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��� <br /> �ID�E)E� �.�E C��$� I�T�. � 1 <br />� _ <br /> I . : __ _ <br /> 18189—The Augustine Co., County 8upplies, 6rand Island, Nebr. � <br />� _ , _ , <br /> re�iding in said county, personally came Charles J.F.ickert and Linda Rickert, Husband and Wife, <br /> and Henry Krueger, single, to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to <br /> the foregoln� instru.ment as grantors and acknowledged the eame to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial �eal the day and yea.r last above written. <br /> �ulu Dahl <br /> ( SEAL) � Notary Publie <br /> A st � <br /> th 2 d of u 1 <br /> M c o m m i s�i o n e x i r e s e � �. 9 5 <br /> Y p Y � , <br /> Filed for record this 10 day of May, 1941, at 11:00 0 � clock A.M. ��-��-d�l���ya- <br /> egi5ter of e'�eds <br /> � <br /> 0-0-C-Q-C�-0-0-0-0-Q-C-C-Q-Q-(�-C-�-0-C-0-0-C7-Q-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-Q-0-0-0-t�-0-0-0--0-�-0-0-0-0- <br /> '�QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THE�E PRESENTS: <br /> THAT. Ishmael W.Boquette, un�narried; William McKinley �oquette, unmarried; Birdie Bell Roush <br /> and David F.Roush, wife� and husband; Viole'� Braun and 8.T. Braun, wife and husband, in consideration <br /> of the sum oP Division of Estate between heirs, to me in hand paid by Florence Wendt and Frances <br /> 4 <br /> Benton of Hall Gount�r and �tate of Nebraska, do h�reby QUI� CLAIM and convey unto the said <br /> Florence Wend� and Fra.nces Benton, the following described premises, situated in the county of <br /> �all and �ta�e of Nebraska, to-wit : West �-4 feet of' Lot 2, Block 37, Original Town, now �ity of <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, knot�n as 611 West �Fth Street. <br /> Northerly one-half of Easterly 22 feet of Lot 2, Block 37, Original Town, now City of Grand <br /> Island, l�ebraska. <br /> . <br /> �igned this 26th n_ay of March, 1941. <br /> WITNESSES TO SIGNATURE OF VIOL�T Violet Braun <br /> BRAUN AND S.T.HRAUN: WILLIAM S.T.E�raun <br /> MeKINLEY BOQUETTE: Ishmael W.Boquette <br /> P W K B <br /> H r K. eterson illiam Mc inle o u tte <br /> e n q e� <br /> I y � <br /> B <br /> R G P irdi B R <br /> aymond . eterson e ell oush <br /> WITNESSES TO ALL OTHER SIGNATURES: David F.Roush <br /> Lulu Dahl ' <br /> �TATE OF IOWA ) On thi� 26 day of March, A. D. 1941, befcre me, Do�othy Ann S�eth�n <br /> ) ss. <br /> POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY ) a notary public in and for Pottawattamie County, Iowa, personally <br /> ap;�eared �iolet Braun and S.T. Braun, wiPe and husband, and Wllliam MeKinl�y Boquette, unmarried, , • <br /> to me known to be the peraons named in and who executed the foregoing in�trument a.nd acknowledged <br /> i that they executed the same a.s their voluntary act and deed. <br /> (SEAL) Dorothy Ann 8nethen <br /> M commission ex ires �ul 4 1 42. Alotar Public in and for <br /> P Y , 9 Y <br /> y said County. <br /> �TATE OF NEBRASKA ) �n this 2� day oP March, A.D. 1941, before me a�o�ary publie in and <br /> ) 5s. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) for Hall County, Nebraska, personally �ppeared Ishmael W.Boquette, un- <br /> married; Birdie Bell Roush and David F.Roush, •�vife and husband, to me �Saa�wn to be the persons ' <br /> named in and who execu�ed the faregoing instrument, and aeknowledged that they executed the same <br /> as their voluntary aet and desd. � <br /> Lulu Dahl <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public in and for �ounty. <br /> My commission expires August 2�, 19�5 <br /> Filed Por record this 10 day of May, 19�+1, a� 11.C?0 0 'cZock A.M. <br /> ������ � <br /> egister of ee s <br /> 0-0-0-0-C-C-0-C-0-C-0-C-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-�-C-0-0-0-0-0-C-C-C-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-C?-0- <br /> :;.,, <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN 13Y THESE PR�SEIVTS: <br /> THAT Ishmael W.Boquett�, unmarried; Florence Wendt, unmarried; Frances Henton, unmarried; <br /> Birdie Bell Roush and David F. Roush, wife and husband; �iolet �raun and S.T.Braun, wife and hus-� <br /> band, in consideration of the sum of Division oP Estate between. heirs, to me in hand paid by <br /> William McKinley Boquette, of Hal1 County, and State of Nebraska, do hereby QUIT CLAIM and convey <br /> un'to the said MeKinley Boquette, the following described prem�ses, situated in the eaun'�y <br /> of Hall, a�� state of Nebr�ska, to-wi�t <br />