<br /> `�'V�
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<br /> 18129—The Augustine Co., County 8uppliea, Gra.nd Island, Nebr.
<br /> It is the ir�tention of the grantor herein to convey the above described premi9es, to�ether with
<br /> all mineral rights therein, and the grantor hereby remi�es, releases and quit clairn� to the grar��ees
<br /> herein all mineral rights in and to said premises which were reserved under a, quit-elairn deed
<br /> dated �ctober 11, 1g4o, between the same parties, and which ��3as filed in the office of the Regis'Ger
<br /> of Deeds, o�' Ha11 County, �ebraska, on the 15th d�.y of November, 19�0, and recorded in Book �1 at
<br /> Page �75 of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Toge�her with all and singular the hered3.tament� thereunto belonging.
<br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above de5cribed premises unto the �aid Meryl W.Armstrong and H�len S.
<br /> Armstrong, husband and wi�'e, as ,joint t�nants with right of survivorahip, their heirs and aesigns;
<br /> so that neither Martha E. Sear�on, a widow, the said grantor, or any person in her name and behalf,
<br /> shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the 8aid premises or any part thereqf,
<br /> but they and every one of them shall by theae presents be �xcluded and �'orever barred.
<br /> IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal the day
<br /> and year above written. Martha E. Searson
<br /> �3igned, seal.ed and delivered in presence of
<br /> Rena J. Chappell
<br /> 9TATE OF NEW Y�RK ) �n this 13th day of Mareh, A.D. 1941, before me, the undersigned,
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> NEW YORK COUNTY ) W111ard 5. �utton, a Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified for
<br /> and residing in said county, personally came Martha E. �earson, a widow, to me known to be the iden-
<br /> '�ical person whose name is affixed to the foregoin� instrument a� grantor, and acknowledged the same
<br /> to be her voluntary aet and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notar3.a1 S�a1 the day and year last above written«
<br /> Wil.lard �. Sutton
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publ.ic
<br /> Notary Public, Kings County
<br /> Kinge County C1erk' s No. 3�7
<br /> New York Caunty Clerk' s No.�l2
<br /> Commission Expires March 30, 1�942
<br /> Filed for record this 20th day of March, 19�1, at jt30 o ' clock P.M, ��%���
<br /> e�gister of e�ds
<br /> �0-0-0-0-C-0-0-Q--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-.�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0=0-0-0-0-0-0.�
<br /> 'THIS INDENTURE, M�de thia 21st day of March, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-one
<br /> between Earl A.Mecham and Nettie Mecham, Hus�band and Wife, of the fir�t part, and Grand Island
<br /> Trust Company, Tru�tee, of the gecond part,
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of' One Dollar and
<br /> other val.uable considera'Gion, to us duly paid, the receipt whereof is her�by acknowledged, we
<br /> remised released and uit-claimed and b these resent5 do for ourselveg our heirs executor�
<br /> , , q , Y P , ,
<br /> and adm3.nis'Grators, remise, releas� and forever quit-claim and conv�y unto '�he �sid part- of th�
<br /> second part, and to its heirs and assigns forever, al1 our right, title, interest, e�ta�e claim
<br /> and demand, both at 1aw and in equity, of, in and to all
<br /> The North One-half (N�) of the iVorth One-half (N2) of the Southwest Quarter (8'GV�) of the Southea�t
<br /> Quarter ( SF.�), and the North One-half(N�-) of' the �outheast �uarter (SE�) of the 8outheast Quarter,
<br /> and the North One-half of the South On�-half (N�$�) of the �outheast Quarter (8E� of the SOUtYlE88�
<br /> Quarter (�E�) of Section Eleven �11), in Town�hip Eleven �11) , North, Range T�n (10� ,W�st of the 6th
<br /> N
<br /> P 40 r s m r r ss d n a
<br /> .M. , Hall County, ebraska, containing ac e , o e o le , accor i g ta overnment eurvey
<br /> thereo.f.
<br /> This deed is an absolute conveyanc� of title in effect as well as in form and is not intend�d a�
<br /> a mortgage, trust conveyance of security of any kind. The consideration therefor is fu11 relea�e
<br /> of all debts, obligations, costs and charges h�reto�'ore subsisting on account of and by the terms
<br /> of that certain mortgag� heretofore existing on the property herein eonveyed (which mortgage wa�
<br /> executed by Clinton F.Mecham and Martha E.Mecham,Husband and Vdife to Grand Island Trust Company,
<br /> and recorded in Book 69, Page 237, of' the Official Reccards of Hall County, 8tate of Nebraska) , and:
<br /> the note secured thereby, this conveyance eompletely satis�ying said obligation and terminating
<br /> said mortgage and note and any effect thereof in all respects.
<br /> Together with a11 and singular the hereditarnen�s thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said arand I51and Trus� Company, Trus'�ee
<br /> heix�s and assigns ; so th�.t neither we the said Earl A.Mecham and Nettie Mecham,' Husband and Wife, ::
<br /> or any person in our na.me and behalf, shall or wi11 hereafter claim or demand any right or title
<br /> to tne said premises or any part �hereof, but �hey and ev�ry one of them sha11 by these presents
<br /> be excluded and for�ver barred. '
<br />