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���� <br /> ��E�� ��C��$� �T�. � � <br /> _ _ :__ __ _; <br />_ 18128—The Augustine Co., Covnty 8upplies, Grand Island, Neba _. <br /> �;�4 SHERIFF 'S DEED <br /> KNO� ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTB : THAT,'�HEREAB, in an ac�ion in �he District Court oP the Eleventh I <br /> Judicial Distric� of Nebraeka,wl.thin and Por H�11 County,wher�in COUNTY OF HALL was pl�.intifP,and <br /> LORRAINE G.CARLSON and othere were defendante, it wa� considered, ad�udged and d�creed by eald Court, <br /> �hat tr�� County oP HaII had a Iien an eQCh of the follQwing de�cribed premisea Por unpaid taxee, <br /> and �hat in d�faul.t oP the p�yment of sald unpaid t�xes,with interest and co�ts,with3n twen�y <br /> daye allowed by Iavr, the prem�.see ahould be for�closed and �old;and WHEREAg, th� defendante in sa3d <br /> action having made default in 'Ghe paymen� of the amounte so found due,I,Daniel Sa.nder�,a� 8heriff" <br /> of �aid County,under and by virtue oP the order oP eaid Court to me direeted, d3d on the 17th day <br /> o�' April,1939,at thP North front 3oor oY the Cour�G �Ious� in the City of Grand Island, in the County <br /> of Hall ( the same being th� place wherein the Distria� Caur� wae I�.st hsld in se�id County) ,having' <br /> Pir�t given due and Zegal notice of the time and place of' said sale,Por not 1.ess than thirty daya <br /> prior thereto, in a Iegal new�pap�r printed and in general circula�tion in said County oP Hall,sell <br /> egid premises at public auc�ion to ROBERT L.LESTER and "�IALTER sIEBERT t'ar the aum of Forty & no/1�Q <br /> Dollars they being the highest and be�� bidder therefor, gor the suma aet forth in '�h� report made <br /> to said Court oP the sale and in the order of canfirmatian;and WHEREAS,the own�re oP said premis�e <br /> fa.11ed to redec�m said premi$PS within the tr�o yeare allowed by Iaw,and said eale wae thereupon <br /> confirmed by the court on the 16th day oP R�Iay,1941,and I, the said Daniel 5�ndcra,as 8heriff of <br /> sa3d County,was ordered to exeaute a deed to sald premiaes �o said ROBERT L.LESTER �nd >V�ALTER <br /> SIEBERT. <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,I,the eaid Danl�l Sandera,as �heriff oP Hell County,Nebraska, in pursuance of th� <br /> order of said Court,as aPoresaid,in canslderation oP the premisea,and by virtu� of the powers in <br /> me ve�ted by Iaw,do her��y give,grant,and convey unto the said R(3B_ER�' L:I��BTER:�.and:��,L��R: $I�BERT <br /> .szic� as e igns, the _ <br /> pr�misee eold as aforeeald, to-wit: Fractional Lot Five (5) in Fra,ctionaI. Block Thr�� ( j) in Ashto� <br /> Place,and the Weeterly FiPtv_four ( 54) P�et oP Fractional Block Twenty-seven (27) in Baker'g <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island,Ha�ll County,N�bra,ska,being that part oP Said�blvek which <br /> taken with Fract2onal Lot Five (5) in Fractional Block Three ( 3) in Ashton Place,make a reetanguTar <br /> tra.ct of ground having a Prontage oP Fifty-Paur ( 54) f�et an Dlvision �tree� and �xtending in a <br /> southerly direction a distance of One Hundred Forty (14�) Peet; <br /> with al1 and eingu.].ar the appurtenanc�s thereunto beZonging, to have and to hold un•to • the said <br /> ROBERT L.LESTER and WALTER BIEBERT,and to their heirs forever. <br /> � r <br /> IN 1NITNESS WHEREOF, ha� �,as euch Sh�ri�'f of Hall County,Nebraska,hereunto eet my hand thia 17th <br /> clay o P May,I 941. <br /> -------------------- Daniel Sander� <br /> Executed and Delivered in ( �.55 I.R.Stampa ) �erlff of Ha21 County <br /> Presence oP; ( Cancelled ) <br /> Margaret Viok <br /> The State of Nebraek� ) <br /> )ss On thiB 17th day oP May,19�+I, bePore me,D.O.Beckm�nn, Cltrk oP the <br /> Hall County ) <br /> Distriat Court,duly elected and qualiPied for said County,p�rson- ' <br /> a11y appeared Daniel Sanders,ShEr7.fP oP eaid County, to me known to be the identioal person describ- <br /> ed in and who executed the Porego3ng inatrument a�s �rantor,and acknowledged 8aid inetrumen� to be ; <br /> hia voluntary sct and deed ae sueh BheriFf. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I hane hereunto eet my hand and officisl eeal at Gre.nd Island,Nebrask�, in eaid� <br /> County, the day and year Iast above written. , <br /> ( SEAL) D.O.Heckmann <br /> Clark or the District Court. <br /> Fi].�d Por recorcl this 17 day of �Iay,19�1,a,t 11:30 0 ' clock A.�Q. ��j <br /> �� �--�/�L`�"r3r <br /> R�gister o�' Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o_o-Q_o_o_o_o.: <br /> '�,,SHERIFF'S DEED ON FORECL08URE OF MORTGAGE <br /> � <br /> Knot� aIl &Zen by these Pres�ntg ; <br /> ThQt Whereas, in an aetion on the Dietriet Court of the Eleventh Judicial Diatriat ot Nebraska, <br /> within and Por HaI]. County,wherein Home Owners ' Loan Corporation,a corpor8tlon, is plaintiff,and <br />- Alma Snyder, e� aI are Defendants, it was by e�id Court at the Februa�ry Term th�reof,A.D. �2940, to-w�t, _ _ <br />