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��� <br /> �]E�E�ID �.�C��$� �T�. � � <br />� 18128—The Auguatine Co., County BuppHes, Grand Island, Nebr. .: _ - _.- '-- - _ . __._ ,: <br />� . �:-, <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 2£�th d�y of April, A. D. 19�+1, before me, a Notary Public in and <br /> ) ss. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) for County, personally came the above named Elizabeth SEms and <br /> Charles H. Sems, husband and wife, who a.rP pe��son��lly known to me to b� the identical persons whose <br /> names affixed to the �.bove instrument �,s �,rantors, and they �.cknow3ed�ed said instrument to be <br /> their voluntary �ct and deed« <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the d.ate last afores�id. <br /> Herman F.Buckow <br /> ( SEAL) Notax� Public <br /> P t�e 16th d� of AT ril A. D. 1 4�-. <br /> My commission expir.,,s on y ,� , , 9 <br /> Filed for record thi5 2�th da.y of April, 19�+i, at 4:00 0 ' clock P.M. ��aGV� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 0-0-�:�-�-0-0-0-0-�.,�-�)-�-0-0-0-0-��=J-0-0-0-�)-0-0-�-:�-0-0-0-0-�-J_n_0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0- <br /> �,WARRANTY DEED . <br /> z <br /> KNOG� ALL �iE�' BY THE5E PRESENTB,That Oceldental _Bullding �nd Loan Aesocia�ion a corporation or�ani;zed <br /> u�der the 3.avo$ oP the� 8tate oP Nebraska,in con�ideration of Three Hundred Fit'ty & no/100 DOLLAR9, <br /> in hand pa,ld, doea hereby 4rant,HQrgain,9ell,Convey and Confirm unto DuQine I.Doan the Yo2lowing <br /> dtacribed Rea�I Property, eituate in the County oP Hal.l and State of N�braska, to-pit: ; <br /> Beginning at the Northeast eorner oP Lot Eigh� ( �) ,in Bloak Five (5) , in the OriginAl Town or <br />' Daniphan,running West along the North Iine of Lote Eight { �) and 5even ( �) , in aaid Block One <br /> Hundred 100 feet•thence 9outh at ri ht an Ies twenty-five (2 ) Peet� �hence Ea�t st ri t <br /> ( ) , g g 5 , � <br /> an�Ies to tha East gine oP said Lot Ei ht a diatance of ane hundred (100) feet,thence North <br /> along �hs Esat line oP said Lot Eight (g) trventy-�ive (25) Pes� �o the plaQe of beginning,ae <br /> eurveyed,pZatted and recorded. <br /> 9ub�ect to the 1936 tax�s and al2 epecial assesaments or 3.nat�llmenta �hereof no� dellnquent Dd.ay <br /> 1,1936. <br /> Thia deed 18 �iven to carry into effect the tearms of a contraet of sa�:e and the warr�Mties and <br /> covenants herain ehall be ePfe�ctive only ae '�o the date oP said contract, ta-�rit the Fir�t day <br /> or a�gy,�936• <br /> together with aIl the Tenemen�s,Hereditaments and Appurtenancee to the eamG belonging,and al.l <br /> the Eetate,Title, Clalm or flemand whatsoever of the said Occidentai Bullding and Loan A�sociation <br /> of, in or to the eame or any part thereof. <br /> T(7 HAVE AND TO HOLD the abone described premiees,wi�h the appurtenancea,unto the eaid Dua1n� I.Daan � `'_ <br /> and <br /> to hi� heirs and aeeigne forever. <br /> And the said Occidental Build3ng and Loa.n Aaeoc3atian Por it�elf and ita aucce�sore,do�s covenant <br /> with the Due�ine I.Dvan and with his heirs and assigns, th�.t it ie lawPully, eeized ot said <br /> premisee, that they are Pree from incumbrance, except as above etated,that it has �ood right Qnd <br /> IawPul. authori�y �o eell the same,and that it will and its aucc�esors ehe�11 warrant and defend - <br /> the sa,me unto the eaid Duaine I.Doan and hie heirs and assigna Yorever Qgain�t the Iawful elaime <br /> and demanda oF aII per8one rvhomaoever. <br /> IN WITNESS �VHEREOF, said Occidental Building and Loan Associ�t2on hQS caused these preeents to be <br /> aigned by it� Prsaident and S�cretary,a�nd its corpQ�ate aeal to be hereunto affixed, this 16th <br /> d�y of Apr31,19�1. <br /> ( CORP) OCCIDE�TTAL BUILDINa AND LOAN A830CIATIOI� <br /> In presence oY ( SEAL) By F.E.Hovey praai�ent <br />' ___________________ Atte�t: H.O.Miller Seo�Btary <br /> t�2enn Prigeon ( �.55 I.R.3tampe ) � <br /> 8tate of Nebra��a, ) � �ancel.led ) <br /> )ea. On this 16th day o� April A.D. ,Z941,beYare me,a Notary public duly <br /> Cnunty oP Dou�lae ) <br /> commieeloned and qualified in and Yor s�.id County,personally c�me <br /> th� above named F.E.Hovey,President,a.nd H.O.Miller,9ecretary oY Oceiaental Building and Loan <br /> Aseociation who are per�onally kno�vn to m� to be '�he idantical peraona whoae namee are affixed <br /> to the above Dec�d ae President �nd Secretary of sald corporation,and they acknowladged the 1.nstru- <br /> ment to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed oF said corporation. <br /> �IITNE38 my hand and oPficial seal,at Omaha,Nebraska, in eaid County, the date aforesaid. <br /> (SEAL) alenn Prigeon <br /> Commisalon expirea Jan.2,19�+3 Notary Publia <br /> Flleci for record thi� 29 day oP April,19�1,at 2 o 'clock P.M. �i2�� <br /> Regiet�r of Deed� <br /> -o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o_o_o_o_o_o_a_o_o_o_o_o_ <br /> � <br />