<br /> �ID�E�E� ]�.�E C�]�� �T�. � �
<br />��
<br /> 18128—The Auguetine Co., County SuppHea, Grand Island, Nebr. ' � �
<br /> In Presence of (�i,-�,� . , Stamps )
<br /> �. Harold Kahellek ( Caneelled � l. Herman Graf
<br /> � to erm�.n raf �.nd lizabeth raP Elizabe'�h araP
<br /> �, 2. Ernest araf '
<br /> As to Ernest raf and Edna raf Edna araf
<br /> � 3. Carl Graf Jr.
<br /> � As to arl raf, Jr.
<br /> �+. Helen Cohn �. Walter araP
<br /> As to alter raf and etty raf Betty araf
<br /> 5 � 5. Anna Graf Chilton
<br /> � As to Anna (�raf hil�on and tanley hilton. �tanley Chilton
<br /> 6. 6. Mayta araf Amunda�n ,
<br /> As �o Mayta raf mundsen and . . mundsen. • • - E.A�undsen
<br /> �. 7. Carl �.ara�'
<br /> Aa to arl . ra�'
<br /> l. STA�E OF 7DAH0 ) Qn 'Ghis 2 day of May, 1941, bePore me, the undersigned, Harold
<br /> ) ss. .
<br /> C�UNTY OF BENEMAH ) Kahellek, � Notary Public, duly commissioned and aualified for �nd
<br /> residing in said County, personally came Herman Graf and Eli�abeth Graf, husband and wife, to me
<br /> l�nown to �e the identieal persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors
<br /> and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESa my hand and Seal the day and year last above written. '
<br /> ' � Harold Kahellek
<br /> (SEAL) �Totary Public
<br /> �ommissior� Expires: 2/26/��- ' '
<br /> 2. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) On this 29 day of April, 1941, before me, the unde .rsigned, S.J.
<br /> ) as. - -
<br /> COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) �illiams, a Notary PuY�lic, duly commissioned and qu�lif�ed''�'t�r
<br /> and residing in said County, personally came Err�est GraP and Edna Graf, husband and wife, to me
<br /> known to be the identical. persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors
<br /> and aeknowle�ged trie same to be their voluntary act �nd deed.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> s.J.Williams
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> Commission Expires : Mar. 13, 19�+2
<br /> 3. STATE OF WAaS�INGT�N ) On this 2� day of �pril, 19�+1, before me, the undersigned, S.J.
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> COUN�'Y OF SPOKANE ) William�, a Notary Public, duly cornmissioned and qualified for
<br /> and residing in said County, person�,lly came Carl araf,Jr. , unmarried, to me known to be the iden-
<br /> tical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantor and acknowledged the
<br /> same to be his voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> S.J.Williams
<br /> (SEAL) �3otary Public
<br /> �ommis�ion Expires: Mar. 1�, 1942.
<br /> 4. 3TATE �F CALIFORNIA ) On this 7 day of May, 1941, bef'ore me, the undersigned, Helen '
<br /> ) ss. '
<br /> COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) Cohn, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualifi�d for and
<br /> residing in said County, versonally came �alter Graf and Betty Graf, husband and wife, to me known
<br /> to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the Poregoing instrument as grantors and
<br /> acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> xelen Cohn
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public `
<br /> Commission Expires December 21, 194j.
<br /> 5. STATE OF �'ASHINGTON ) 4n this 5 da.y of May, ig41, before me, the undersigned Pearl V.
<br /> ) ss. �
<br /> COUNTY OF LEWIS ) Cook, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and
<br /> residing in said County, personally came Anna Graf Chilton and Stanley Ghilton, wi�'e and husband,
<br /> to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoin� instrument ae
<br /> grantors and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Seal the day and year last above written. Pearl V. Cook
<br /> (�EAL) NQtary Pub.lic _.: _ .
<br /> Commission Expires: Dec. 1. 194�.
<br />