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�v� <br />� ��E)E� �.�C��� I��. � 1 <br />_ r <br /> 18129—The Auguetine Co., County Suppiiea, (irand Island, Nebr. � <br />: .. _ , _ <br /> _ ._ ..:,-. <br /> aPterwarde at �he February �erm of said Court,A.D. ,19�l,examined and conPirmed,and the asid Daniel. <br /> Sandera,as Sheriff oP said County,was ordered to execute a deed of said premiees to the said � <br /> Federal Farm �art�age Corporation,a Corporation, N0�',THEREF�RE,I,th� ss2d Dan1el 8anders,aa <br /> �heriff of Hall Qounty,Nebrask�, in purauanee oP th� order of said Court,ae aforesaid, in eondid- ' <br /> eration oP the pr�mises,and by virtu� oP the porvers in me veeted by Iaw,do hereby give,grant,and <br /> convey unto the sa�id �'ederal �'arm Mortgag� Corporation,a Corpora�ion, and assigns,the premises <br /> sold ae a,foresaid, to-wit: AI1 of The North halP of the Northweet quarter of 9ection 19, in Town- <br /> ahip 1S,North oP Ran�e I2,�'e�t oP the 6�h P.1�. , f� HaI1 County,Nebraska,and Th� ATorthwest quarter <br /> oP th.e Nor�heast quarter of Section 25, in Townehip I1,North of Range 13,�iest of th� 6th P.M. , in <br /> Buffalo County,Nebr�ska Rith aII s�nd singular the appurteenanaes thereunto belonging, to have and <br /> to hold unto it the said Federal Far� Mortgage Corporation,e CorporatSon, and its aaeigns forever. <br /> 4 <br /> IN WITNESS �HEF�E�F,I have,a8 auch SherifP of HaI1 County,Nebraska,hereunto set my hand thia 25th ' <br /> da of A ril A.D. I 41. <br /> Y p , 9 <br /> Daniel Janders <br /> Executed and Deliver�d in Presence of 8heriff of Hall County. <br /> �argar�t Vick <br /> The State ot' Nebraeka, ) <br /> )se. On this 25th da,y oP ApriI,A.D. ,19�1,be�ore me D.O.Beekmann s Clark <br /> Hall County �) ' ' ' ' <br /> oP the DSstrict Court du�.y elected �nd qualified for �aic� County, <br /> personally appeared �aniel Sanders,5herift' oP said County, to me knoAn to be th� tdentical pereon <br /> described in �,nd who executed the fo�regoing instrument as grantor,and acknowledgmd said 1n8trwnent <br /> to be hie voluntary act and deed as eueh SheriPf. <br /> I <br /> IN '�ITNE88 �11HEREOF,I have hereunto ae� oy ha,nd and oYficial eeal at Qrend elarid,Nebraska,in eaid <br /> County,the day and year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL) D.O.Beckmann <br /> • - Clerk oS' the District Court. 4 <br /> Filed far record this 25 day af ApriZ,'1941,at 3 o'elock P.1�. <br /> , . ����,��.�-G-G�- <br /> _..._._ <br /> Register oP Deeds <br /> ��, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> •`'� EXECU'�DR'3 DEED <br /> I THIS�. I�'�EItTT��, r�ade this 19th day of Apri1,1941,between The Firat National Bank ot Grand ,��land, <br /> Nebraaka,a corporation organized 8nd exiating under a,nd by virtue oP the la�rs of the Uni�ed 8tat��, <br /> se Execu'�or of the eeta,te ot Peter B.Petere,deceased,par�y of the first part,and JOHN C.APPLEGATE <br />� AND CORA H.APPLE("�ATEyhueband and wife,as �oint tenants,snd not ae tenante in Qo�mvr�,of the ' QountyF <br /> of xall snd State oP NebraBka,partias oP the s�cond part, wITNE�9ETH;- That the eaid party vf th� - <br /> i <br /> fir�t part,pursuant �o the poware Qonv�ye�d upon it ae euoh Ex�cutor by the ter�nne of the Laat WiI� <br /> and Teetament of the eaid Peter B.peters,deceased,for and in consideratlon of the aum of One, , °' <br /> Dollar and other valunbl� consSderation,ln ha,nd p��d,the receipt whereoP ia htreby acsknow2edged, <br /> has �old and by these presenta does gra�nt, eonvey and confirs� unto ths partlee of the eecond� ' <br /> • � <br /> i p�rt the fallovring deacribed real est�.te eitua�ed in Hall County,Nebraeka,to-wit: <br /> i <br />; <br /> AI1 of Lot F in Bloek One (i) Elm Place Addition to Grand Island,ae eurveyed,plstted & reoorded. <br /> It being the in�ention of al2 part3es hereto, that in the event of the death of mith�r of said <br /> grantees, th� entire fee eimple �itle to the real e$tate deseribed herein ehall veat in, the eur- <br />, <br /> v3ving grantee. <br /> 1�0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisee above de�crib�d, together with a11 the tenem�r�ts,her�ditaments <br /> and appurtenancea thereunto belonging unto the said part3e� oP th� eecond part, their heirs and <br /> aesigns. . <br /> And the eaid party of the fir�t part, for itgelf and it� succeseors,doee h�reby covensnt and agree <br /> that it has �ood �ight and Ia�vful a.uthority ae sucsh Execu'�or to convey the said real eetate;that , <br /> the same 3e Pree and elear Prom ineumbrance,and the said party of the f lr8t pa,rt does hereby eov- <br /> enant ta ��j�rant and dePend �he ea3d premi�ea g�a3n�t the Iarvful Q].aims of aIZ pereone whomsoener. <br />, � <br />