree�s are as <br /> � shown by figures on the plat, �.nd each lot bears its o �Tn nvmber. Said survey was made with reference <br /> to known monurnents. J. H.Hardeman <br /> City Engineer <br /> Accepted and ap�roved by Mayor and City Council tni� 24th day of April 1941. , <br /> Attest : F. S.Wnite � ( CORP) �arry Grimminger <br /> City Glerk ( SEAL) Mayor <br /> State of Nebraska ) On tnis 2�th day of April 19�-1, A. D. before me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> ) ss, <br /> County of Hall ) Public, witiiin arid for said County, personally came J.F.Abrahamson and <br /> Gladys Abrahamson, husband and w�fe, personally known to me to be the identical persons wnose names <br /> are affixed to tne above instr�.�ment, and tney acknowledge the same to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. <br /> Witness my hand and seal, at Grand Ialand, in said County, ttie above date last above written. <br /> ., (SEAL) Lloyd W.Kelly <br /> My commission ex��ires 10�27�45 Notary Publie <br /> � Filed for record this 3 day of June, 19�1, at 11 t 45 0 'clock A.M. �-�=�-� � <br /> Re�ister of Dee s <br /> . ' �_�_t;_.0-0-0-��-C-0-G-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-C-%-C-0-C-0-C-C-G-C-0-C-0-0-0-0-C-C-0-0-C-C-0-C-0-C-0-��-�- <br /> DEED Property #22530 tti'` � <br /> THIS INDENTURE, made this lst day of May, 19�+1, bet�aeen THE PRUDENTIAL INSURAiVCE COMPANY OF <br /> AM�RICA, a eorporation organized and existing under the laws of' the State of New Jersey, with it� <br /> - , principal office at Newark, New Jersey, the party of tt�e first part, and CLAREiVCE L. SWEET and <br /> MINNIE M. SWEET, his wife, t'�e parties of tne second part. , <br /> WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of tne sum of Four <br /> Thousand and 00/100 Dollars t�4, 000.00) to it in hand paid or .5ecured to be paid by tne parties of <br /> the second part, tne receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, part of said consideration being repre- <br /> � sented �oy a first purchase money mortgage of even date for Three Thou�and Five Hundred Ninety Four <br /> and 47/100 Dollars (�3, 59�+. �+7) has hereby granted, bargained, sold ar�d conveyed and by these presenta <br /> �, does grant, bargain, sell a.nd convey unto the said parties of tne second part, Clarence L. sweet and <br /> Minnie M. Sweet, hia wife, as �joint tenants and not as tenants in common with right of survivorsh�p <br /> in tne surviving grantee, and to their heirs a:�.d asaigns forever, all tnat certain tract or pareel <br /> of land situate, lying and being in the County of Hall and State of �Jeqraska, to-wit: <br /> Fractional Lot N3,ne in Block �'�ourtAen of Baker 's Addition and its Complement, <br /> Fractional Lot Nine in Block Three, Chas.Wasmer � s Addition to the City of <br /> Grand Island, and Wasmer �s Annex to First Addition, making one full lot, with a <br /> frontage of Fifty-two Feet on First Btreet arid a depth of One Hundred Thirty-two Feet, <br /> according to the official plat thereof' of' record and on file in tne office of the Register <br /> of Deeds of said County. <br /> Being the same prPmises conveyed to The Prudential Insurance Company of America by deed <br /> dated January 12th, 193�+, and recorded in Book 74 on page 2�3. ; <br /> THIS CONVEYA.�CE is made sub,ject to all taxes and assessments, to rights of tenanta or occupanCs, <br /> I <br /> � _� <br />