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��� <br /> ���E� �$�C�]E�� N�. � 1 <br /> � _ _ <br />� 18128—The Auguetffie Co.. CountY �upplies, Grand Island, Nebn - - -. -.--_ _ __ ___._ ___._ _ __. <br />:-. "--- .,-, _ _, , <br /> � WARRANTY DEED -VESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THFSE PRESENTS, That Simon J. Sh�da. and E�t�ll� M, Shada, husband and wife, in con- <br /> sideration of One and no/100 DOLLARS, in hand paid, do hereby �r�nt, bargain, �ell, convey �nd <br /> ccnfirm unto Daniel Gates and Gertrude Gate�, husband and wife, as JOINT TENANTS, and not a� <br /> tenants in common, the following described real estate,, situate in the County of Hall and State <br /> of Nebra�k�, to-wit : . . <br /> Lot Eight (�) , in Block Eight ( �) in Packer & Barr ' s Addition to the City, of Grand Zslarid, Hall <br /> County, N�br�ska., as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> tog�ther with �11 the �er�ements, hereditaments, and �.ppurten�.nces ta the sam� belonging, �.nd all <br /> the estat�, title, dower, right of home�te�.d, claim or demand wnatsoever of the said gs�rltor�, of, <br /> in or to the same, or �.ny nart thereof; sub,j�et to <br /> IT IIEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HER�'T0, TFiAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THF ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TT�'LE TO TriE REAL ESTA`I'E DESCRIB�'D HEREIN SHALL V EST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVING G RANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE A�dD TO HOLD the above de�cribed premiaes, with the appurtenances, unto the said gra.nt�ea <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and ncat �s tenants in common, a.nd to th�ir assi�;ns, or to the heirs and assign� <br /> of the survivor of them, forever, and they tne grantors named herein f'or themselves a.nd their , <br /> heirs, executor5, and adminigtrators, do cov�nant with tiie grantees named herein and with th�ir <br /> assi�ns arid with the hPir� and assi�ns of the survivor of tr�em, tn�,t they are lawfully seized of <br /> said premises; th�t triey ar� free f'rom incumbr�nce excez�t �s stated herQin, �nd th�.t they the s��;d <br /> grantors have �ood right and lawful a�zthority to sell tne �ame, �nd that they will arid their heirs,. <br /> � .; � <br /> executors and administrators shall w�rr�.nt �nd. defena th� unto the �rantees named herein and <br /> unto their assi�r:s a.nd unto the heirs and assi�ns of the survivor of them, forever, against the <br /> lawful cla.ims of all �er�ons whomsoever, excluding the exce��tions named her,��n. <br /> IN WTTNESS ��1HEREOF they have her�unto set their hands this 2�th day of April A. D. 19�1. <br /> In pr°sence of <br /> A1da �-unn Simon J. Shada <br /> . Estell� M. Shada <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 2�th da.y of April, A. D. 19�1, before me, a �Votary Public, in <br /> , � 95. _ <br /> COUNmY OF HALL ). a.nd for �aid. County, persona.11y came the above named Simon J. Shada and <br /> Eatelle M. Shada, who are person�lly known to me to be the identieal persons whose names are <br /> affixed to tne above instrument as g�antors, and h�.ve aeknowledged sa�.d instrument to b� their <br /> voluntary act and deed. . � <br /> WITNESS my h�nd and Notarial Seal the date last afores�id. � _ <br /> I.Dean <br /> � ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires on thP 1 d�y of April A. D. 19�+6. <br /> Filed for record this 2�th da.y of April, 19�-1, at 3 : �+0 0 ' clock P.M. ���� <br /> Register of Deet�s <br /> 0-0-Q-0-0-C�-:;-0--0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-C-C-0-0-C-Q-O-�:�-0-�)- O-�J-0-C-0-G-0-0-C)-0-C-0-0-(�-0-0-C-0-�:;-0-0-0-4 <br /> WARRANTY DEED-VESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR <br /> 1 - <br /> SKN0��1 ALL NEN }3Y `rHESE PRESENTa, Tha.t Lena B.Welch and George W.Welch, Wif e and Hu sband, in con- <br /> sideration of One Dollar and other v�.luable consideration, in hand paid, •do hereby grant, barga,ir�, <br /> sell, convey and confirm unto Everett E.Herndon and Iva L.Herndon, as JOINT T ENANTS, and not as <br /> ter�ar�t5 in common; the followin� described real estate, situ�.te in the County of Hal1 and State <br /> of Nebr�ska., to-witt - � <br /> Lots Five ( 5) �nd Six ( 6) in Block One (1) of George Loan' 9 Subdivigion of th� South Part of Wes� � � <br /> Half of Northwest Qua.rter ��2NW4) of Section Ten (10) , in Township Eleven (11) , North, Rang� Nine <br /> ( 9) T�Test of the Sixth P.M. • <br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and �ppurtenances to the same belonging, a nd all ' <br /> the estate, titl,e, dower, ri�ht of' homestead, claim or demand wh�.tsoever of the said �rantors, of, <br /> in or to trie salne , or �ny pa.rt thereof; sub,ject to <br /> IT BEING THE INTEI�TION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE Ei���'IRE FEE SIMPLE �'I`�LE TO THE RFAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VE5T II� THE SUR- <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. <br />