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��� <br /> ���E� ��EC��D I�T�. � 1 <br />�,�., . <br />�_ 1$128—The Auguatine Co., County 8upplies, C}ra.nd Ialand, Nebn <br /> ; the aum of Other coneidera,tion,and One and No/100 DOLLARS in hand paid,receipt whereof ie hereby <br /> � acknoRledged,ha� aold and by these pres�nts does grant, convey and confirm unto the said partiee <br /> ; of the second p�rt, �he tollowing described premises, eituated in Hall County,and 8tate of Nebraska, <br /> a�� <br /> ; to-wit:,� Lot Number Three (3) in Block Number One (I) in Windolph'e Addition to arand Island,�s <br /> �he same ie platted and recorded. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premieea above described, together wi�h aIl the Tenemente,Hereditamente <br /> ' and Appurtenanoes thereunto belon�ing unto the eaid �ilton �.Smith and Cora E.smith,and to the <br /> h�ir� and assigna o�' the survivor of them. <br /> And the said Nebraska ConPerence Association oP The Seventh Dtty Adventiets for i�self,or ite <br /> auccessors,daes hereby covenant a�nd agree to and with the said parties o� the aecond part and <br /> their heirs and assigna, that at the time of �he execution and dellvery of th�se presenta it is <br /> � IawPully $eizad oP said premiaes;that it hae good right and IawYul authority to convey the �ame; <br /> that they are free from encumbrance and Nebraska Conference Asaociativn of The Seventh Day AdvRat'- <br /> iate does hereby covenant '�o warr�nt and defend th� said premiaes aga.inat the IawPul claima of all <br /> E <br /> person� whom�oever. <br /> IN �'ITNESS �HEREOF, the said Nebraska ConPerence Association of The Seventh Day Adnentiet$ hae <br /> ! hereunto cau8ed 1ts oorporate seal to be aPfixed and these presents to be s3gn�d by ita Preeident <br /> ' the da,y and year �iret above written. ( CORP) <br /> (SEAL) Nebraeka Conference Asaoaiation <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in preeence of oP The SeQCnth Day Adventiata <br /> ------------------- By O.T.(3arner pr�eident <br /> ' Atteet; L.R.Alexander ( �3.�5 I.R.Btampe ) <br /> . Sear�tary (, Cancel.led � <br /> °. 8tate of Nebraska <br /> s�. On thie 30 day of April 19�FI,before me, the undersigned,a Notary pubi�c <br /> Lancaeter County . <br /> in and for said County,pereonally came O.T.f'rarner,Presldent of the <br /> Nsbraeka Conference Association of The 3eventh Day Adventiste to me persanally knoAn to be the <br /> preaident and th� identic�.I peraon rrhose name ia aYfixed to the abov� conveyance,and acknowledg�d , <br /> � the executlon thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as auch oPficer a,nd the voluntary act and <br /> ' deed of the eaid Nebraska ConPerence Association oP The 5eventh Day Adventiets,and that the <br /> Corporate seal of the said ��braska Canference Aesociation oP The 8�venth Day Adventiate wae ther�- <br /> � ta�afYixed by ite authoritv,� ; <br /> ; � <br /> 1�itnesB my hand and Notarial 5ea1 at Lincol.n, in said county the day and year laat above written. <br /> (SEAL) D.S,Cozad <br /> ; My Commisaion expires the 16 day of Apri1,1946. �. Notary Publia <br /> Filed Por record thia lO day of May,1941,at I1:45 o'clock A.M. ����c � <br /> �. <br /> Register of De� <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> ; QUI� CLAIM DEED � �� � <br /> i <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 2nd day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Forty-one be- <br /> tween Christine Kroeger Porraerly th� wife oP Fred J.Kroeger, but divorced Prom said Fred J.Kroeger, <br /> ; by decree of the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, in Case No. 9357 on April 11, 1941, in <br /> + which ease he was named Fred Kroeger, of the first part, and F�ed W.F.a,thman, of the second part, <br /> ; <br /> ' WITNESSETH, that the said party oP the first part, in consicleration of the sum oP ONE DOLLAR <br /> ; to me duly paid, tne reeeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released, and q�it- <br /> i <br /> claimed, and by these presents do for myself, my heirs, execu�ors and administrators, remise, re- <br /> le�se and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs <br /> and assigns forever, all my right, titl� interest, estate claim and demand, both at law and in <br /> � equity, of, in and to all <br /> � <br /> The NortY�west �}�arter of the No�theast Quarter (1VW�NE�) a d the southwest Q,uarter of the Northeas!t <br /> Quarter (SW�NE ) and Lot One (1 , all �n Seetion E gh (��, and the Southwest Quarter of the Sout�- <br /> ; east Quarter ( �W�SE�) in Section Five 5) , all in `I'ownship Nine {9) Nor�h, Range �leven ( 11-) ,Wes'� ; <br /> of the 6th Principal �eridian, in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> i <br /> Together wi�h all and singular the h�reditaments thereunto ,belonging. <br /> � <br /> ,! _ <br />