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& <br /> . �L..1� ; <br /> ���� ������ ��. � � <br /> , i <br /> i <br /> 18129—The Auguatine Co., County BuppHes, Cirand Island, Nebr. <br /> gTATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 16 day of April, 19�-1, before me, a Notary Public in and for , <br /> � ) ss. � � � <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) said county, personally appeared L. Erman Congrove and Francis G. Congrove <br /> parsonally known to me to b� husband and wife and to be tne identical persons whose names are <br /> affixed to the foregoing deed as grantors, and they acknowledged the execution of said instru- <br /> ment to be their volunta.ry act and deed. <br /> WITNESS MY HAND and seal at Grand Island, in said count;T, the day and year last �.bov� written. <br /> . . <br /> Carl E. willard� <br /> ( SEAL} Notary Public <br /> , My commi�sion expires on the 5th c�a�r`: of September, 1941. ' ' <br /> ' Filed for record thi5 l6th day of April, 1941, at 4�00 0 � clock P.M. � �-u-��� � <br /> egister of e� <br /> Q—Q—Q—`�—Q—i��;'1��_�.���.��������J_�._�_'�_�_�-�_p._�_p^�_�_4_�_0_0_�._�._p-lJ-'O_O_'l/'_ O_O_O_O_V_O_O_V_V'_O_O_O �' <br />' DEED OF CONVEYANCE AND BILL OF 9A� . <br /> �.�.� _r____r._ _,.._____ __,___.__ <br />. ' KNO1� ALL �EN BY THESE pRE8ENT8,That Nebra�ka Natural Qas Company,a NebraBka oorporation, (herein- <br /> after called "aranter" ) ,for Ten Dollare (�I.0:00� and other good and valuable coneideration, the <br /> = receipt vihereoP 18 hereby acknowSedged,doea hereby aell,assign,tranafer,set over, convey and quit ' <br /> vlaim un�o KansaB-Nebraeka Nstural Qas Company,Ina. ,formerly named The Kansae Pipe Line d� aas <br /> v Company,a Kaneas corporatian, (hereinafter oalled "aranteep ),ali o� Qrantor'a right,tl'.t�e and inter- <br /> , <br /> eet in and to the following desaribec� property eituated itt Hall County,8tate ot' i�ebrasks: � <br /> 1.Tbe lolloping traote o! land,end aZl butldings and appurteriancea thereunto belonging: <br /> (a) The North 25 feet of Lot I1 a�nd the North 25 �eet of Lot 12,a11 in Hloak No.2,Clark's AddStior� <br /> to the City of 1Nood River,Idebraska. . '; <br /> � (b� A traot o! Iand,beginning at a point 1305.1 feet weat of the aection corner betpeen Section$ <br /> ' 14,15,22 and 23,and 33.2 feet aouth of the section line betweeri said sections I�j and 22;thence <br /> west along the �line `33•2 Peet south or and parallel �ith said section line a dietanae ot 55•� <br /> Peet;thenoe eouth 20.j feet;thenoe east 55.a feet;thence north 20.3 Peet to t he plaae of beginnin�, <br /> ow orth Ran 1�eat oontainin .02 seres more or Iese. <br /> ; all Ioaated Sn T nahip I1 N , ge 9 , g 5 , <br /> ! (aj A traat of I.and,begfnning at the eouthwest aorner ot the E� ot the 9E� of 9ec.22,T.11 N,R.9 W;', <br /> thenae north 5� teet;thencse east �5 feet;thence aou�h 5� feet;thence weat along the eeQtion line <br /> 2� Peet,to the place ot' beginn�ng,sub�ect to 'the section line road. ' <br /> ' 2. The eaeements �nd rtghta ot Ray !or the Qonstruo�iori,ma3ntenanoe and operation of Grantor'e <br /> certain gae tranemission lines,granted by the partiea hereinafter ehown,whloh suoh grants are rec� <br /> ordea in the oftiab o! the Register of Deeds oY Hall County in the volumes and pages and on the <br /> ' datee hereinafter get Porths <br /> Recording Data <br /> t�rantor Dat�ot Eaeement Vol. a e D,ete Reoorded <br /> o n Hoer$en and Bophie <br /> Boereea 10/IO/2g Q �s.80. 3io 5/i4/3o <br /> Ernes t �'.Reher and <br /> Helene �ilhel�ina Reher 10/ 7/29 � 309 " <br /> �Im.D.Hiedleldt and Esthar <br /> C.Nledteldt �o/ �/29 N 30� N <br /> 1Ni11 ie� Bla3ee and � <br /> � � % <br /> 0 <br /> lrilhaleina Hlaise 10/ 7/29 � 3 7 <br /> ; �erman 8aheel a,nd Diinnie <br /> ' s�heei io/ 7/29 p 306 N <br /> Ferdinand Heider 10/ �/29 " 305 " <br /> Hane Scheel and �ama BaY�eel 10/ �/29 • " 304 " <br /> Lizzie Turner,�aingle 11/30 j29 � q ldisc. 303 5/14/30 <br /> �etha R.9t�er and E.H. <br /> StendEr 11/1��29 �� 301 " . . <br /> Jcyhn Sah�I�er:�aad�:�as <br /> Schullar 11 j27/29 �� 3p2 " <br /> Marie HSbberd,�artin Hibberd, � � ' <br /> Adelaide 8tubblefield,Dale D. , <br /> Stubblefield,Ethel �.Dooa1 d- <br /> � eon,aciy E.Donaldssn,Lawren�e , <br /> �'.Haug,Qladyee E.Haug,Katherifle j <br /> w.Kirk.�ory E.Kirk 6/23/3a Q 379 Y2/2z/3o ; <br /> Fred Bo an,E21a Bawman 6/16/30 " 3�0 " - � � <br /> � <br /> , Nancsy A, acsey,aingle 7/ 3/30 q 3�1 " , <br /> � ' Frar�lc A.Rohde and Anna Ahode 6/23/30 " 3ffi1 N ! <br /> ; <br /> �ary Leonard,eingle,Wi11 ; <br /> n <br /> a � <br /> Leonard,eingle 6/26/30 3g2 <br /> Henry C.Kranz,Psulina Kran� 6/13/30 " 382 " <br /> �ary �tul l eri,�arp E.Mul l en, ' <br /> Theresa uullen Lane 2/ 2/3l p 415 3/17/31 � <br /> xary ueDermott 6/i4/30 " 3�} i2/22/30 <br /> , �].len Dunphy,Edwsrd Dunphy 6/1 /30 " 3�4 " � <br /> John J.Neville ' �/ �/j0 a 3�4 ' " <br /> John l�iZliea� Dev3ne, <br /> Anna, Devine 6I1 /30 " 3g5 " <br /> Je�aes T.Br��t,aingle 6/I�/3a p . 3�6 " � <br /> ;A�eda 1�ontgomery 11/2�'/30 " 3�6 p '�, <br /> ; <br /> . <br /> � , �. <br /> , <br /> , . <br />