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�� � <br /> ��E�E� ]i��EC��� �T�. � 1 ' <br />�..w <br />, 15129—The Augusttne Co., County BuppHee, (irand Island, Nebr. � � <br /> exscutor8,and administrator8,do covenant with the granteea ne�med herein and with their assign� , <br /> and aith the heire and aesigne oP the eurvivor of them, that we are lawPully eeized of said prem- <br /> ises;that they are Yree from incutnbrance except ae stat�d herein,and that pe the said gra�ntara <br /> have good right and lawfu7, authority to sell the 8ame,and that rve will and our hdire,executors <br />. <br /> and ada�inis�rators shall warrant and defend the same unta the �ranteea named herein and unto tYieir <br /> '; assigns and unto the h�irs and aesigns oP the aurvivor oP them,Por�ver,again$t the lawPul elaims <br /> oP al.l persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IP1 �fITNE3S V7HEREOF we have her�un'to: set � our hands this �th day oP May,A.D.19�+I. <br /> In rasence ot ------ ------------0 Homer Richaxde <br /> p � �3 3o I.R.Stamps } �i�,ybelle Richards <br /> . <br /> Lulu Dahl. ( Cancelled � <br /> State oP Neb rsska ) <br /> )sa. On thie �th day oY �ay A.D.1941,bePore me,a Notary Public,in and <br /> County of HaII } <br /> for said County,pe�reonaZly ca�e the above named Homer Richetrde s,nd <br /> ' Maybelle Richarde,Hueband and WiPe, each in h3s and her own ri�ht, and es apouse of the o�Cher who <br /> a�re pereonally known to r,�e to be the identica2 pereona whose namee are aff'9.xed to the above <br /> inetrumen� aa grantors,and they acknoxledged said inetrument to be thelr vvluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNEBg my hand and Notarial Seal the dats Iast a�faresaid. <br /> Lulu Dahl <br /> (SEAL) Notary Publia <br /> , <br /> �y commiesion expires on the 2�tYi day of Auguat A.D.�g45 <br /> Filed Por record this � day of �ay,19�I,at 2:45 o'eZock P.M. 2���� U� <br /> � <br /> �egister oP D�ed� <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o� <br /> WA�iRANTY DEED � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> Th�.t we, Herman Graf and Eliza.beth Graf, husband and wife; Ernest araf and Edna araf, husband <br /> .�nd wife; Car3 araP,Jr. , unmarried; all of the County of spokane, State oP Wash3ngton; Walter <br /> (�raP and Betty Gr�.f, husband and wife, oP the �ounty of San Francisco, state oP �alifornia; <br /> Anna Gra1' Chilton and Stanley Chilton, wife and husband; Mayta Graf Amundsen and E.Amundsen, wif e <br /> and husband, a11 of the �ounty of Lewis, State of Washington; and Car1 W. Graf, widower, of '�h� <br /> , County of spokane, State of Washington; the said grantors herein named being the children and <br /> husband of Minnie araf, deceased, a.nd heirs and devisees under the will of �arl Porth, deceased, <br /> aMd the said Carl W. Gr�P, being an heir at law oP Lena Graf, deceased, and their spouses; Anna <br /> • Uden, who had a life estate in the following described property, being now deeeased; for and in <br /> consideration of the sum of Six _Hundred and no/100 (�600.00) bollars, in hand paid, do hereby <br /> grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Charles A.Porth of the County of Adams, State of <br /> �ebraska, the Pollowing deseribed real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> South Half ( S-�) of the North Half (N�) of the �outhwest Quarter (sW�) of �ection Twenty-one <br /> W <br /> (21) , Township Nine (g) , NorthRange Ten �10), e�t of the 6th P.M. <br /> • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the �'enements, �eredi�amer�ts <br /> and appurtenarices thereunto belonging, unto the said Charles A.Porth, and to his heirs and assigns <br /> forever. And we do hereby covenant with said grantee and with his heirs and assigns, that we ar� <br /> lawPull seized of said remises• that the are Pree and clear of all encumbrance exce t 1 �+0 <br /> Y P � Y , P 9 <br /> ' taxes; that we have good right and lawful authority to sell tne same; and we do hereby covenant <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims oP all p�rsons whomso� <br /> ever. <br /> And the said grantors, Elizabeth Graf, Edna Qraf, Betty GraP, Stanley Chilton, and E.Amundsen� <br /> hereby relinquish all their interest, equity and claim in and to the above described premises. <br /> Da'Ged this 29th day of April 1941. <br />' <br /> . ; <br /> � - I <br />