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T - <br /> ��� \ <br /> Gd <br /> ���� �.����� ��. � � <br /> 18128—The Auguatine Co., County 8upplies, Grand Island, Nebn .. _ __ _-___ _. _ _ _ ,.,--:� . _-.-.__. _ -: <br /> . ._ _ _, . <br /> Ddar� Ann Kee2'e,single 6�13I3� ►� 40� �' " __ . _ . : <br /> Re-reQOrded q 1�iec. 1/2�/jl <br /> �ary Ann KeePe� s3ngle 6/13/30 q 3�7 12/22/30 <br /> Re-recorded Q Migo. 1�07 1/28/31 <br /> Patrick W.�ahoney,�argaret <br /> �ahoney 6/13/30 � 3�� I2�22�� <br /> Re-recorded Q �isa. 40� I 2� 1 <br /> Pat�iek �ahoney,�dargaret <br /> Mahone� 6/26/3o Q 3�� 12/22/30 <br /> Harry S.Eaton,J.Burgel <br /> Eaton,Arvis B.Tomilson <br /> Palmer,E.H.Palmer 2/ 4/31 " �14 2/17/32 <br /> Harry R.English,Kate I2 22 0 <br /> Engl i ah 6/�.3/30 " 3�0 / /3 <br /> Harry B.Eaton,J.Burgei _ <br /> Eaton ZO/I.�+/30 �� 39� u <br /> Albert J.9tone,Anna T. <br /> 8 tone �/7.6130 " 3�7 " <br /> Ralph R.Horth,�ay H.Horth I1/25/32 " 700 Z1/2g/�2 <br /> j. The �ee tranemieaion linea described as follows; <br /> (a) A 12 inch ateel pSpe gae transmieaion Iine,approxima,tely 26,6a6 reet in Iength,beglnning on <br /> the east line of the BE� ot the 9E} of gec'�ior� 36,T.11 N,R.9 W,and extending in a northwest <br /> ��ection �hrough eaid Seation 36 and Sec�ions 35,2C,27, to a point on the north line of the NE� <br /> of 8eo.27ythenae weat scross sald Sea.27 and Sec.2� to a pvint on the north Iine of Sec.29,a11 <br /> in said Township and 8ange. <br /> (b) Grand Island Branah Line. � <br /> An 8 inch eteel p3pe gae tranemiesion line,approuimately one �12e in length,exter�dir�g <br /> from a point of eonnection with the arantor'e 1.2 inch pipe line in the NE} of Sec.27, T. I1 N, <br /> R.9 W;thence nor'�h acrosa gec.22, to the arand Island Toan Border Sta�iox�. , <br /> (c) Ameriaan Beet 8ugar Brartah Line. <br /> A b ineh ateel pipe gas tranamisalon line,approximatel.y 3373 feet in length,extending <br /> fram point of aonnectlon rv3th I2 ineh ga8 pipe line of arantor in the NE� ot Sec.29,T. 11 N,R.9 <br /> �►,westerly acroes the northern part oY said 8e�.29;thenas in a northern direc'�ion through the <br /> S1N� of Seo.2d to the metering station at t23e p3:�nt of the American Beet Sugsr Company. <br /> (d) arand Island Power Plant Line. � <br /> An �S inah steel p3pe �ae tranamfes2on line,approximately 13�0 Peet in leng�th,extending <br /> from �a poin� of vonnection rvith the 12 inch p3pe line oF C#rantor in the NE} of '�he 9�� ot 8ec. <br /> 36, T. ll N, R.9 '�,northeas terly through said �ec.36. � - <br /> ( e) KsnesaA-Qibbon-Wood River Bra�nch <br /> �A � incsh s'�eel pipe �;aa tranemission 13ne,approximately 36, 793 �eet in length,beginning <br /> on the west line of the Sw� of the g�V�} of 3ec. 6. �'. 9 At, R.12 1N, ext�nding in a northea�sterly <br /> direatlor� through eaid Sec.6 and 8ea.� in eaid Townehip end Range;thenee acrc3gs eaid 8ectione 32, <br /> 33�3��35�26,25 and 2�} in Townahip I.0 �T, R.12 �';ther�ce to the '�ood River Town Border 8tation in <br /> 9ec. 19, T. Za N, R.11 w. � <br /> 4. The C�ae distribut3on eystems, incI.uding aIl pipea,meters,regulators and appurtenanees thereto <br /> IoQated in and ad�aaent to the following c3ties or vill�es: <br /> Nood River � <br /> Thie aonveyance,assignmen� and transfer ie made in accordanae �+Sth and authorized by reeolutior� <br /> duly adopted by a quorum of the Board of Directora of Grantor at s meeting held an Marah 7,1941, <br /> exid the written �aonsent,dated April 15,5941,of all the holdera of the outstanding aharea of etoak <br /> oY Grantor. ' <br /> IN '�IT'NESS 1YHEREOF, the arantor,�ebraska Natural (�as Compan�,hae cauaed these presente to be <br /> executed in ite corporate by ita president,thereunto duly authori�ed,and aealed with ite <br /> corporate aeal,and attested by ite Aeeistant Secretarp, �hia 16th day of Apri1,19�1. <br /> . <br /> Attest: (C�AF� NEBRASKA NATURAL 4A8 COMPANY, � <br /> I.S.Bterrart (SEAL B� � D.E.Ackere <br /> .....,.. <br /> Assietant-Secretary ,_„_ president <br /> (��I.R.Stampe � <br /> (Canaelled <br /> !lTATE OF' KANSA� ,SHAIiVNNEE COUI��TY,88. � <br /> On this l6th day ot Apri1,19�1,before me,a notary public in and for said county,personally came <br /> D.E.ACKERS,Preeident,and I.S.STENYART,I�ssietant-Secretsry of the Nebraska Natural E�ae Oompany,a <br /> ATebraska corporation, �Co me personally knoan to be the identical persona whoae names are a'ffixed <br /> . . <br /> to the foregoing instrument ae the preeident and Assistan�-SeQretary respectively of $aid Compar�p, <br /> an� aoknowledge �he same to be the noZuntary act aP eaid Nebraska Natural Gae Coepany. ' <br /> }�4) <br /> IN �ITNE88 WHEREOF,I have hereunto eubscribed my name and affixed �y nots►rial seal the day and � °''�' <br /> year Iast above written. (BEAL) Martha C.Paehnan <br /> otary Publie ' <br /> � co�amisaion ex iree 2 44 <br /> Y P /5/ <br /> FSIed for reoord th3s 27 clay of Apri2,1941,st g:45 o'clock A.M. . � <br /> �:��� � <br /> � <br /> __. _ _ _ _ <br /> eg e er o! Dee s <br /> F.. � <br />