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�� � <br /> ]�]E�E� �3.�EC��� �T�. � 1 <br />�� _ <br />'� 18128—The Auguatine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> • the �aid grantor nor any �erson in th�ir name and behalf sh�.11 or will hereafter claim or demand <br /> any right or title to the said x� or any part thereoP; but they and every one of them shall <br />� �by these presents be exeluded arld Yorever barred. <br /> IAT V�ITNESS WHEREOF, '�he said part- oP the first part ha- hereunto set his hand and seal. the <br /> 'day and year P�rst aboee written. <br /> SIaNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN PRESENCE OF ( 1.10 . . Stamps ) Iarael Ayers <br /> R. �.McMurray ( Cancelled ) Mary J.Ayers <br /> Sam apahr <br /> STATE �F I�EBRASKA ) On this l�th day oP March, A. D. 1941, before me Sam Spahr, a Notary duly <br /> )ss <br /> COUN`TY OF HUFFALO ) commission�d and qualiPied for and reeiding in said County, personally cam� <br /> husband and wi�'s <br /> �:sraeT Ayers and Mary, J.Ayers, ,, to me known to be the identical persons described in and <br /> whose namP are aPfixed to the foregoing conveyance as grantors, and aeknowledged the said instru- <br /> ;ment to be their voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein �et f'orth. <br /> WITNESS my hand and �otarial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> �am Spahr <br /> (SEAL) Notary Publie <br /> My Gommission expires �ec. j, 1943 <br /> Filed for record this 5th da.y of May, 19�+1, a� 1 :25 0 ' clock P.M. //��;��'�� � <br /> `.,,/L '�'-''� <br /> �egister of eeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-C-C-O-C-C-0-C-0-0-C-0-c�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-(�-0-0-0-C-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-�-C-0-0-0-G-C-0-0-0 <br /> ' WA�RANTY DEED,VESTING ENTTRE TITLE IN SU�VIVOR ;;I <br /> ; <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PREBENTS, That H�len Detlefsen Preston and Earl H.Preston, wife and husband, <br /> in consideration of Qne ��8 no/100 and other valuable considera�ion DOLLARS, in hand paid, do <br /> her�by gr�.nt, bargain, se11, convey a nd conPirm unto Emil H. Becker and Anna L.�ecker, husband and <br /> wife, as JOI�1T TENANT�, �nd not as tenants in common; the following described real estate, situate�:: <br /> in the County of Hall and Sta'Ge of Nebragka, to-wit: <br /> Lot Seven ( 7) in Block Twenty Seven (27) in the Original To�rn now city, of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> together with all . the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all <br /> the estate, title, d.ower, right of homeste�,d, claim or demand wha'�soever of the said grantor, of <br /> in or to the same, or a.ny x�art thereof; subJeet to the unpaid balance of mortgage in�the sum of <br /> �12j0.00 in f�.vor of Home Federal savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, recorded in <br /> Book 79 at Page 26 of the mortgage records of Hall County, <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HER.ETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEE�, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE �REAL: E3TATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST TN THE SUR- <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. <br /> • T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees <br /> � <br /> as J�INT TENANTS, a.nd not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigna <br /> o� the survivor oP them, forever, and we the grantors named herein for ourselves and our heirs, <br /> ' executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigna <br /> and with tne heirs and assigns oP the survivor of them, that we are lawfully seized oP said <br /> premises; that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein, and that we the said grantprs <br /> have good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and that we will and our heirs, executors <br /> and administrators shall warra,nt and defend the unto the grantees nam�d herein and unto �hei� <br /> assigns and unto the heirs and assigna oP the survivor of them, forever, against the lawPul� <br /> o� all peraons whomsoever excluding the exceptlona named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS YdHEREOF we have herounto s�t our hands tYiis 2�th day of March, A. D. 19�+1. <br /> In oresence of ( 55 . . tampa HelenHDP�PS��s�n Preston <br /> Erwin J.Kokrda ( Cancelled ) $a�l <br /> ; Roy Salabury �itness to <br /> Earl H.Preston. <br /> STATE OF NEHRASKA ) On this 29th day of March, A. D. 19�#l, before me, a Notary Public in . <br /> � SS. i <br /> i COUNTY OF HALL and for said County, personally came the above� named Earl H.Preston, <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> ; _ � <br /> I <br /> ' ------- <br /> � <br />