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�v� <br /> ���� �.�,�:��� ��. g � <br />� 18129—The Augustine Co., County 8uppliea, (}rand Island, Nebr. , <br /> �,; IN t�ITNE88 VGHEREOF, the �aSd party oP the P3ret ��rt �as hereunto QAUSed the Corporat� 9ea1 to bm ; <br /> � aPPixed and these presents to be signed by its President and by ita Vice President and Trust <br /> OPf3cer on the day and year firat above written. <br /> (CORP� <br /> l�itnese: ( 9EAL) THE FIRBT NATIONAL BANK OF aAAND ISLAATD, <br /> Evelyn 0.8waneon --------------------- NEF3RA3KA,A corpor�tion,Executor of the <br /> ( �3.�5 I.R.Stampe ) Eatate oP Peter B.Petere,deceased. <br /> ( Caneell�d ) By E.J.Wolbach Preeident <br /> F.J.Cleary Vice prea�.dtent and Truet <br /> � ; Stste of Nebraska ) Officer. <br /> )ae. <br /> County of Hall � On thie 19th day of Apri1,19�1,bePore the undersigned,a Notary Public <br /> in and for said aounty,personally _ Edwin J.Wolbach,President,an8 F.J.Cleary,Vice Preeid�nt <br /> � and Trust OPficer ot The Firet National Bank of (�rand Ieland,Nebraaka,a corporation,to mt peraon- <br /> k Y BIIy known to be. the identical persone described in and �ho executed, the fo�egoing conveyanae, <br /> and they �everally ackno�eledged the ex�oution thereof to be their val.untary act and deed as euvh <br />_ offieer�,and the voTuntary ect and deed of The Firet Nation�l Bank of arand �aland, Nebraska,and <br /> that the Corporate 8ea1 of the sald corpor�tivn was thereunto duly affixed by ita authority, <br /> � INITNE88 my hand and Notaria,� Seal at arand IBland in said county onthe day an8 year Iaet abov• <br /> written ` (9EAL) Ev�Iyn O.SwanBOn <br /> Notary Publ,ic <br /> My csommission expirea Jan 6,19�2 <br /> Filsd Por record this 26 day. of Apri1,19�Z,at I�. :30 o'clock A.M. <br /> � � <br /> ��-'� <br /> Register of Deeda <br /> ; -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> FLAT & C _ ✓, <br /> � <br /> KN01� ALL AdEN BY THESE PRESENTB: That we,HoAard Bremers,'sir�g�..a,,�gr�d-�Fier�y::�':�remere and Edna Bremera� <br /> ;� <br /> husband and wiPe, eaah in their oRn right,being the opners ot the land ehorvn on thie plat,and <br /> having caused same to be laid out and divided as H.Bremers ' 9ub-division into Iots and blocka <br /> � oP dimenaiona as ehown,do hereby atste and make known that said aub-division ie made with our <br /> Pxee consent and in accorclance with our deaire to facSlitate the description to be ueed in ths <br /> � taaatlon and conveyance oP said tra.ot. <br /> � INitness my hand thie 2'3rd day oP April 1941. - <br />� Howard �BT_emere <br /> �Iitness : Roscoe R.Kroger enrY .J,B�re <br /> Edna J.Bremere <br /> 3tate of Nebraska ) <br /> )�8 �n thia ��rd �day OF�,��ri1,1941 A.D.before me the undersigned,a Notary <br /> County of H,a�l.l ) - Publia,within and Yor said County,peraonally came HoRard Bremera, eingle <br /> and Henry J.Bremere and Edna J.Bremers,l�u�aband ar�d wiPe,personally known <br /> to me to be the identical persons whoee names are affixed to the above inatrument,and they <br /> ' aeknowledge 'the same to be their Ie.wful act and deed. <br /> " Witnesa my hand and eeal at arand Island,3n eaid caunty, the above date last above written. <br /> I� <br /> oomn�iee�on ex ires Au st 2� <br /> y P 6`u �19�5 ( BEAL� Lulu Dahl, No tary Publ i c <br /> H.BRF��R'8 BUBDIVISION ' <br />� ' A resubdivi�ion of the west 55 Peet of Lot 3 and all oP LotB �F, 5 and 6 snd the east 16 feet of <br /> Lot 7,and the west �4 feet of Lot � and all of Lote 9,1C?,II and I2 of Block I,Firat Arti�tia <br /> : Homea Addition to the Ci�y af Grand -��land,Nebraskg,as origtnally platt�d. <br /> 8tate of Nebraeka � ° <br /> <� �t )ea. I hereby certify that on �Qareh 26,1941 a aurvey was made of H.Bremera ' <br /> I H�tll Clounty ) <br /> aub-div381on .to the City of Grand Ieland,Nebraska,phlah formerly wss a <br /> part of Blook 1,Firet Artistic Homea Addition,and that a one ineh iron pip� wae dr3ven �nto the <br /> , ground oP the corn�r of each Iot and bloek.Further that the ��meneions of the Bloaka,Lote,and <br /> ; Streeta are a� >ehown by Pigures on the p�at,that each Lot and Blocsk bear8 ita oAn number,and that' <br /> � said $urvey was made trith reference to knopn monument�. . <br /> J J.H.Hard�ma.n ' <br /> City Eng3neer <br /> ; Accepted and approved by the �d�yor and City Council thie 23rd day oP April 1941. <br /> � ( CORP� - H_ arrY�� in�er � <br /> ' Atteet: F.S.V�hite (SEAL) �4yor ! <br /> � i'6y Clerk � <br /> �j , ! <br /> : Filed for record thia 26 day ot 6pr1I,194�.,at 2:�5 0'aloak p.M. Ll(-�=��-� �� <br /> ; <br /> , <br />�. . _ n�gie�r-_iiS_II�33�_ a ______ <br /> , <br /> i 1 <br />