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•���.' ) �. �� .` � � ..���f',- �`r 4�7F�'�3�trtj 71 J-�. <br /> �ri%1% �t��_S :'� ^.t. i 1 �:i 1St �i �i i�t(Jl�a± �4�- <br /> �d�-.'.' . . -:f / - � ��4�i• (�i�� S;i� �74 <br /> . � I" !'�,t ��1 ) �. ,��il�lF - <br /> � �_.:. . ., v i c -� ��j .� . � ,,, �.2 <br /> i ..,. ,a <br /> " ' - - \': �-;'1��- 'U ��r�':r- �'�?; ����•: . - t7n4,. <br /> ' ' ..iL,p..y,y}yg,�,a,..�, •i. ' . . . - �! !i )� . . <br /> _ ..- . ..__.._ _..... .. . . . . Y=f�iieJ �' Yh rW6'+f <br /> u <br /> _ +i+�,V'�"--_��i�� <br /> �� <br /> �''���;�?'��fti:�=_—.� <br /> DEED 0F TRUST :a�T� Page2 ��'.�'�+:A:��; <br /> o�—��-t�s7 '.U1�.'�r� . _ . <br /> Loan No 40x15 (Conilnu�al) �'� <br /> �--._.....�.-.._�.�--�.._._._ . <br /> Ronts�end tho Personal Properry dalinotl bolow. :"�:"�• <br /> .,�i,.;.,.. _. <br /> DEFINIYiONS. The lollowing words sh:Jl havo tha tolla::lna rtwanlnfly erh�n usn�f In tlii9 Qood ol 7ruol. Torrr�not othonvise dofined In thls Daed of ;•t.•':;,.�:, _ <br /> Truot ehell have iho mouNngs attributad lo euch torms In lho Unitorm Cotm�orclN Codu. All refproncos ta doller amounte shell mean atrwunts 1n ,;,:�.t`,;�• <br /> lawtul money of tho United Scetus ol Amor�a. - <br /> B�n�flclary. The word"8ene11ciary'mo�ne Shormpn c3ounty B�nk,11e tuccoeson�nd�eol�ne, 8lxxman Counry Bank also is referred to ae _ <br /> • "Lende�"In thls Oeed of Truat. �'� �,.��, <br /> W�6 of Trwt Yhe worde"Deed of Trus�'meao thla Doed of YruGt�m0�w Tfu.tor, Lon�tcr,and Tructc�, r.nd Includas v�lthout Ilmltetbn ell ;•. ::.. <br /> " asefgnment and eecurtry Intereet provl�bna relaUny to tPw Person�Rropaty�nd R�nte. �°�:�','i;;,: <br /> � ;„.� Qwrantor. The word "Quarento�"me�na nnd Inciudea wtthout ilmit�tlon �ny�nd �I gua�ntore, eurotloe, tnd �ccommodnUon peNes In ;;�,;.;,,,. . <br /> . ' �, connecUon with the Indebtedness. t^,��,,.,:. <br /> Improwm�nte. The word "Improvementa"mean�nnd Inciude�without Ilmlt�tlon NI exiednp�nd tuturo Improvementfl,buildings, structures, �.; . •`% � <br /> moblle homes ettixad on tho Real Property,t�cNitlse,�dditbna,ripl�oen�ente�nd olhe�conslruoUon on tho Real Proporty. �;}-��;���'- • . <br /> ,;;,a':+:, <br /> • Imiebtedneaa. The word"Indebtednptis"menns dl princlpai�nd Imereet pay�bie under tho Note and�ny unounte expendod or advanced by i,;:,:j;'.�:�, {� ._:, - <br /> lencfor to dlscharge obllgations ot Truator or expenses Incurred by Trustee or Lender to entorce oWlg�tbne ol7astor under this Deed of Truat, � �,, _� " <br /> togothar with Interest on such enwunts es provldod In thla Deed ot Tnist. 8peciflc�ty,without Ilmit�ibn,thle Deed ot Truet secures,in eddfUon ,til,,i.;;,;�a...,-�"-_` <br /> t o t h e a m o u n t s s pecmed In tr�s Nota,AII tuture arcaunle Lender In IW dlecrotbn mq ban to Truetor,logether wlth ul lnterast ihereon. ;..;;`�;;4,,�_„`;:�;r�`=`- <br /> ' � '� Lendar. The word"Lender'monns Sherman Counry Bank,Its euccae.9ore�nd asel�na, ��� < . �,��,,;�-�. <br /> ° � Not�. Ths word"Not�"meane th�NoU d�t�d J�nuary 40,14�7�(fl th�princlpd�mount of s43 650.t10 from Truator to Lender, = <br /> together with au renewais,extenatans,modiflcaUone,refln�ncing�,and 6ubsUtutbne for ihe Note. � �IS`'�����•�'� `J� <br /> , �...:.��.,,__- <br /> .� ;t.,:',:� <br /> z P e nonal Pr o p�r t y r. The words "Pereonal Property/' meen ell oqulpment, Ilxturee, �nd othw ulklee o1 pereonal properry now or hereeflor s;•�'^.,,. :_ _ <br /> owned by Trustor, and now or hereafter attached or attlxed to itw Ro�! ProFnty; toga2he►with !II eccoesMns, parte,and a d d i t l ons to,N I � �'_ _ <br /> replacementa ot, and eli subsUtuUona for, eny of euch property; and together wlth �II proceeda (Including without IlmltaUon dl insuranca �.;..:�.,•;�.,:__ <br /> • F procoods end refunda of premlums)trom nny eale or other disposltbn of the Proporty. � `' <br /> .:�;�::,::_ <br /> ; .;�:...< <. <br /> Proparty. The word"Property'means wllectivety the Red Properry and tho PoreonN Proporty. -•.;��•.'��r<�c_—. <br /> `,,.,:•�,..r�. <br /> � :� R�ai Pro�perty. The words"Real Property'meen the propeRy,Intoreate end dghte descdbod abovo In tha"Conveynnco end Qran1"section. � :!:;.,.�., <br /> �r:'_'�.' :_ <br /> Rela4�d Oocum�nb. The words"Related Documents"rrwnn end Include wltlaut Ilmitutlon all promissory notos, cretlit agreements, loan „t�r:••:;t,;' <br /> agreement9,onvironmentat agroements,guaranties,secudry agreoments,mortgayes,deede ot vuet,and ell other Inswmente,agroemonte and �.`�;Li;�,,��` <br /> documente,whether now ar hereafter oxlsting,exocuted In connectbn with the Indebtodnese, ,���;,�f�;`�' <br /> ,f:.j.,. , <br /> Rmte. The word"Ronte"means ail present and futura rente,revanuee,Incoms,lesuee,roy�itiee,profits,�nd othar benefite d`rived hom the �;:.:.�:.,:�; <br /> Properry. ��s',;,;a: ,t <br /> TNitN. The word'Trustee"means Sherman Counly Bank and any eubetltute or eucceeeor Weteee. '�`�`•;. . • .,;4. . <br /> � �. Trustor. The word'Trustot"means any end ali pereons and enUtlee executlny thN Deed ot Truet,including without Ilmit�tlon�II 7n�storo named �`� �;� '. <br /> �!��—�f", <br /> — --— �bove. , <br /> �� F; :i.;. <br /> " TIIIS DEED OF TRU9T, IHCLUDINCi THE ASSItiNMEM 0F RENTB ANO TH!dECURIN INT'ERE9T IN TtiE lIEM16 Al1D PERSONAL ::;'it;;� _ <br /> .. PROPERYY,IS QIVEN TO SECURE (i)PAYMENT OF THE INDED'TEDNESS AMD (Z)PERFOlIMJINCH OF AHY AND A6�Oe1.l0AT10N8 OF �;�'�'��_. . � <br /> . TRUSTOR UNDER THE NOTE.THE RHLATED DOCUMEKTB,AHD 7HI8 DEED OF iflU3L THIS DEED OF TNUSY IS QIVEN A!!A ACCEPTED r.�,}�:,��;,; , . ' <br /> • ON THE FOLLOWING TERM3: �7.: <br /> : ,�i' ;:.�.W. <br /> PAYMHI�T AND P£RFORMANCE. Excopt as othervvise provided in thia Deed ot Truat,Truetor eh�l pay to Lender�II rnounb Mcur�d by thb Deed ` .,,, <br /> . of Truat as they become due,and ehalt elrictly and In a tlmely menner pertorm�d of Truetor'e oWl�etbn�under ths Not�,this Oosd otTruet,�nd the ;i y �;�-•° <br />? Retated Documenls. ��� . %�; <br />: � ,, ,�?�. ;� POSSE9SION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Truatore po�osabn md uee ot th�Propertyl�h�ll b�povorned by , � � <br /> `0� the tolbwing provisbns: �Lti�•:—,_ <br />`i�. '� Posaesslon and Us�. Until the occuRence of an Event o1 Default,Trustor mey (�)rernaln In posaeoalon�nd control of tlw PropMty, (b)ues, �---�—, <br />:,. � ' .�. operete or manege the Property,and (c)oollect any Rents trom the Property. "��� <br />�_��•� ..,,� Duty to Malntsin. Truslor shell malntaln the Propeny in tenentabte condlUon and prompty pertorm NI repake,replaoen'�enb.�nd m�ir►lenanoe ----- ��� <br />-��''�'-'���' raceasary to prosorve ib vaiue. _ - _ <br />�I11��m:+ve ��, <br /> Hwrdous Sub�tancN. Tho tcirtns"hazardous weste,"'heserdoua eubetance,••d;apoaal"reteaee�"�nd'thratsnW rM�w�"w uNd In tl� �:�, <br />��'�"�'"�'` Dedd oi Truat,ahdl hsve the sarrie maanings as aet torth in tho Comprehenstve EnvkonrnentY Reeporros,Conpst�tbn,�ed LI�b1Nly 11ct of ����._____ <br />�7•�"• '-' 1880,ee arriended,42 U.S.C.Sectlon 8801,et aeq. ("CERCLA�,the Superfund Mnendments and Rewthorli�l3on Act oT 1000,Pub.4 No. ��-�s�- <br /> 1•�: 99-499("SARA'�,the H�zudous Materids TrenspoRetbn Act,49 U.S.C.Sectlon 1801,et eeq.,the Resourca Con�erv�tbn�nd Rocowry Act� ��,;`. <br />��'. `"`_� .^�'� ,2 ll�.C.°.,;,,"N�ti&".�Jt��:c�^ti.,�r othd°p�!^„_!+M stp+.e^r pnna►�i u�wn nikw,ar raauledon�edopted Durou�nt t0�RY Of tf1�10rW01D0• fie --_ __ <br />�Y�Y.'ir� :-. _ . <br /> - temx+'hazerdoua weste"nnd'hezerdous substnnce"shNl also Inctude,wiihout IlrNtaUon,pevolaum and petroleum by-praducte or iny h�ctlon _ _. <br /> rr,�.=��.;.^.� thereof and asbestos. Trustor repreaents and wertanis to Lender thet (e)During the porbd ol Truetor'6 ownar�hip o1 ttw PrApMry,tlwra hRa ���� <br /> d„� ��.� been ra uae,gener�Uon,manutadure,storege,treatment,disposal,release or threatened reiease ot�ny huardous wa�N or wtMtance by�ny __ <br />�,s s„�:"`'�`-°� person on,under,ebout or 1rom the Properry; (b)Trustor has no knowtedge of,or reason to betieve th�l there h�e bNn,ucc�pt a�prwbuMyl �°-�__-_ <br />_:��J- dlscbsed to and acknowfedged by Lender In wrlUng, Q)ony use,genereUon,manutacture,etorage,Ve�tment,dlapotN,rM�aN,or thr�krwd ;���;,-_ <br /> �.. __...:.. rdease of any hazardous waste or eubstance on,under,about or hom tho Properry by any prior owners or occup�nq of th�PropMt�l a (1��ty �;1-=: <br /> . :,�'�s-r��-� actueJ or threntenod Itt►gatlon or Galms ot any kind by any pereon releUng to auch mettere;�nd (o)Exc�pt a prwiout!y awao�d �.;�;_ <br />' ��:;.�L.1;.. , ecknowledged by Lander In wrlUng, (I)nelther Trustor nor any tenant,ContrACtor, agent or other euthotiz d uaer of tM PiopMry�haM uM, , ti�. <br /> � f. genorete,menutacture,store,treat,diapose of,or rolease any hazardoue waste or eubstance on,unda�,�bout or trom tM Prop«ty�nd (II)Rny %�-_:_ <br /> � euch ectiviry ehall be conducted In compllance with all eppliaable taderd,etnte,nnd IocN lawe,regul�tbne�nd ordinar►o�,(nCludM whhout �— <br /> Ilmitetlan thoso Iewe,regutatbns,and ordlnances descdbed above. Truator authori=ee Lendsr�nd ite�gerrif to�ntw upon tM PropNry b ,�`��� <br /> ' �� m�ke euch I ns and tests,at Truator'e ex nse,�s lendor may deom�ppropdate to determine compN�na o}ih� Propnty wNh thM '�`4 <br /> . nspectb pa {:E�;:�..:_. <br />' eecUon of ihe Oeed o1 Trust any Inspectlona or tosts made by Lender shap be tor Londer'e purpoaes ony�nd ah�ll not b�oonMn►�d b a� <br />- � ' amr responslbllity or Aabiliry on the part ot Lendor to Truaror or to nny other poreon. The representetlone md w�r�nqN ooMMne�MrMn r� �'1,��: <br /> ' t. ";:r.• ,. ''.�`.' <br /> . �- , i;'���.:i:` �ls'r��''.�`�"� <br />-. - �"-.,�.,� :'a�..,` <br /> � �..,•,�t�;�: <br />- i . ..4.�•: ;►, 't'_ . <br /> . <br /> , <br /> . . . . <br /> , ... .. _ . :.�.p�,1�.y....- <br /> , _ .. . """ _� "'" • '_ ' '' _+' "` <br /> � /' � . . ' _' . . J' 'w' ' . . <br /> . ,^�y..,� Y . ' . . .� . .. ''. _ - '''".4'..._ . - <br /> �! _ � . . . � . - . � . r .. . .. � - <br /> + ; . . . T ' .. , ' � ' _ <br /> ', � -. �� ' - �� ' ' - . .. <br /> Y . .. . .� ____—_._ <br /> - ,. ') � , - - ' ' - . � • .. <br /> �., t <br /> .. _ .. � .. . � . . <br />