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, ----�-�-� <br /> . , x <br /> .,, . . }.' <br /> .i � <br /> .. ' .�d�. � . <br /> �� , . , ' . . ..������� . . ,.�o.. <br /> ' ... - ._ ._..._�._. ._ .... . . _ _..._.. .. . .. .. . ... .a..o.�h5i/.t�"4'h��. <br /> .. • � . �:i: ��•w�s„sr . <br /> . ..., � ,+fi'� <br /> o�-2e-tt�s7 DEED OF TRUST g�7.,,� �.01g,'�� Pag•a <br /> � Lvan No 40215 (Continued) , � <br /> �=. - _ — <br /> z:— <br /> Lendar. Lender nhall,upon en2islactory proot o1 such oxpondituro,pAy or relmburee Truetor teom the procoeds tc%ttw reasonable coat of rep�r <br /> or restoretlon if Tn�ator t9 not In tieipuR unGer thla Owd ot Tn�Qi. Any prc►ceede whtch hava not bec�n dlabureed uvlthln tE30 dnye aRer thelr ^ � <br /> recelpt�nd wh�h lander hts not corrrr�ttted to the rep�lr or ns4onlbn ot ti►e Property�h�11 be used flrot to�ry any atnount owing b L.�ndar I _. <br /> undor thls Deed o1 TrurA,then ta pay�ccrued InteresL�nd the rem�lnder,H any,eh�fl bo npplled to the princ pN bd�nce ot the Intiebtadr►eea. !., r, <br /> IT Londer hotda Rn y proceeda �Iter payment In full of ihe Indebtednee�, euch proceed�ehall be pald to Trustor as lYuator's inte�e9te m�y f <br /> ePPear. ��-�- <br /> U�axplr:d lc�sueazca ct�.•'�. My unaupirocl Insurenco ehe�l Inure to the benetit oi,and pass to,the purchasor of tho Property covered by thla <br /> Deed o1 Trust at�ny watee'e eale or other eate held undar the provislons of thla Deed o1 Truat,or at any torecloaure eate ot eucU Property. _�. <br /> � FJ(PENDITURES BY LENDER. II Trustor falls to comply with any provlsbn ol ttda Qeed oi Trust,or If nny ccUon or proceedlr►g Is carrxrr�r�oad that <br /> •�" woutd materiNty attect Lender'e Int9roste In the Property,Lender on Trualot'e behalt may,but ohall not be required to,take any accUon lhnt Lender «_ <br /> �. deoms apprapdata. Any emouN thnt Lender expends In ao dol�g will baer interest et the rale provided tor In the Nota hom the date I�ncurted or pdd � <br /> by Lsnder to the date of r�payment by TNStor. All such expenses,at Lender'e optbn,wlll (e)be payable on domand, (b)be added to the b�t�noe • . <br /> ot the Note and be apporuoned urran8 and ba payable vAth nny Instdlment pAyrr�enta to become due du�ing eliher p)1he tartn ot�ny�ppNc�b�e �-- <br /> Insurance poNcyr or (1�the rurrulning term of the Note,or (o)be Veated as�b�{taon payment wh{ch w1A bo due and�ayable Mt the Nolo'e maturiry. - ; � <br /> Thle Doed of Truat�so wIN aecure payrrient ot those amounte. The rlghte proNdad for in thls paragreph shall be In addldon to any other dghta or ary ' ..,`_. <br /> remedles to whlch Lender msy be entltled on account of the detauft. Any euch actlon by Lender ahdl not be con3trued es curlr►g the dafeutt eo ae to _. ,•��%� <br /> '..:•:.;:•.. . <br /> bar Lender from eny rerrieciy that It othenMse woutd hnve had. ' ��:��___— ��' <br /> WARRANTY;DEFENSE Qf TI11E.The tolbwing provlsbns relatlng to ownaehlp ot ttw Property aro e pert of thls Deed of Trust ,+• k'��.;-`- <br /> , r;��. <br /> � TtW. Ttuator werrenta thet: (a)Truator holds good end merketeble titlo of record to lhe Proparty In tee slmple,irec�and cleu of W Nena�nd `4�_,:_, <br /> e � <br /> , � encumbrances other than those set forth In tha Rea!Propeny descrlptbn or in any tltle insuranae polky,title roport,or Onel Utb opinbn issued In •:.f..�;:. <br /> favor ot,nnd eccepted by,Lender in connocUon with Ihla Dead ot Trust,end (b)Truffior has the fu�riaht,power,end euthodry ro execute 1md �.:,�,�y,. <br /> deilver thl9 Deed of Tn�st to Lender. '�•'-'" <br /> � Wf�naa of TIt1�. Sub�ect to the excepUon In the paregraph above,Trustor warrents snd wlli torever detend the titie to the Pwpeity agWnst th� - _ -- <br /> � �' Iswlui clelms oi ell persons. In the event any acUon or proceeding is cormienced thst questlons Trustoro title or the Interost ot Truetee or ;;, <br /> Lender under thls Oeed of Trust,Trustor ehell defend tho actlon at Trustor's expense. Trustor may be the rwmind ptvry In euch prooeeding,but �.,;�,.r:__ <br /> Lender ahNl be onUtled to panlclpate In ihe proceeding and to be repr93ented In the proceodirg by counsel ot Lendere own chok�,and ��H._ <br /> � ,;' Truator wIN dell�er,or cauae to be delivered,to Lender such Instruments as Lender mny request from time to tlmo to permit euch pMfcipatlon. `'i`y�f;;=- <br /> „� �: Compllanc�Wtth Laws. Truetor warrnnte that the Property and Trustore usa of the Property complles with eN exfs�tfng�ppNc�bfe lawa� •- 'r�;� „�.�., <br /> • o r d i n a n c e�,a n d r e g u l t t b r u o f g o v e r r u n e n t e i e u t h oriUes. �' `'`' <br /> �.-- <br /> . CpNpfIrINAT�pN, The following provlslons reltUng to condemmtlon proceedings ve a put of tNl�Dsed o1 Tn�st ��k=��-- <br /> - ,. -- <br /> - Appliraitbn of N�t ProcMd�. it NI or nny put ot the Prop��rty Is oondenxied by eminent domein procoeding�or by my proc�ecllnp or : <br /> purchase In Ileu of condemnntbn,Lender nury�t its etectkn rsquire th�t aN or any porUon ot the net proceeds oi the aw�rd be appNed to 1he <br /> " Indebtednass or the reppir or restorctlon of the Property. The net pruceeds ot the�verd shNl mean the ewerd stter payment of�II roa�on�We �.y <br /> oosq,expenses,and ettorneys'lees Incurred by Trustee or lender In connecUon with the condemnetbn. <br /> . "{ r;.rcc:.::.r.. tt asr;�:�rlin3!n c�n�+mn�w,�i�s�aa,Tn�ator ehar prompthr noUN lsnder In wr�tlng�and Truetor eh�il prompty t�k��uch _:�,: <br /> eteps�may be r�ecessary to defend the actlon and obtaln the awrd.Trustor may be the nonYnM pany In euch proceoaing,b�i,andvr enap �i�. <br /> ' be enUUed to pudclptte In the procaeding and to be represented In the proceeding by counael ot Ita own chobe,�nd Truator wiN dellver or q <br /> cauae to be deilverad to Lendet euch InslrumenU as may be requeatad by it from tlme to tlme to perrr�t auch paUcipatbn. . <br /> C.^ <br /> IMP6SITiON OF TAXES,FEES AND f:HAR(3E5 BY GOdERNMENTAL Atl�HORITIES. The fobwing provistons relatlng to govemn�ental Uxes� �� <br /> feos end cherges a'e�pat of this Deed o1 Tru�t: .;, <br /> �� Cwr�nt TucM,F�a�nd CParpu• Upon request by Lender,Trunor shaH execute euch dacumenb In eddftlon to thb Deed ot Truri�usd t�ke F.� <br /> ' whetever other�ctlon Is reque�ted by Lender to pertect and continue Lender'e lien on the Rey Property. Trustor sh�ll reknburee Londer io►NI ` <br /> � ' texee� ee deec�fbed betow� 4ogether wlth dl ex�en�es i�curred In reoording�PertecUeB o�conUnuing thls Deed of 1Yua4 Indu�in�wkhout ��i-'� <br />- ,•.��. IirNUtbn rl t�xee,leee,document�yr stan'ipa,�nd other chrgas for recordfng or regFsSering this Deed of Ttuat. <br />�`. . �` _ T�xw. 1'he folbwlnfl shM�nstitute texes to which thb eecll�o�Wpliea: (a)a epedflo tax upon thl9 rype of Oeed o1 Trust or upon aN a Rny .�_ <br />_ � r� � p�rt of tha Indeb28dt�es9 eecured by this Deed of Truat; (b)a epociflc tau on Trustor which Trualor la authorlted or reyukod to deduct from <br /> payrnanta on the Indebtedness secured bY this type of Deed of TNSt: (a)a tex on thi9 type ol Deed of Truat chargeable Iigynat the Lender or <br />�'�",;:�;,�,�z the holder of tfie Note; and (d) s epeGlla tax on dl ar eny poNon of the Indebtedness or on psyments of prindpd and Interest n�ds by �..%�'- <br />'�+:n�; . YNnor. <br /> :_=►��`"w�=.:: Subs�qu�nt Troca. If an te�x to wh�h th(s secUon epplies Is en�cted eubeoquent to the d�te of this Oeed of Trust,thl�event ehaM h�ve the <br />�al7��l.;,'� earr�e etfect a��n Event o��ei�,n ca�denned t�ow�,and londer may exerclse any or dl of ke adlable remecllae for en Event ot Def�uR�e <br /> :�7Fx •;c"- prorlded betow unic�TNator eithor (e)pays the tex betore tt becomes delinquent,or (b)oontaeb the tax as provlded above In the 7�xee�nd <br />`��••� '• E Uens aectlon md deposits with Lender cash or e suf�clent oorponte surery bond or other security eeUstectory to Lendet. <br />�:. ;,•..:'.�... <br />=-- �°CL1O!*`:A8.°.��..u-•;T�c�l�-�!j'!t�!�?S?'ATE!MEM'g. ThA fobwina provl�lom relatina b thie Deed 01 Truet a�a eecurSty�ee►►�rn�re�pYt o1 _ _ <br />--`� i�;;%:k'�- <br /> , ;r;•: :'• tN9 O6od Of TNSL =. __ - -- <br />�_a� ,:.�,.�'r. 5�curfty A�r�t Thls instrument shNl cortstiNte e secudry e�greement to the extent nny ot the Property►conetltutee 1lxturee a otl� <br />_�-.�-�•,; :.- peroonN properry,and Lender shdi have dl ot the rtghts ot s secured party under the UnBortn Corm�d�l Code ea anended from 14fw to <br /> —;u•.•:.�..' tkne. <br />�;:,,.�.���..�, <br /> " -'�"b� ��� S�curtty IntK+sL Upon requost by Londer,Trustor shell executeflnanci�g etatemente end teko whntever other�ctlon b�eque�tad bY Lender � <br />�±��",y,.�>.'.;•. <br /> to perlect end oonUnue Lenders securfty Interest In the Rents end Pereond Property. In addition to recording thfe[)eed of Tnt&t In the red <br /> - ::.;.,, ;;:', propeny records,Lender may,et any Ume and without further suthorizetbn from Trustor,1f10 executed counterpsrts,copiee or reproducUone o1 <br /> :,.�� thh Dend of TNSt a9 a Mendng steternont Trustor aheJi relmlxuae Lender tor�II expense�Incurred In perfectlng or contlnuing tt�fs eecurtry �, ___� __ <br /> iMerest. Upon def�uR,Truator ehall as�emb{e the Perao�al Propaty►in e manncr and at n plece reasonebiyr convenlent to Trustor�nd Lender i,_"_��_�u_ <br />_ � end make it avdleble to Londer withln threo(3)dayg after recelpt ol wrinen demand from Lender. �� . <br /> � qddnaNS. Tho mdiing addresaes of Trustor(debtor) and Lender(socured perty),trom whFch IntomxUon conceming tho secwrity Intereat ����_����.�- <br /> granted by this Deed oi Trust may bs obiNned(aach ae requlred by tho UnHortri Commercid Code),ara as stated on the flrot psge of tt�le Deed rm�r-�s a_ <br /> ,; 01 Trusl `'�.�q - <br /> _ .�., :',`�'�?����` <br /> ti�:(,�ii�T.Ti 3!^� <br /> - . ..:,'.':x��i"�- <br /> ,�h�:�_l����"y . <br /> - . ,.� , . . � ' � <br /> . ;�: • <br />_ / , . . <br />-i� - ' .. . ' - .i <br /> � . .. <br /> � . .. . .. .. . ' .. . � <br />_ � . _ . _ . ._... <br />