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��� <br /> ��)E� �.�EC�]�� I�T�. � � <br /> 18128—The Auguetine Co., County�upplies, (irand Island, Nebr. _ <br /> . STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 2nd day of May, A.D. 19�1, bePore me, a Notary Public, in and <br /> ) ss. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) for said County, personally came the above named L.W.Johnson and Francee <br /> M.Johnson, husband and wife, who are p�rsonally known to me to be the identical persons whose names <br /> are affixed to the above instrument as gr�.ntors and have acknowledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand a.nd Notarial Seal the date last aPoresaid. <br /> Paul C.�u�ton <br /> ( �EAL) Notary Public <br /> My cammission expires on the 21 day of June A.D. 1941. <br /> Filed for reeord this 5�h day of May, 1941, at 3 �00 0 ' clock P. M. �J����s"��� <br /> eg s�er of eeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-')- -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q- <br /> y� <br /> WARRANTY DEED -Cor�oration <br /> THIS INDENTURE, i�ade this 5th day of May A. D. , 19�1, bet�aeen The Equitable Bui]:ding & Loan <br /> Asaociation of �rand Island, Nebraska, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue <br /> oP the laws of the Sta�e of Nebraska, party of the fiFSt part, and Garl W.Lumbard and Harriet <br /> Lumbard, Husband and Wife, as �oint tel�ants and not as tenants in common, of the County of Hall, <br />� and State of Nebraska, parties of the second part, <br /> WITNES�ETH. That the said party of the .first part Por and in consideration of the sum of <br /> One Doll�,r� and other good and valuable eonsideration -- DOLLARS, ln hand paid, receipt whereof <br /> is hereby aekno�ledged, has sold and by these presents does grant, conv�y and eonfirm unto the <br /> said parties of the second part, as ,joint tenants and not as tenants in common and to the survivar <br /> the Pollowing deseribed premisea, si�uated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> � All of Lot Three (3) , in Hlock Eight (P;) , in Wiebe 's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> AQ�braska, �.� the same ie su�veyed, platted a,nd recorded. <br /> It being th� intention of all parties hereto, that in the event of the death of either of said <br /> Granteea, the entire f ee simple title to the real e5tate deacrib�d herein shall veet in the sur- ' <br /> viving Grantee. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises abov� described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments <br /> and Appurtenanees thereunto belonging unto the �=aid Grantees, a� ,�oint tenants and not as tenants <br /> in common, and to the surv3,vor, <br /> And the said The Equitable Building & Loan Association for itself or its successors, does <br /> hereby covenant and agree '�o and with the �aid parties of the seeond part and their heirs and <br /> assigns, that at the time of' the execution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized <br /> of said �rernises; that it has good ri�ht and lawful authority to convey the same; that they are <br /> f�ee f'rom encumbrance, The Equitable Bui�.ding & Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, does <br /> hereby covenant to warrant and defend thesaid premises against the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said The Equitable Building & Loan Association has hereunto caused it� <br /> cor�orate seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed by its President the day and year <br /> Pirst above written. <br /> �igned, sealed and delivered in presence of ( CORP) THE EQUITABLE BUILDING & LOAN <br /> Florence V.Myers ( $EAL) ASSOCIATION OF GRAND TSLAIVD,NEBRASKA <br /> 1. 5 .R. tampa ) By Guy L.Harrison, President <br /> ( , Cancelled ) Attest� C. E. Grundy, Secr�etary. <br /> STATE aF NEBRASKA ) �n this 5th d�y oP May, 19�+1, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> ; ) ss, <br /> HALL C�UNTY ) Public in and for said Gounty, personally came Guy L.Harrison, <br /> P�^esident of the The Equitable Building & Loar� Association of Grand Iala��d, Nebr�.ska, to me <br /> ; personally known to be the President and the identical person whose name is afflxed to the above <br /> ' eonveyance, and acknowledged the execution thereof �o be his voluntary act and deed as sueh ofPi�er <br /> and th� voluntary aet and deed of the said The Equitable Building � Loan Associa.tion, and that <br /> the Corporate seal of the said The Equitabie Building & Loan Association was thereto affixed <br /> by its authority. <br /> . <br />