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��� <br /> �JE�� �.�C��� �T�. � 1 <br />� 18128—The Auguetine Co., County Bupplies, 6rand Ieland, Nebr. _�,� <br /> named in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged 'Ghat they executed the same <br /> as their voluntary act and deed. � <br /> Lulu Dah1 <br /> ( SEAL) � �fotary Puialic in 8itid <br /> for Said �ounty. <br /> My commission expires August 2�, 1945 <br /> Filed for record this 10 day of May, 1941, at 11:C�0 o ' clock A.M. �.�����-��_ <br /> Register o�eds <br /> 0-0-�-0-0-C-C-0-C-0-�-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-G-�-C-G-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-G-0-�:�-�-C-C-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�:'-G-O-- <br /> °�WAF?RANTY DEED-VE�TING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That Joeephine Robineon, aingle, oY Hall Coun�y, State of N�braska, <br /> I in consideration ot' One Dol2ar and other valuable considerations DOLLAR3 in hand paid, do hereby <br /> grant,bargain, sell, convey and canPirr� unto Ea,rl Richmond and Opa1. RicY�rnond, of HaII County,State <br /> oP N�braska,as JOINT TEt1ANT8,and not ae tenanta in common,the following deecribed real ee�ate, <br /> situate in the County of Hall and 8tate of Nebreeka, to-wit; The South Half of th� No�t�-Weat quarter <br /> ( 5�-NW�) oP Section Three (3) ,in Torvnship Nine (9) North,Range N3ne ( 9� ,West of the 6th��P.�, •_ <br /> o v n 1 n h la <br /> , <br /> and also - Lot FivE (5) , in BI QI� Ele s (1 ) ,i t e Vil ge oP Doniphan,Nebraeka; - and also - an <br /> undivided one-third (I/3) interest in and to - the �'eet Forty-elght Feet ( �}� ' ) oP Lot 51x (6} ,in <br /> Block El�ven (I1) , in the Village of Doniphan,Nebraska;-and alsa-an undivided one-thir.d (I/3) <br /> interest in and to The North HaIP oP th� Southweet q,ua,rt�r (N�-SW�) of Sectlon Thirty-four ( �4) , <br /> in Township Ten (7.0) North, oP Raxige Nine (9) ,Weat oP th� 6th P.M. ,all being eituated in Hall <br /> County,Nebraeka,and ae surveyed,platted and recorded; <br /> 'tog$ther with aIl the tenements,heredi�aments,and appurtenances to the same be7.onging,and all tht <br /> estate, title, dov�er,right oP homeetead,claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor,oY, in ar to <br /> the same,o� any part thereoP; sub�ject to ineumbrances oP record <br /> IT HEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIE3 HERETO,THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEAT�i OF EITHER OF SATD <br /> GAAN�EES,THE ENTIRE �)EE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VES�' IN THE <br /> �TJRVIVINa aAANTEE. <br /> TO HA�TE AND TO HOLD �he above described premise$,with �he appurtenancee,unto the said grantees <br /> as JOINT TENANTS,and not ae tenan�s in oommon,and to their aesigns,or to the helrs �nd aeaign$ oP <br /> the survivor of them,forever,a�nd I the grantor nsmed herein Por myself and my heire, ax�cutora, <br /> and adninistrators,do covenant with the granteee nt�med herein and with their a�aigns and with the <br /> heire and asaigns of the survivor oF �hem, '�hat S sm Iaw�'u1ly eeized oP eaid premiees;tha� thty ar• <br /> free f'rom incumbrsnce except ae statc�d herein,Qnd that I the said grantor have good right and <br /> IawPul autharity to sell thP sam�,and that I �vill end my heirs,executors and administrator$ ghall : <br /> warrant and dePend the same unto the gran��ee nam�d hereln and unto their asaigns and unto the <br /> heir� and assigns oP the survivor oP them,Parever,againat the lawPul claims of a�ll pereons whom- <br /> eoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN 1�ITNEBS S�7HHEREOF I have hereun�o eet ny ha,nd thia 6th day of May,A.D.19�#1. <br /> . <br /> Tn preeence of Josephine Robineon <br />� C.E.C#rundy <br /> 8ta'�e of. Nebraeka ) <br /> )ss. On this 6th day of �ay A.D.19�1,before me,a Notary Public, ln �nd gor <br /> County of Hall ) <br /> said County,personally came the above nam�d Josephine Robinson,a <br /> sing7.e woman who ia pereonally kno�m to me to be the identical per8on whose nam� Se a2'fixed to the <br /> abave instrument as grantor,and ehe aeknowledged said inetrwnent to be her voluntary aet and deed, <br /> 1NITNE58 my hand and Notari�I Seal the date Zast aPoresaid. <br /> C.E.arundy <br /> �y commission explres dn the 18 day of June A.D.z944. ( SEAL) Notary'public <br /> Filed for rQCOrd thie I� day oY �ay,1941,at lI o�elock A.�. ; <br /> ������ , <br /> ��g ster of De ds <br /> -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-d-O-O-O-O-O-O-p-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-O-0-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> ``�'��RANT'Y DEED-�or�ora�ian <br /> THIS INDETTTURE,Made th2e 30 day oP Apri1 A.D. ,Z9�+I,betw�en Nebraaka ConPerence Aasocl�tion oP The <br /> Seventh Day Adventiats a corparation arga,nized and exiating under and by virtue of the laws oS th� <br /> Stste oP Nebraeka party oP the Pirat part,and �ilton �d.Smith and Cora E.Smith,Hu�band and WiPe,and <br /> as �oint tenants,with right oP eurvivorship of the Count;,* o� Ha].l,and State of Nebraska,partiee <br /> of the eecond part,WITNE55ETH,That the aaid party oP the first part for and in conaideration of <br />