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- � <br /> ��� <br /> �]���ID ]E��C��$� N�. � � <br />.. �15129—The Augustine Co., County Suppliea, C3ra.nd Island, Nebn <br /> '� DEED <br /> � � <br /> THIS INDENTURE,made this Ilth day oP �ray,193�,between t�illiam F.Barta and �ae Barta,his wife, <br /> both of the City of Inglewoocl,County of Loa Angelee,8tate of Californla,partiea oS' the firet par� , <br /> and George V.Pedersen and Haze1 PederBen of Crrand Island,Nebraska,part�es of the eecvnd part, <br /> WITNES9ETH; That the eaid parties oP '�he firs'� part, for and in consideratlon oP the sum o� One . <br /> Dollar,IawPul money of the United l�tates of America, to them in hand paid by th� said party oP <br /> the seconci pert,the receipt whereoP is hereby acknowled�ed,do by thase preeentg �rant,bar�ain, <br /> sell,and convey un�o the said partiee oY the eecand part,hie heire and assigns forever,all those <br /> certain Iots,piece or pareel oP Iand, situate,Iying and being in the County of �aII,3tQte of Neb- <br /> raska,and particularly described ae fallowa,to-wit: Lot Numbered Four in Bl.ock One (1) ,af Hartlinig' s <br /> Subdivision, said Bartling' e Subdivision being Iocated on part o� Lot 15 of the County _Subdivi�ian <br /> of the S.� oP 8E� af Sectiona 16,I1 and 9,and part of the NE� oP NE� oP Section 2I,Township II, <br /> Range g. <br /> TOGETHER with all and singular the tenemente,hereditam�nts Qnd Qppurtenance� thereunto belonging <br /> or in anywise appertaining,and the reveraion and rev�raione,remainder and remainders, r�nte,iesue� <br /> and proPitB thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD,a?1 and �ingular, the said premisestogether with the appurtenancee unto the <br /> said parti�!a of the aecond part,and to his heire and assigne Porever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,we have hereunto set our hands and eeals the day and year firet above written.' <br /> SIGAIED, SEALED AP1D DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF WiI.liam F.B�,rta (9�L) <br /> Harvey A.Drinkwin� ---------------- - i�a�e Berta (g�o,L) <br /> J.A.DaniGZeon (,�.50 I.R.Stampa w) <br /> ( Csnc�lled ) <br /> State of Cal.i�'ornia ) <br /> )se. On this II�h day of May,193�,persona.ZJ.y appeared beForc me Lee <br /> County oP Loa AngeZea � <br /> S.Ha�e,a Notary Pub11c in and for the County of Loe Angelea,�ltate'� <br /> of CaliPornia, duly commiseioned and sworn,VYllliam F.Barte and Mae Harta,hie wZfe,whose namea are <br /> subecribed to the wlthin inetrument as partiee thereto,perBOnally known to me to be the individuale <br /> deseribed in and who executed the said within inatrument ae partles thereto,and they severally <br /> acknow1edged the same to be their voZuntary act and deed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto $�t my hand and affixed my official aeal the day and year <br /> Pirst above written. � <br /> (SEAL) Lee S.Hake <br /> Notar y Publ ic in and Por the <br /> AQy aammission expires December I�,z93�. County oP Los An�ele�,8tate <br /> of California. <br /> Filed fbr record thia � day of A�ay,194T,at Z:30 0'clock P.M. <br />� � �.��GZ� ��L�.�-�/ <br /> Regieter oP Deed� <br /> -o-a-o-a-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-. <br /> �:..WARRANTY DEED-VESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN 5URVIVOR <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That Homer Richards and NiaybelZe Richa.rds,Hueband and S�i1'e, �ach in! <br /> hie and her own right,and ae apouse oP the other in considera�lon of One Dollar and other valuablls <br /> conaid�rations in nand paid,do hereby grant,bargain, eell,convey and confirm unto John V.Ga�now and' <br /> Agnee E.4anow,Husband and V71Pe as JOINT TEP1ArTTS,and not ae tenantB in comr�on;the foI.2owing describ- <br /> ed real eatate, situa�e in the County oF Hall and Stat� of Nebraska, to-wit: , <br /> AI1 oF Lot Six (6� i�i Hlack Twenty (20) oP Fairview Park Add3tion to the City oP p�rand Island, <br /> HaII Coun�y,Nebraska,ae the same is surveyed,platted and recorded. <br /> together wlth all the� tenemente,hereditamenta,and appurte�ances to the eacie beZonging,and all the! <br /> estate, titl�, dower,right o� homestead, claim or demand whetsoever of the sald grantore,oP, in or to <br /> the same,or any part thereoP;sub�j�ct to <br /> I?' HEINa THE INTENTIUN OF ALL PARTIES HERETO,THAT IN THE E�rENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF BAID <br /> GRANTEES,THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL EBTATE DESCRIBED HEA�IN SHALL VES�' IN THE ' <br /> SURVIVING C�RAN�EE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deacribed premises,with the appurtsnanees,unto the said grantees <br /> ae JOINT TEPIANTS,and not as tenante in common,snd to their aeeigns,or to the helre and a�signs of <br /> the eurvivor of them,Porev�r,and we the grantors named herein and for ourselves and our heir8, <br />