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'S�� <br /> �ID]E]E� ������ N�. � 1 <br /> � <br />_ 18129—The Auguatine Co., County Suppliea, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> powers in me vested by law, do hereby give, grant, and convey unto the s �id The Federal Land Bank <br /> of Omaha, a corporation, and assigns, the premises sol8 as aforesaid, to-witt All oP �'he West Half <br /> of the Southeast quarter of Section 5, in Township 10, North of Aange 11, West of the 6th P.M. , in. <br /> Hall County, Nebraska, containing �0 acres, more or less, according to the governraent survey, with <br /> all and sin�ular the a.ppurtena.nces thereunto belon�ing, to have and to hold unto it the said The <br /> Federal Land Bank of Omah<�., a corporation, �.nd its assigns forever. <br /> IN WITNE�� WHr�REOF', I have, as such 5heriff' of ha11 County, ��ebraska, hereunto set my hand this <br /> 16th day of May, A. D. , 19�+1. � <br /> Daniel Sanders <br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of Sheriff of Hall County <br /> Margar�t Vick. <br /> THE STATE (?F NFBRA.SKA ) On this 16th day nf May, A. D. , 19�-1, before me, D.0.Heckmann, a Clerk <br /> ) ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) of the �i�trict Court duly elected and qualified f'or said County, per- <br /> sonally appeared Daniel Sanders, Sheriff of County, to me known to b� the identical person <br /> descrined in and who executed the �oregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowledged said instrument <br /> to be his voluntary act and deed as such Bheriff'. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official sea.l a.t Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> in said County, the da.y and year last above written. D. �. Beckmann <br /> ( SEAL) Clerk of the District �ourt <br /> Filed for record this 16th day of May, 1941, at 3��0 o ' clock P.M. ���%�-� �/ <br /> vo� <br /> eff gister of�eeds <br /> �0-0-J-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-G-0-'�)-��-�-0-^-0-(�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-:)-�-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0_�_�_0-0- , <br /> �WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOCd ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEIJTS: <br /> THAT we, Hans F.N�ichelmann and �'lorence Michelmann, his wife, of Hall County, and State of <br /> Nebraska, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valua.ble consideration, in hand paid <br /> A <br /> by Herbert E.Lysinger, of Hall County, and State of Nebraska, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, con-- <br /> vey and confirm unto the said Herbert E.Lysinger the Pollowing described premises, situated in the <br /> County of Hall and �tate of Nebraska, to-witt <br /> A tract of ground situated on Lot One (1) in Bloe� �h3.rty (30) of' the Original Town now City of <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, more paxticularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencin at �he southeast <br /> corner of' said Lot, thence r�.�nning along the east line of �aid Lot forty-three ��3) f'eet, thence . <br /> at right angles �;�est Forty-four �44) feet, thence at right angles south Seven (7) feet, thence at <br /> right angles west to the west boundary line of said- Lot One (1) , thence south along the west bound- <br /> a.ry line of said Lot One ( 1) , to the southwest corner of �aid Lot, thence east along the south <br /> boundary line of said Lot One �l ) to the place of beginning. <br />, <br /> arantors herein hereby also gr�.nt unto grantee abov�-named, an easement upon the remaining �ortion - <br /> of said Lot One alon the westerly six feet th�reof for water-main service to enable said rantee <br /> � g <br /> and successors in t3tle and assigns, to bring the City water line onto the premises above-described <br /> and by this deed being conveyed to said grantee from Eaa� Fiftl� Street; said grantee hereby <br /> unto said grantor and his successors in title and assigns, an eaeement over �he southerly portion <br /> of said Lot One by this deed conveyed along the west�rly six feet thereof, for aewer purposes to <br /> ena.ble tne owner of the northerly part of said Lot One to connect with the City eewer in the alley <br /> along the soutnerly edge of gra.ntee ' s premises; both of said easements herein gr�nt�ed to include <br /> the right of' servicing said water and sewer lines; grantors, for themselves �,nd their successors <br /> and assigns for the benPfit of the northerly portion of said Lo'� 1 not hereby conveyed, reserve <br /> along the �.�resterly six feet of the portion of said Lot 1 hereby conveyed an easement in addition <br /> for saicl sewer purpos.�=s hereinbefore stated, for ga"s mains and 11nes, eleetric and telephone lines <br /> and service. � <br /> Together with all tne tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances. to the same belonging, and a11 <br /> the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim or Demand whatsoever; including Dower, Curtesy and Home- <br /> stead �ights of the Florence Mich�lmann of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tne above described premises, with the a.ppurtenances, unto the said Herber'C <br /> E.Lysinger and to his heirs and assigns forever. <br /> And we hereby covenant with the said Herbert E. Lysinger that we hold said premises by �ood and <br /> perfect �itle; that we have good right and lawful authot+ity to sell and convey same; that they ar� � � � <br /> free and clear o�' all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. <br /> And we covenant to warra.nt and defend the premises agairist the lawful claims of all persons � <br /> whomsoever. <br /> _ _ _ __. <br />