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���� <br /> p � <br /> ���� ��C��� �T�. � 1 <br />` 18128—The Auguatine Co., County 8uppliea, (3rand Ieland, Nebr. <br /> I <br /> The North Eleven (11) feet of the �outh Half (�) of Lot One �l) in Block �eventeen � 17) , in <br /> Original Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall County, N�braska. <br /> Tog�ther with all and singu�ar the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVF' AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the arand Island Truat �ompany, Trustee, <br /> heirs and assigns; so that neither we the said Frances Hamill ' and Charles H.Hami11, Wife and Husband <br /> each in her and his own right, and as spouse of the other; Kate Edwards, widow, or any person in <br /> our name and behalf, shall or will hereafter elaim or demand any right or title to the said <br /> premises or any part thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presents be excluded <br /> and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, �he said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands ar�d seals <br /> � the d�.y and year abov� written. <br /> ' �igned, sealed and delivered in presence of Frances Hamill <br /> Lulu Dahl Charles H.Hamill <br /> L.R.Gedde s Kat e Edwards <br /> STATE OF NEHRASKA ) On this 7th day oP May, A.D. 19�+1, before me, the undersigned, Lu1u Dahl, <br /> '� ) ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) a Notary Publie duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said <br /> county, personally came �'rances Hamill and Charles H.Hamill, Wife and Husband, each in his and <br /> her own right, and a5 apouse of tne other; and Kate Edwa,rds, widow, to me known to be the identical <br /> persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors and acknowledged the same : <br /> , � to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above writt�n. <br /> Lulu Dahl <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires the 2$th day of August, 1g45 <br /> Filed for record this 16th day of May, 19�-1, at 3:00 0 ' clock P.M. �-�=���� �✓ <br /> egister of eeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0- <br /> SHERIFF'5 DEED ON FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE ��f� <br /> � <br /> KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE PAESENTSt <br /> - That Whereas, in an action in the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of Nebraska, <br /> within and for Ha11 County, wherein The Federal Land Bank oP 4maha, a corporation, is Plaintiff, <br /> ' and Mary G.Kearney, a widow, et a1. are Defenda.nts, it w�.s by said Court, at the February, Term <br /> thereof, A.D. , 19�-0, to-wit, on the 5th day of July A. D. , 1940, considered, ad,judged, and decreed <br /> that in default of the payment to the Clerk of the District Court of the costs of said action, <br /> and to the plaintiff the of �4957. 42 with �� interest from March 29, 1940, within tT�,Tenty <br /> days from the date of such ,judgment and decree, that the equity of redemption of each and all of <br /> I <br /> : said defend�.nts in and to the lands and tenements hereinafter described be foreelosed and Pbreuer <br /> barred, and that the Sheriff of said Hal1 County cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described <br /> to be advertised, and sold according to �.aw; and whereas the s�.id defendants having made default <br /> therein Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff of said County, under and by virtue of the order of said Court <br /> to him directed, did, on the 12th day of May, A.D. , 19�+1, at the north door of the Court �ouse <br /> . in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, in said County of Hall, ( the same being the place wher�in <br /> the District Court was last held in said County), having first given due and legal notice of the <br /> time and place of said sale, for not less than thirty days prior thereto, in the Grand Island <br /> Daily Ind�pendent, a legal newspaper printed and in general circulation in said �ounty of Hall, ' <br /> sell the said premises �t public auction to The Federal Land Bank oP Omaha., a corporation, (it <br /> being the highest and best bidder tn.erefor) for the sum of Five rj'housand two-hundred eleven & 10�100 <br /> DOLLARS, which sale was afterwards at the February Term of said Court, A.D. , 19�1, examined and <br /> � ` confirmed, and the said Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff of said County, was ordered to execute a , <br /> deed of said premises to the said The Federal Land Bank of Omaha, a corporation, ! <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I , the said Daniel Sanders, as sheriff of Hal1 County, �ebraska, in pur�uance ! <br /> . <br /> I.__. : of the order of said Court, as a�'oresaid, in consiaeration of the premises, and by virtue Qf �.h�_._�_ _ __ <br /> � � <br /> i <br /> ' i <br />