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�v� <br /> �ID1E�� �]EC�]E�� �T�. � 1 <br />.. 18128—The Au tine Co. Count Su 11ea 6rand Island Nebr. <br /> B� , Y PP � � . �. . <br /> of C�rand Island,Nebraska,rvhioh is reoorded in Book 76,of �ortgeges,page 43�,now reduced to <br /> �1767.36,which aranteesaseume and �gree to pay as part Qoneideration hereof, <br /> IT HEINa THE INTEN'TION OF ALL PARTIEB HERETO,THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRAN�EES,THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DEBCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> ' SURVIVING QRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises,with the appurtenanee�,unto the asid granteee <br /> ; as J�INT TENANT�,�►nd nat as tenant� in oommon,and to their aesigne,or to the heirs and assigne <br /> of the aurvivor oP them,�orever,and we the grantors named herein for u� and our heire, executore, <br /> and adminiatratore,do covenant Aith the granteea riaaied herein and Aith their assigna and with <br /> the heirs and �asigns of the survivor oP them, that rve are Iawfully seized oP eaid premises;�hat <br /> � they are free from inaumbrance except �a stated herein,and that we the said grantora have good <br /> ' right and Iawful authority to aell th� same,anc� that we rvill and our heira,executor� and admin- <br /> , ietrators ehall warrant and defend the same unto the granteea named her�in and unto their aseignal <br /> �nd unto the heira and aesigna of the survivor oi them,forever,againet tYie lewful claim$ of aIl <br /> persone �whomsoever,exeluding the exaeptions named herein. <br /> ' IN 1NITNEB� �fHERE�F we hane hereunto set our handa thia 17th day of Apr1I,A.D.19�1. <br /> In preeenee oP � �r3.�0�I.R.B'�ampe � Willie�me JCKennatte Ella Kenns <br /> Loui� (�.Wersen ( Canae2led ) <br /> Lillian A.Wereen <br /> , �tate of Washington <br /> �es. On thie 17th day oP April A,�3.1941, before me,e Notary Pub13Q, in <br /> County oP Pierae ) <br /> and for said Caunty pereonally came the sbove named Dorothea <br /> i Charlotte EZla Kenna and �Yilliam J.Kenna, each in her and hia opn right and ae wif� and husband ' <br /> � who are per8ona,lly known to me to be the identieal pereons whose namea are aPfixed to the abov• <br /> � inatrument as grsntore,�arid they ackno�vledged said inatrument to be thelr voluntary act and deed. <br /> '�ITNESS my hand and Nota.rial Seal the date Iaet at'oresaid. <br /> ' " L.A.Parshall � <br /> ' (SEAL) Notary Pub13o <br /> ' �y dommission expirea on the lOt� day oP Auguet A.D.Z9�FI � <br /> F3Ied for record this 2� d�y of ApriI,l9�l,at 2:�5 o'clook P.�. ����� � <br /> : RBgister of Dee <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-', <br /> �HERIFF"S DEED 0�1 FORECLOSURE OF �QORTaAGE �! <br /> � KnoR aIl �den by theee Pr�aents : <br /> i That �ihereaa, in an aetion in the Diatrict Court of the Eleventh Judielal Dietriet of �Nebraak�, <br /> within and Por Ha1.1. County,�her�in Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation,a Corpor�ation,la Plaintiff, <br /> Qnd John Kohnk,Jr. ,Adm. , et al are Defencl.ants, it waa by said Court at the February Term thereoi, ; <br /> A.D. ,19�O, to-wit,on the l�th day oP June A.D. ,1940,conaidered,Ad�udg�d,and decreed that in default <br /> oP the payment to the Clerk oP the District Court of the coets of said aetion,and to th� plaintiPt <br /> ;, the eum oP �3026.34 with 5y� lnterest fro� Maroh 9,1940 within tw�nty days from the date of euah <br /> ' Judgment and decree, that the equity of redemption of each and all of eaid deP�ndants in and to <br /> ' •the 1Qnde and tenement8 herelnafter described be Poreclosedand torever barred,and that the 8herift' <br /> of eaid Hall County cause the landa �.nd tenemente hereinafter described to be advertieed,a�d eold! <br /> according to Iarv;and �►here�.s the said defendant8 having made default therein D�niel 8andera,aa <br /> Sherlft of said County,under and by virtue of the order of said Court to him dir�eted,did,on the ; <br /> 21at day of April A.D. ,19�+1,at the north door of the Court Fiouae in the city of arand Ieland, <br /> Nebraeks,in said County oY Hall, ( the eame being the place �►herein the District Court was Iast <br /> held in said County) ,having firet gl��n due snd legal notice of the time and place of ea�id sale, <br /> � for not less than thirty daya prior thereto,in the arand Island Deily Zndependent,a l�gal newe- ' <br /> paper printed a�nd in general airculation in said County of Hall,sell the said premiaes at publia . <br /> � aue'Cion to Federal. Farm Mor�gage Corporation,a Corporation, (it being the highe�t and beat bidder '; <br /> . � therefor) for the eum oP Three-thoueand t�ro-hundred t'orty-eix & 50/100 DOLLARB,Ahiah sale w�,� <br /> , . <br />' _ . __ __� __ <br /> � <br /> I <br /> , � <br />