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��� <br /> �ID)E]E� ]�.�C��� N�. � � <br />� 18129—The Auguetine Co., County Supplies, Grand Ieland, Nebr. __ _ -`-,_ --, -. __ ___.. ,:._:__ <br /> I� beir�g the 3ntention of all partie� hereto,that in the event •o� the death o= either of ea�d <br /> arentees,the entire fee eimple title to the real estate described herein ehall vest in the sur- <br /> viving arantee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLU the premisea above deseribed, together with aIl the Tenements,Heredi�amenta <br /> and Appurt�nances thereunto belonging unto the said Grantees,as �oint tsnants and not as t�nanta, <br /> in oammon,and to the eurvivor, <br /> And t�ia eald TYie ,E�,uitable Bullding & Loan Aasociation for iteelf or 1ts euccesaors,doea hereby <br /> Qovenant and agree �o and with the said parties of the secorsd •part and their heirs and assigns, <br /> that at the tiriae of the execution and delivery of theae presents it ia lawPuI1� �ei�ed of eaid <br /> premigea; that it has good right and lawful euthority to convey the same;that they are Pree from <br /> enoumbrance The Equitable Bullding and Loan Aasociation of araMd I81and,Nebraeka,.does hereaby <br /> aovenant to warrant and defend the said premisee againat the IawfuZ alaims of a11 peraor�� phom- <br /> sosver. <br /> IN V�IT'NESS WHEREOF, the said The Equitable Bullding & Loan Assooiation has hereunto caused ita <br /> c�orporate seal to be aPPi�ed and tha+�� presente to be $igned by ite President �Che day and year <br /> Piret above Rritten. ( COAP) The Equitable Buildin dc Loan <br />' (SEAI,) Aasociation of (�rand �sland,Nebraska, <br /> B <br /> 5igned, eealed and delivered in presenoe oP y Quy L.Ha.rria�n Preaiden'� <br /> t�ttest: C.E.arundy f9ecretary <br /> Florenoe V.�yere ( �I.65 I.R.Btampe � ) <br /> �, Cancelled ) <br /> State of Aiebraska ) <br /> )as. On this 16th day oY April 19�1 before me,the undersigned,a �►o:�ary <br /> Hall Coun�y ) <br /> Public in and Por said County, came 4uy •L.Harrlson, <br /> President of the Th�e Equitable Building & Loan ABSOeiatlon of f�rand ze7.and,I�ebraska, to me peraon-. <br /> ally known to be the Pr�esiden� and the identical person whose name is afPixed �o •the above aonvey�- <br /> ance,and aa�no�vledged the execution thereoP to be his voluntary act and deed sa such ofPicer and <br /> the volun�sary aet and deed oP the said The Equitable Building & Loan Aasociation,and that the <br /> �orporate sea]. oP the said The Equitable Building & LQ�n AasoQiation was thereto �PPixed by ite <br /> au�hority. <br /> �'itnesa my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island in said eounty the day and year last above ' <br /> written. <br /> (SEAL� Florenae V.�yers <br /> �y Commission expires the 27th day of August 19�3 NotQry Publie <br />' Filed Por record this 21 day oP AprS1,19�Fl,at 4 o �cloak P.�. ���I��� <br /> Register of Deed$ <br /> �-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-fl-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> yW�►�tRANTY::.DEED ' ' <br /> KNOt� ALL �dEN BY THESE PRESENTB,That We,Dorothea Charlottea Fl�a Kenna and Willi�tn J.Kenna, in <br /> her and hl.e own right and ae piPe and hueband in eanaideration of One Dollar and other valuable <br /> oon�ideration in hand paid,do hereby grant,bargain,Sell,convey and con2'irm unto Roy E.Kran� and <br /> �Iarie C.Kranz,hueband and pife as JOINT TENANT3,and not as tenants in eommon;th� tollowing dea- <br /> oribed rea]. estate,�ituate in the Cour�ty of Hat2 and State oP Nebraeka, to-wit: <br /> The South Thirteen feet and eight inahee (9-13 '8" ) of Lot One (1) and the Narth Thirty on• Peet <br /> (N-31) in Lot R'�vo ( 2) in Black One (I) 3n Hann's Addition to �he City of arand Island,Ha13 County, <br /> Nebraska, lt being the intention to convey eo muoh oY eaid Lots One and �wo,Hlocsk One as me�y be <br /> included between a line parallel to the North boundary af said Lot One and running throu�h th� <br /> middle ot' the middle r�all oP the apartment houa�,nox located thereon to a line thirty on� feet <br /> eou�h of and �aralleZ to the south Iine oP said Lot One.All �ub�ect to an eaeement to Qity Dewer <br /> and �Vater ag no�v inetalled and party wall a$reement Por the benefit oP the north 43 Peet and 4 <br /> inahea (�3'4" ) oP Lot One (I) 1n Bloek One (I) in Hann's Addition to the Clty of arand I8].and, <br /> Hall County,Nebraska. <br /> together �►3th all the tenemente,hereditaments,and appurt�ananc�s to t he same b�3onging,and a21 the <br /> esta�e, title,dower,right of homestead,cslaim or demand ahat8eever oY the said grantors,of,3n or <br /> to the same,or any part thereof; Pres and clear of a1I Liens and Encumbranaea, lncluding Tt�ucea for <br /> the year 1940 and previous thereto, together with any Special Ts�aces,now due or a8�eesed.8ub�eat <br /> to unpaid balanae of �2000.00 Mortgage 2oan in favor oP The Equitable Building & Los� A�sQC�iatien' _. <br />