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��� <br /> ��E�� ��C��D I\T�. 8 � <br />� 181$9—The Auguatine Co., County SuppHea, Grand Island, Neba , <br />', , 1�ARAANTY DEED-VE9TIN4 ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIV�R . �'� <br /> KNOW ALL hIEN BY THE�E PRESENT�,That �ary A.Black,a widow,of (�rand Island,HaZl County,Nebraaka, <br /> in coneideration of One Dollar and other good and valuabl.e coneideration� DOLLARS in hand paid, <br /> do hereby gr�.nt,b�rgain, aell,convey and eonfirm unto Charles E.R�inder8 and �Iay E.Reind�r�, hueb- <br /> ' end and wife,oP arand Island,Ha1I. County,Nebraeka, as JOINT TENANTS,and not xa tenante in comm�n, <br /> ' the following d�acribed real eatate,eituate in the County of Hall and 8t8te of Nebraska, tv-wit: <br /> All of the Northerly FiPty-aix and �hree-tenths (56.3) Feet of Lot Ten (IO) , in Bioak �mr�q�eight <br /> � oP Ruasel W eeler'e Additior� to the Cit oP arand Island Nebraska as the eame ie surve ed <br /> � ) Y <br /> � , <br /> , � Y � <br /> ; platted and recorded. <br /> together with all the tenemente,hereditamente,and appurtenances to the same belonging,and aIl the ; <br /> ' eetate, title,dower,right of homeate�d, claim or demand whateoever oP the sa�id grantor,oP, in or to <br /> ' the 8ame,or any part thereof;aub�ect to <br /> IT BEIN(� THE INT'ENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO,THA'� IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GAANTEEB,THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL E9TATE DEBCRIBED HEREIN BHALL VE3T IN THE <br /> BURVIVING 4RANTEE. <br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premiges,with the appurtenances,unta the said granteee <br /> ; as JOINT TENANTB,and not As tenants in common,and to their asaign8,or ta the heir8 �and a$signe <br /> of the survivor of them,forever,and I the grantvr named here3n for myself and my heira,executore, <br /> and admini�tratore,do aovenant with the grantees named herein and with their aseigns and with the ' <br /> heirs and aseigns of the survivor oP theffi, that I am lawfully seized of said premieee; that they a re <br /> � free from incumbranc� except as atated herein,and that I the said grantore have good right and <br /> Iawful autharity to eeZl the e�me,and �hat I �ill �nd my heir8, executor$ and adminietrator� �hall <br /> warrant and dePend thP same unto the grantPee named herein and unto their assigns and unto th� <br /> . <br /> ' heira snd asaigns oP the eurvivar of them,forever,a�ainst the Iawful claims of aIl per$one whom- <br /> aoever,excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> ' IN WITNE38 �YHEREOF I have her�unto Set my hand this 29th day oP ApriI,A.D.1941. <br /> In presence of --------------------- �Iary A.Black <br /> (�3.3o i.x.stomps ) <br /> ' C.E.arunc�y ( Cancelled ) � <br /> 8tate of Nebraska � <br /> ; )es. On this 29th c�,a,y of April A.D.1941,bef ore me,a Notary Publia,in and ' <br /> - Coun� of HaII ) <br /> Y <br /> Por eaid County,p�reonally came the above named Mary A.Black,a widow, <br /> ; who is pereonally knoRn to me to be th� identic4l per�on whoee name ia afPixed to the above inatr� <br /> ! ment se grantor,and ehe acknowledg�d sa3d inatrument to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> ; WZTNESS my h�nd and Notarlal gea2 the date Iaet �foresaid. <br /> � C.E.(3rundy <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> ; My aomu►�sa�an expir�e on the I�th day of June A,D.�.g44. <br /> ! F'iled for record thie 30 day of ApriI,l9�+l,s�t 9:30 o 'clock A.M. ���_��� <br /> �JC <br /> egiater of Deede <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_q_ <br /> WARRANTY DEED -CORPORATION . vv� <br /> THIS INDENTURE, �ade this lst day oP May, A.D. , 1941, between The Equitable Building & Loan Asso- <br /> � <br /> ciation of Grand Zsland, Nebraska, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the <br /> . � � laws of the State of Nebraska, party of the Pirst part, and �ra J. Ball and Mildred P.3a11, <br /> � <br /> husband and Wife, as �oint tenants and not as tEnants in common, of the County oP Hall, and Statei <br /> � <br /> of Nebraska, par�ies of the second par'G, ' <br /> : WITNESSETH. That the gaid party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of On� <br /> �o11ar and other good and valuable cansideration -- �OLLARS, in hand paid, reeeipt whereof is <br /> hereby aeknowledged, has �e►ld and by these presents does gra:�t, convey and confirm unto 'Ghe said ' <br /> and to the survivor ' <br /> ' par'�ies of the second part as �oint tenants and not as tenants in common� the following described', <br /> ; premises, situated in Hall Count;�, and 3tate of Nebraaka, to-wit: <br /> A11 of -- Al1 of Block sixteen (16) , in West Park Addition to Grand Island, N�braska, ae the ' <br /> saine is surveyed, platted and recorded. <br />. . _ _ __ _ . _- -- <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> , <br /> . <br />